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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. So, a radical redistribution of wealth and resources are in order?
  2. Stop being a child (if possible). England and later GB ran North America in a colonial system during the time frame I mentioned. I guess that I should know better with you in terms of your credibility which is microscopic and collapsing.
  3. Do you think it is fair for the black community (your words) to pursue reparations from Great Britain as GB ran the show from 1619 until 1776? That is over a 150 year span.
  4. No. Trump is trying to make sure all votes are legit in terms of origin.
  5. Exactly, when the US was formed it was only several decades away from a war to end slavery. The Founding Fathers tried hard to outright eliminate it but in the end were unsuccessful as the South was far too reliant on it. These clowns take the view it was the "US" from the beginning because they know that Great Britain is not writing any reparations checks plus the population is loaded with like minded morons who might prove to be useful idiots in their battle. Your statement is utter and total nonsense.
  6. So, how much blood needs to be spilled on the altar of political correctness to make up for the sins of the past? I would say nearly all the people living today would be against the institution of slavery as practiced in the antebellum era.
  7. Three feral cats appear here immediately after my last post. Good thing I was not carrying a bag of Purina Cat Chow or you guys might have knocked me down to take it.
  8. You forgot the FIFY! That aside I think you have been huffing model airplane glue for quite a long time now. Used to hear about guys stowed away in the R wing of Strong Memorial Hospital because they fried their minds with that stuff. I'm thinking that you are one of them. If only that were true. At least you attempted to diminish the threat to yourself. Good boy!
  9. HHHHEEEELLLLLLLOOOOO (echo) in there! When do guys start talking about huffing, and puffing, and blowing the (White) house down?
  10. You must have a voice driven computer. That would be the only way you could respond when both your hands are over your eyes or ears.
  11. You have it bass ackwards but don't let me stop you.
  12. To talk to OMF is to talk to the wall or some other inanimate object.
  13. Full on liberal paranoid fantasies on display here. A psychiatrist could make enough fixing these libs to buy a NFL team!!
  14. Some still loath Northerners today. I've met people from the South. North Carolina may be New York light in terms of being inviting to those from the Northeast but there are places that are very much the stereotype that you see in television and the movies in terms of pushing non-Southerner's OUT!!!
  15. As applied to yourself? Yes, I can see it.
  16. That's right. Tear down or discredit things that you do not understand. That aside since the schism this board has become an interesting study in sociology. A couple generations ago guys like you would have been shunned to the corner of the neighborhood bar barely allowed in only because of the long held belief of because you have a penis you need a retreat from your household. Today you have the platform to find like minded fools in WNY and points beyond. You lucked out as to when you were born. In 1975 you would have had a couple of stale beers still in the can tossed your way as a measure to shut your pie hole.
  17. Seek out professional help at once. No one believes your bull plop other than the like minded sycophants that populate the board here. Go back to pretending that you are some rich socialite that moonlights here to enlighten the less fortunate or some other fantasy that you may have. Such as saving Hillary from the evil king who stole the throne.
  18. You are delusional. I am far from done here.
  19. Ten cans into a 12 pack of cheap beer by 2:30 in the afternoon is no way to go through life and I am talking about you!
  20. I've dealt with the Quebec French in business among other things. Yes, they want their culture preserve but still loath the English. Some are still butt hurt over the French and Indian War among other things.
  21. Interesting take on the Maritimes and one I don't usually hear. The impression I get is that they are productive if not modern. Fishing, lumber, and vegetable farming such as with PEI. The western provinces are the nation's breadbasket and producers of raw materials. Back to the Martimes does that region have a disproportionate amount of native people's receiving govt payments? Not being critical but just trying to get a handle on to what is going on.
  22. There is no getting around hysteria and gibberish when it is on display which is most of the time around here. If Trump wanted to be a dictator he would have muzzled the media and taken away weapons from the citizens a long time ago. So to answer your question, no, I don't believe Trump wants to be a dictator.
  23. You are resorting to raw hysteria and gibberish.
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