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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Don't trust the Chinese in terms of reporting. The only thing that I would believe is quick isolation due to the form of government they have. Their government will put a province on quarantine and give their soldiers orders to shoot violators.
  2. Pretty lofty goals that I don't see coming into being without a fundamental reshaping of society. People that don't make money the first priority are considered chumps by the standards of today. I can still hear the phrase "take the money and run" ringing in my ears even though my Cornell days are decades behind me.
  3. Would not surprise me. But one thing to consider is that Russian society most likely is fairly immobile. Also, harsh quarantines can be put in place without the Western media knowing anything about it. I would imagine that it still requires state permission to do anything more than travel a few kilometers unless you are highly placed in the government.
  4. I'd rather see Goober for President and cousin Gomer for VP.
  5. Based on previous experience working for a company that sent goods into Canada as well as bringing imports in from Canada I strongly doubt it. But both sides could surprise me in the name of keeping the respective economies from seizing up. The most immediate impact that I can see is agricultural products. I am not current as to the flow of dairy products going either way. Some US commodities such as soybeans were going to Canada to in turn go to China while the US was openly disputing trade with the Chinese. Not unprecedented as US wheat went to Canada to in turn go to the Soviets after Carter's embargo in 1980. Auto manufacturing most likely not as affected like it was a generation ago when stuff built by GM was going back and forth in the Detroit/Windsor, Ont area.
  6. I wonder if this means that foreign ships will be barred from entering French ports while the lockdown is on? More trade being restricted?
  7. A lot of goods that normally flow both ways will be disrupted. This is no small consequence.
  8. UBI is a whole different proposition than a one time shot in the arm to keep bill payers above water. If the projections come true in terms of wage earners being out several weeks of pay then the 1,000 dollars will pay for the groceries for smaller households but not a lot else. UBI would be in anticipation of a permanent shift in the economy in terms of jobs not coming back. Will the connections permanently severe in a community in terms of jobs staffed by humans versus automation and most likely AI?
  9. But was he really a Nazi at heart? Very doubtful for him to have come to the US and become a citizen if his background was against him. I have heard his story before. Cousins down in the Finger Lakes had a teacher who was in the Afrika Corp with Rommel. Not a Nazi but just a young man that was a product of a poisonous political environment. Not every last German military person was a Hitler fanatic. One thing that a show like Hogan's Heroes got right was the meh (or worse) attitude that Luftwaffe officers had for the Nazi's.
  10. I have not settled on a premise yet and if somebody else has an idea then I would just go with the flow.
  11. While this is a legitimate topic and one that I pondered starting although on a more general basis I don't think the OP should be the one to do it as it will be deleted if he does not like the direction that it is going. Soros pays that good?
  12. At best the Chinese were friendly competitors with the US. Would not surprise me at all that this was an intentional outbreak with the US as a general target. I wonder what is sitting in secret with our allies' intelligence services such as Great Britain?
  13. So she became Hyacinth Bucket?
  14. "Our" slow response is not limited to the POTUS as some here would claim. Many people of varying political affiliations no doubt took the attitude of "it's over there" and isolation measures are way too premature for the time being. Also, countries such as South Korea have to perpetually deal with nations such as China and North Korea keeping secrets in regards to many things including pandemics. Let's not confuse regional paranoia with farsightedness. Blaming Trump at every step of this event is just playing lightning rod politics. The trouble is after the upteenth time people will just ignore it to the displeasure of some.
  15. No longer a recommendation. The casinos must close effective 8PM this evening until further notice.
  16. Cuomo recommending that NY casinos close temporarily. Del Lago is already wobbly financially and the employees will have to try to cope w/o a paycheck while this goes on if the casinos follow Cuomo's suggestion.
  17. Adrian Monk?
  18. As much as I would like to ignore Tibs and the liberal college professors who have their own weekend shows a person has to keep an eye on the opposition. Too many impressionable young people out there that need a voice to point out what is wrong with these fools. Scrooge McDuck (BNBB's)?
  19. I think that most people will be surprised as to the UC's that will develop. The service industry will be hit hard as it includes restaurants. I hate to keep going back to this but many eateries in college towns rely on full semesters to make their livings as they have slow downs to deal with during the summer and Christmas breaks. Farmers relying on exports for commodities such as soybeans could see the US bottleneck thus reducing income. Restaurant owners and farmers contribute to their local economies in terms of buying supplies and on the high end vehicles so the associated businesses will take a hit.
  20. Comrade Joe?
  21. And you are taking no delight in this? You are not fantasizing about this damaging Trump?
  22. Almost as bad in the day that Ralph called Erie County to make sure the power was going to be on back during the mid-1980's just hours before a scheduled game.
  23. It has already been reported that this interruption will be very hard on college towns like Ithaca, Geneva, Alfred, etc.. Cornell is going to finish the semester once back from spring break online.
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