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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/02/17/doj-alumni-staff-attorneys-resist/ They are talking about bringing human waste from NYC to dispose of in the greater Rochester area. The jobs created most likely will pay more than the laundromat. I don't really want any more crap around than what already is but if I can't fight you might as well get paid to handle it.
  2. We all know that there are idiots of all persuasions out there. Idiot conservatives have been covered at length. We need to address the concept of just because you are a liberal that does not automatically make you enlightened or intelligent.
  3. I guess that V'ger did a heck of a job on her brain?
  4. Similar thoughts for me at the time and at a similar age. Today I think of it as Lightfoot and others back then really knew how to write music and tell a story.
  5. The Amish will still be around. The only problem is that everybody else dying off puts a hurt on the Amish living on the fringe of society. Nobody would be around to drive them to town or use a phone. A conundrum ahead for the Amish bishops.
  6. Technology is moving faster than what people's abilities to cope with that technology are. Bad things ahead for humanity.
  7. Old labor "heavy" economy under Carter. Obama had nowhere to go but up after the hard downturn during 2008. If Mayor Pete can add 7M new jobs during his first 35 months I will have to give him credit, too. Trump will not be the first nor the last to ignore the deficits.
  8. Went to school with a kid who had a living great great grandfather. Must have started a new generation every 17-20 years and predisposed towards living a very long life.
  9. Sorry that you are jealous and glad that women don't perceive me as one step away from being a sexual assault perp. Maybe when you grow up girls will let you hang out with them.
  10. She's already been done on the small screen. It's called Star Trek TOS : Turnabout Intruder. That aside for as long as Bill and Hill are around they would pull strings to block any project concerning their family (unless it had a 100 percent pro-Clinton bend to the story). Sorry, just the way I see it. He does not pick up cans and bottles until after the bars close each night.
  11. I'm thinking more along the lines that somebody like the Erie County Exec or leading state senator or power broker regional congress person merely suggesting a dialog take place in terms of exploring what is possible. Nobody is saying that the Pegula's should spout off without talking to a key player in such a move first. Heck, the kickoff could come in terms of a column put out by a respected (there's a laugh) member of the area media.
  12. Don't know much about either NYPA or the PBA but what kind of money are you talking about and why don't we see talk about this outside of this forum?
  13. It's been said that while Ralph owned the team that the general uncertainty of the team's future was a roadblock in terms of getting a substantial amount of that money to commit. The mediocre seasons also did not help. I would guess that most of the tapping for the last 30 years has been into a moderate income level for those areas. Anyways, I would bet that the Pegula's have researched what is out there yet to be gotten.
  14. I don't know what the Pegula's have in mind for a new camp location. It has been said that the NFL is trending towards having camp at a team's home facility. That might be more efficient and a better sell to new players who bring family with them to their new NFL city. Anyways, the Pegula's could bring it back to OP, stay at SJF, go south of Buffalo, go into NF, go across the river into Ontario Province among the possibilities. Each location has its merits and drawbacks.
  15. You talk about a billion dollars as though it was found change in your sofa. The Pegula's probably could source a billion dollars rather readily over a few months but the NFL wants them to play the ransom game in terms if the public does not want to pay then the team will get moved at some point. Give me a realistic public financing plan versus saying the Mayor of Buffalo, Erie County Executive, and the Governor of NY GOTTA pony up.
  16. The whole idea of a big upgrade for New Era or a new facility is to tap into new revenue streams. No, you are not going to extract double the seat value drawing from Erie County alone. The NFL and the Pegula's want to draw from much farther away from places such as Toronto, Rochester, and Syracuse to name a few places and they are targeting the top income brackets in those places. That is the only way a new 60-65K seat facility is going to work in terms of revenue.
  17. The peasants, yes. The big spenders who are paying thousands per game not so much. The NFL is trying to attract the big money and is not concerned about what the serfs might do.
  18. I have a feeling that quite a number of the big spenders will come from outside of Buffalo so access will be important. Not creating something that will be a turn off to the big money will be important. OP is a known quantity as far as travel and accommodations go so I don't see much consumer resistance if a new stadium went there. People here are talking up rail and buses like it will be widely accepted but having your vehicle no more than five minutes away by foot is the WNY that I have always known so that would be important in my mind.
  19. Yes, but there was quite a bit more to it in my case. The more qualifications that a person seeks normally shrinks the pool of candidates to choose from and there is always the possibility of hitting an issue early that may be a relationship ender before you get to what other qualities that they may have. Easy to say that a person will consider all angles before cutting someone loose but it's another thing to actually practice it. I would not send a woman packing over her bust size when I was dating as it just was not all that important on the list of things to consider but would have definitely considered it a bonus if a woman was ideal in that department.
  20. Sure. Just fly it real fast around the sun and then do the breakaway maneuver.
  21. With any luck there will not be any open dates for conventions during January's. Could be a problem for the convention folks.
  22. Definitely a mosquito and not another variety of insect. No foods laying around and in particular fruits or soft vegetables.
  23. Good points. Growing as a man sometimes goes slower than it needs to but as long as you are growing that is what matters most. I was not the sharpest guy when it came to women during high school but I realized before it was done that the best option for me was a girl that really did not have much use for a bra. Which is to say that I valued her intellect far far more than her cup size.
  24. You would be surprised at what goes on if hot women are comfortable around you or do not perceive you as a threat. Shirts sliding off and bras getting vigorously adjusted. But your right in that you have to employ the old Seinfeld stance of get a sense of it then look elsewhere.
  25. Any vote whether it be moderate or hard left can't be split between two or more candidates and still have meaning if those candidates are not there in the final round. At some point somebody like Klobuchar has to start grabbing a much larger portion of the overall voter base to have real momentum. Big Labor's golden age was from 1945 to 1990 in terms of union participation. Big labor was still effective for years afterward as those people retired but still went out to the town halls to vote. These same people today are dying literally or are getting too old to participate.
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