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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. It's the only thing that matters and you know it. Batman knows it. Captain Picard knows it and down the line. Reality will come crashing down on you come this November.
  2. Common sense tells me that 3 people is not a sizable sample in determining a trend when it comes to Presidential politics. It does not matter if you know 3 people or if I know 3 people.
  3. So in PA alone you need to speak to 129,997 more African-Americans is what I get out of that. I could speak to 3 people about never Biden, Sanders, etc. but that does not make for a sizable sampling of the population never mind a national trend. You have your work cut out for you. You need to speak to approximately over 600 people per day until Election Day in just the state of Pennsylvania alone. Get cracking!
  4. I can only wish that. Unfortunately, a lot of days when I have time to spend here it means things are slow in terms of business. I should not complain as for the most part I get to do something that I like to do but the downside is I most likely will never get rich at it.
  5. What if you are your own boss and it does not involve pumping out production at a manic rate?
  6. She still holds a tremendous amount of power behind the scenes in that party. Even though it bruises her ego her people obviously came to the conclusion that she would not prevail with the general public in terms of being picked for the POTUS position. She listened to her subordinates and realizes the way in is through another body. If picked for VP no way is she going to sit there for very long if the Dems prevail in November.
  7. If I had an 8AM class I would sometimes see him in the Triphammer-Thurston-Waite area around 7:45 driving something like a black Saab. My understanding was that Sagan did a fair amount of holing up if he was in town. He could be in his office but it was closed off to general student traffic. Have a problem then go see the TA's.
  8. Hopefully, Sagan was present at most of the lectures. My friend told me that he was able to take a Sagan course (don't remember the title anymore) and Sagan did perhaps five lectures total and office hours were few and far between. Trying to remember who taught Intro American History to 1865 while I was there during the 1980's.
  9. Development will not start until the check is cut. Nobody is spending 100's of millions without a firm commitment namely payment to at least the extent of covering the company's cost in doing so.
  10. Once again Meathead is getting the edge on Mike Farrell in the battle of the 1970's liberal icons. Maybe Farrell has settled into a decade long ponderance as to why his character was called BJ?
  11. The media has the Soviet model to refer to when shielding Biden but will require some tweaking to make it passable here. Don't be surprised if the media pushes for a pre-recorded "debate" to isolate Biden from the world. Trump would be a fool to agree to this but the network gets the last word on how things are done on their medium. The narrative will be that nearly all Americans do not get to attend a debate to see it live so why does it matter if it is prerecorded? If Biden were to be elected I would expect direct access to him to be nearly impossible. This would set the stage for a de facto government led by any number of people. At its worst this government could take on a "Patterns of Force" type tone with a strong man (or woman) effectively running things.
  12. Not a POC but Hillary is out there like the rebuilding Death Star between ESB and ROTJ.
  13. Adrian Monk's preferred wardrobe if he did not fear getting the crap beat out of him everyday in SF.
  14. I don't get TSW regulars looking down at PPP people as un-evolved life. Look at TSW and people are still burning over trades that they do not know the foundation for from the 1960's. Expect current Bills management to jump at their suggestions as though they were majority owners in the organization. Then the everyday threads proposing unrealistic trades and releases/firings. And we are considered the crazy ones? Well, the jackwagon-ry of Tibs and his alter-egos does pull it down a couple notches but still.......... At least on most occasions we discuss things that can be voted upon by the average person or fire off an E-mail to our rep that will at least be read if not acted upon. The Trump tie-in to Coronavirus is the current liberal talking point whether watching the evening news on the alphabet channels or the liberal round table of college professors on the weekend talk politics shows.
  15. Politicians such as Houghton are sorely missed along with a WNY legend in Barber Conable.
  16. Republican congressman from Corning whose 34th, 31st, and 29th districts represented parts of WNY including Erie, Chautuagua, Cattaraugus, Allegany, Wyoming, etc. counties. Served 1987-2005. Served in the US Marine Corp. Moderate that helped bridge differences between the parties. He was 93. It was speculated several years before Ralph Wilson passed that the Houghton family would be sought out as partial investors in the Bills when the team would be sold. This obviously never turned out to be the case.
  17. Using federal dollars in a massive direct relief effort was very improbable to happen during Hoover's time in office regardless of who may have been President. I think that just about anybody who would have been realistically elected to the office of POTUS then would have thought in terms of stabilizing the banks so money would be there for business to use with the end result of stimulating employment. We can't use the prism of what came after Hoover's term to look at his administration. I don't recall reading about any groundswell in congress for direct relief and he would have had the same issues with the Supreme Court striking down radical change just as FDR did. While a sweeping federal presence in society is felt as being normal and second nature today back in 1929-1930-1931 that same presence would have most Americans fearing a socialist uprising. I would never argue that Hoover was a great President I think he unfairly gets dumped on for things out of his control and measures that he would have been blocked from trying. A lot of the ideas that went into FDR's AAA (agricultural adjustment act) came from the Federal Farm Board of Hoover's administration.
  18. More and more subject interests such as vintage car collecting are going to other forms such as using Facebook. The talk was that the Bills were pushing fans to do the same thing versus having a team board.
  19. Obviously, Biden is under no pressure to name a VP prospect before the convention but the longer he waits the more I wonder that the prospect will be unpopular to the general electorate as that person will be a box checker for the Dems? What boxes will the Dems be looking to check?
  20. This. The market was reacting to the Democrats' obvious moves to have moderate as their candidate versus a radical. Anything as to a Biden bounce was just irrational exuberance by the media.
  21. I disagree with calling Hoover an awful President (in a friendly respectful way). He believed in letting the problems associated with the Depression working themselves out versus carrying out a heavy program of intervention by the federal government. To his disadvantage he certainly was not charismatic when speaking in public. World War II was the stimulus that rich and poor in the US were willing to accept to get the economy back on its feet. Hoover's administration never aligned with an acceptable event that would allow for massive federal spending. Stimulation in an area of the economy such as agriculture would have not made things better as there was over production already in that sector of the economy. More production would have further reduced prices received for agricultural commodities making it even more difficult to service debts. Even as tough as things were the public was not in favor of general wealth redistribution nor printing money to help out the most adversely affected.
  22. I don't think Joe has that much power with the DNC in terms of naming his own VP candidate. I hate to keep going to the HRC well but I would be willing to bet there are some ultra-quiet discussions going on concerning her and that she has first dibs. Biden would be about the only one that she would consider running with given his uncertainty in terms of health. I never bought into a Bloomberg/HRC ticket happening nor Mayor Pete and down the line.
  23. Hillary is drawing the last 50M out of the Clinton Foundation to arrange an "honorarium" to the DNC for that outcome as we speak. It does not stroke the ego like being drafted at the convention does but gets her in the WH door where the "darnedest" things are known to happen. How did that gallon container of Linseed Oil get spilled on the staircase and darned if it wasn't Ole Quid Pro himself that slipped and broke his neck?
  24. Yep. Otherwise she would have had her "consultation" to pull out Monday like Mayor Pete and Klobuchar had with the DNC leadership. I wonder how all the Bernie Bros are feeling this morning?
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