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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I guessed Wende a few days ago.
  2. Hoover was not a huge supporter of S-H. It was part of the party platform and he felt obligated to go along with it. Had it taken longer to get through Congress it could have very well died with a veto. I don't know how much S-H mattered in the end as there was too much production world wide after the 1929 crash. Agriculture ramped up to export wheat to Europe during and shortly after WWI and was wobbly during the 1920's putting pressure on politicians to fix low commodity prices and prop up farm land values.
  3. Good stuff. A bad environment came out of Central Europe after the end of the First World War and the collapse of the German government. On paper Germany had the Weimar Republic but in many areas that government barely had a presence which allowed extremism to prevail. I was told by an ancestor who lived in that part of Europe that the Traditionalists, Communists, Fascists, and Anarchists were all vying for power. The best way for the average person to survive there was to stay in their home to avoid these people not that it always worked. In my mind Hitler used this fear to further his ambitions.
  4. It was uncharted waters in 1930 and there was immense paranoia about communism in terms of the federal government being too involved. I suspect any radical moves would have been overturned by the Supreme Court during Hoover's tenure. During another era without having to go through an economic collapse Hoover probably would have a much better legacy as a President.
  5. Then they can board with ACLU members.................
  6. A lot of that kind of talk already going on. I've heard that the auto manufacturers among others will be asked to idle plants for 30-40 days. We shall see. I don't know how much authority state governors have on these matters.
  7. For the sake of discussion give us an idea. It's not like a couple of people on an obscure message board are going to end civilization as we know it.
  8. Is there evidence to this point supporting a man made pandemic? No. Could evidence be uncovered or revealed pointing to manipulation or material that occurred possibly with a human host? Can't be ruled out. I would like to see some redundancy in testing before swearing that it is impossible.
  9. While unproven there is certainly room to take what you said into serious consideration. We would all like to believe in 2020 that no one power would do something quite unethical in the minds of most people in order to shift the balance of power but we cannot simply say that is impossible because the idea scares us.
  10. The dingbat is talking about (complete) cancellation. There is no connection to Coronavirus.
  11. Leaving investments alone should be the decision unless there is a financial emergency involved and even then depending on the amount a loan may be the more prudent way to go if possible.
  12. What does somebody do if they are still considered employed but they have zero hours worked for the next few weeks? In other words they have not been fired or terminated. Hopefully, this will end any talk of Warren being a possible VP choice.
  13. Money is going to have to go to main street whether people like the idea or not. Quite a bit will have to go in the form of forgivable loans or grants. Too many small businesses will lack the ability to repay on what would be equal to 30-60 days of lost revenue or worse. Too many small businesses operate on paper thin margins any given year. I honestly don't know how landscapers and pizza shop owners make any kind of living if they have to support 4 or more in the household.
  14. Even with considerable restructuring we would still retain around 80M to make decisions on our next round of UFA's plus look at new players.
  15. Somebody know what the 2021 cap looks like after the events of the past 24 hours?
  16. Anything more would most likely be irresponsible until we can survey the landscape in 90 days to see how various industries are weathering this.
  17. I predict a net loss of jobs because of this event. A lot of industries will be looking to reduce the human impact on their business in a repeat of this outbreak. Agriculture was unstable before this and if commodities stay down so will spending by farmers and most likely the balance sheet erodes. Agriculture still has a very large impact on the WNY economy.
  18. Which is all speculation without a press conference from Brandon Beane or Bill O'B to set the record straight. I doubt that Bill O'B is going before the Houston media to say he turned down far better compensation from an AFC team because of competitive fears.
  19. The market is going to have pronounced good days and bad days for the next couple of years I would bet. Too soon to say how this will all play out. Tempting to jump in or jump back in the market right now but there is nothing there to prevent further erosion on stocks.
  20. I guess that I would ask at this point for somebody to show the board that we actually walked away from a smoking deal for Hopkins versus blindly speculating. It takes two to make a deal and the fact that Hopkins is out of the AFC on the cheap means that Bill O'B was not dealing in the conference in my mind.
  21. Hard to tell sometimes when somebody is just kidding but I'll wait for some kind of verification that the Chinese are effectively dealing with this versus a few press releases.
  22. Houston might not have wanted to deal Hopkins to us as a potential playoff opponent in the conference.
  23. Works out to approximately 2,647 dollars per person assuming the US population is 321M as estimates suggest. Of course the division is not that simple as not every person will get 2,647 dollars. Much yet to be seen on this.
  24. Assuming that they did wide scale versus coming up with some footage for positive press. Just have to be skeptical when it comes to closed societies.
  25. That industry has had problems since I was old enough to remember which is a long time. But yes they should sell some shares but perhaps the fear is given their history that the shares will not be worth much especially at present. Who knows if that is enough or not. It would keep US households solvent short term (month) but at this point we do not know what the long term damage is with businesses among other factors. When the stock market hit the wall in October of 1929 it took over 2 1/2 years for the DJIA to bottom out where it lost over 90 percent of its pre-crash value. I suspect it will take years to know the true extent of the damage as the economy is much more complicated than it was in 1929.
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