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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Cantaloupe shopping!
  2. Pop, snack foods, and delivery pizza are the sole source of foods in many households anymore. Must be the schools stopped with the talks on the food pyramid and food groups in general quite some time ago. I buy very little in the way of processed foods. I alternate between bananas and oranges and orange juice and grape juice at a minimum. Grapes help with heart health which is somewhat of an issue on my mother's side of the family.
  3. Kind of surprised at that and noticed the same thing at Wegman's. Used to be canned soup, canned vegetables, etc. were go to staples.
  4. Tiberius' blue wave reduced to a tempest in a toilet bowl?
  5. The rumor that I always heard was possibly more than one affair and one of those was with a DL's wife. Getting Lamonica out of Buffalo was to calm the clubhouse and possibly keep him in one piece. If true then Ralph most likely did not have a choice.
  6. I just watched the beatdown that the Bills put on the Dolphins back in 1987 at Buffalo. Complete NBC feed with Criqui and Trumpy.
  7. I've owned a Stihl 025 for over 20 years. Yes, that model is no longer made but it is in between a homeowner saw and a professional logger saw. It has held up very well and does not wear down a person not used to cutting wood by the cord. If I were looking today on that basis I would look for another Stihl. What little I hear is none of the saw brands are on the level that they were a generation ago in terms of durability and life expectancy. Stihl around me is supported by the John Deere dealer so I can go to a place that has regular hours and has a basic parts supply. Mom and pop dealers that carried everything are just about gone and when they were more prevalent they often had irregular hours and some were not the best in terms of parts stock. I would be interested in what others have to say.
  8. Cornell University is pushing as much as possible online following spring break. The impact on Ithaca and Tompkins County which depends on student spending will be very real. Don't know what CU would have done in earlier times such as when I was there. Punt the semester away? Easy to do when such places are run as company towns such as what the US saw during the late 19th/ early 20th Centuries. Tell a bunch of US workers that they they will not be drawing a paycheck for a few weeks so they can't make a mortgage or vehicle payment.
  9. I guess that I would ask how China took steps to prevent the spread? Restricted travel is a general part of how their government operates and has been the case since it took form. Also, I would ask who in the US was asking to be prepared in the US ahead of the outbreak as relating to Corona-V specifically. Unfortunately, not being prepared is as old as humanity itself.
  10. We are suppose to play nurse maid for Italy?
  11. It only makes sense in that most of China's population is immobile whereas Americans are highly mobile bringing themselves in contact with people that perhaps live thousands or miles away and may have had contact with people who have travelled considerable distances.
  12. The GOP and right wing media should be allowed to send representatives to the debate.
  13. Reminds me of the classic Seinfeld episode "The Opposite." As to who is paying him it is the modern version of the organization CHAOS from Get Smart helmed by Soros. If anything Tibs should be picking up hours at the laundromat as more Americans obsess over the cleanliness of their clothes. Tibs might yet wind up as a income tax paying citizen. For at least this year.
  14. I'm thinking that he winds up at Wende from what my DOC friend tells me. He can have the Jimmy Burke "suite." I think that Attica and Auburn only takes the healthy inmates. Five Points is supposed to be a little less harsh than the "A"s so he could have a cell with a "view" of the lake.
  15. Bernie is not forcing anything. Obviously, Sanders and the Dems came to an agreement on a price to stay in. The debate will be manipulated to make Biden look good and don't be surprised if on the surface that Biden has a good debate. It will set the narrative for next week's news cycle right into the Sunday morning talk shows and the weekend liberal college professor roundtables. I know that you are kidding but there are two things blocking that. One, Hillary thinks that it is still her turn. Two, even Hillary in her most delusional state knows she can't sell Chelsea to the public fresh from the boardroom of the Clinton Foundation.
  16. It would be her choice and you guys be darned if you did not want her. If the Democratic rank and file really had a choice you guys would not be stuck with Biden, Sanders, Clinton, etc.. You would be seeing the future for the next 25 years with prospects from Congress and the various governors from your party. Don't you wonder why your party is doing the vigorous recycling that it has been doing for the past few years? Names that don't excite a wide swath of the party. That "Not Trump" is the best that you can do?
  17. I still think Clinton rises up out of the swamp to stand beside Biden as the VP candidate.
  18. I fear that Bernie has already been bought off. That dirty old commie SOB and his supposed high ideals. No audience for this Sunday's debate means the party is free to do all the propping up of Biden that they can imagine to do. The DNC will not let even a fake showcase opportunity for Biden go so Bernie stays at least until next Monday.
  19. He owes all his followers an honest effort meaning taking it to the convention or until the money runs out. Bernie is not a Democrat and his followers do not believe in the moderate wing (small as it is at present) of the Democratic Party.
  20. As I suspected Sanders is treating his followers as chumps for the SECOND time. Anything less than the convention for a Bernie Bros means burning all Bernie memorabilia in a public display.
  21. Atta boy, A Dalek. Don't let Bernie opt for lower standards or a personal payday. Let the name of Bernie Sanders mean being a chump if he quits or continues to be soft on Biden. Sanders chose to be a candidate for President so he damn well had better see it through to the convention. Maybe Bernie's followers can convey this in no uncertain terms. May the adulation that Sanders seeks and cultivates permanently fade away if he gives anything less than his best.
  22. The Ivy connections are much broader if you have very high aspirations. The hometown connections in most situations are quite limited. A couple of companies, the local law firm, not having to start at the bottom of the ladder at the regional bank. Most times those will not get you to Manhattan or SF or wherever a person may choose to live not by default.
  23. AI will be the death knell for wide spread income in the legal and medical fields. The regressive classes i.e. Mennonites, Amish, etc. have their own problems as commodity prices and over supply have them operating at virtually no profit even with their labor intensive minimal salary mode of operation. Harmony has been replaced with bitterness as the concentration in any given area is too great given the resources. More communities see neighbors as unwanted competitors versus being brothers in a religious context. How do I know? I know people in Yates County. It's going to be a struggle for humanity to survive the next 50 years. Feelings of hopelessness, bitterness, and jealousy will pervade society for a while. People will feel the need to act out through criminal acts such as assault. I normally consider myself a natural optimist but this feeling of bleakness has been setting in for a while now. It will be better when the dust settles on the growth of technology but humanity is in for a lot of short term pain.
  24. I'm afraid that no audience opens the door for shenanigans by those involved. If Bernie had really wanted this he would have come after Biden much much much harder than he did. Would Bernie lay down or not call attention to cue cards for Biden if another lavish property was promised to him?
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