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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Col Flagg on MASH. Lionel Jefferson on All in the Family. Gomer Pyle when he was on The Andy Griffith Show. J Peterman on Seinfeld. Lionel Hutz on The Simpson's.
  2. I did not catch the full story on the television news two nights ago but it sounded like Cuomo is being advised to cancel the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. We shall see where this goes.
  3. When people such as AOC are elected to Congress you know that the end will be soon in sight.
  4. I agree with most of what you say. As far as timing the market goes you have people on this board doing that (not me) as far as guessing over the last week when to get back in. Did they all get out at 28,000? Doubtful.
  5. Did not catch the name of the "expert" but it sounds like Cuomo is being advised to have the schools write off the rest of the 2019-2020 academic year.
  6. There are so many things wrong with Gates' proposal I don't know where to begin but will try anyways. Everybody talks about unemployment benefits but that is not a limitless fund and not able to weather a once in 100 years very hard down turn as it is. I don't know all the fine print in the 2T stimulus package but that needs to be addressed for those who have households that need more than 1,200 dollars per adult and 500 dollars per child to stay solvent on. Guys who made it big on a narrow area of expertise trying to throw their weight around on things they know nothing about will be the end of us all.
  7. Who back in February was predicting the DOW to go below 20,000 as it did just a few days ago? Corona virus was known for anybody that cared to analyze its impact on the world. A year ago "experts" were proclaiming we were well on the way to 50,000. If somebody was truly all knowing then it seems that they could see the impact of one variable namely a pandemic. Before it all gets done we will see just how much the experts in fact do not know.
  8. Age is important. Remaining value relative to life expenses and other forms of income are important. There is also the risk that the market could keep declining which I have mentioned before. If we could all predict the market accurately then we would all be wealthy but that is often a distance away from reality. The bottom line is he needs to pick a point where he would need to exit the market to maintain his current life style and watch for it. If the DOW falls off of a cliff in the span of a week then we are all screwed. Like if it went from where it closed today down to 5,000 in several trading sessions. Hard to imagine even today but not entirely impossible if the market keeps seeing bad news on COVID19. For the time being I would hate to advise somebody in his position to panic sell.
  9. For guys like you it is all about the long run. Just keep an eye on it for now and realize it may take a considerable amount of time to get it back.
  10. Even better response. She just sent some facility pizza so she is probably all done at this point. Not like she could do something useful like being a door wedge block or hold a window open.
  11. You do know that Satan only makes deals that favors himself substantially?
  12. Tumulty whistling in the dark much?
  13. I could picture this Sherman being a writer for Soviet Tass during the depths of the Cold War.
  14. I'm not talking a verbatim parallel to the Great Depression but look at the charts from back then for the DOW and commodities. The markets had good periods from 1929-1932 but the long term trend was down. Don't let one good week of market activity convince you that our problems are behind us. I was out in a couple communities on business earlier today and the downtown activity judging from open parking spaces is about 20 percent of normal. Does it mean a complete collapse? Of course not but it tells me business is off for more than bars and restaurants. The McDonalds I passed did have the window open for drive up traffic. Must be the other McD's I previously mentioned had something else going on like a complete decontamination going on.
  15. Has not Dec 7 been considered a day of response by a repressed Asian Power by leftists for a while now? Anti-American Imperialism Day?
  16. I'll be more convinced that the economy is sound if the gains hold up for 4-6 months. Right now I am concerned that under extreme circumstances such as we are seeing presently the DOW is not a true barometer of what is happening. The DOW saw good periods as the Great Depression deepened during the early 1930's.
  17. I don't know how impressed we should be by South Korea. A lot of their efforts are driven by having two irresponsible neighbors in North Korea and China. How motivated they would be without those two nations I question. It's like having a good home bordered by two neighbors that let trash build up and don't cut the lawn. The good home owner hates picking up the trash that migrates over from the neighbors but knows if he does nothing then there will be issues with pestilence.
  18. Indeed. Plus, seen on Facebook: And we have a few halfwits here (including those over on OTW on COVID 19 topics) who would take the PRC's statements as 100 percent fact.
  19. Tibs is a heartless Wall Street bastage at heart. Old Man Potter rests well knowing that Tibs is on the prowl.
  20. Just NY? The US? A sloppy response even for you. There are going to be people out of work. People need to leave the safety of their surroundings and drive around the towns of WNY and just look. The new car places are closed. Some restaurants have adapted by offering pick up or delivery but many including the chain outfits such as McD's are closed. Many will be concerned over their reduced income which will reduce spending which will impact the incomes of others. A contraction is unavoidable. This is a time when needing financial credit is an issue and the velocity of money through the economy is a huge issue.
  21. If it were FDR, JFK, LBJ, Clinton these leftists would drooling over themselves from the factless feelz their leader was putting out. "It will get better soon" followed by swooning of guys like Tibs, Busey.
  22. Some of the wealthiest people that I knew personally drove old vehicles and dressed in a non-trendy manner.
  23. Sadly, many do not see that the economy is more than stats, formulas, and theories in this situation. There is no predicting from a formula the reduced business of a home improvement contractor because their clients simply will not have the money when the job was to be performed, want to conserve cash for the time being, or need to financially help out a relative.
  24. Keep him as far away from a position of real responsibility as possible.
  25. As I said in another thread on TSW going back to work has to allow for the employer being in a position to take the worker back. If you work for a casino such as Del Lago you are locked out as an employee meaning you have no say in the matter. If you have to pull the proverbial economic widget from the warehouse and pack it for shipping but there are not enough orders for you to come in to work I doubt your employer will schedule you much less provide a paycheck. Once again I would suggest that people go out into the community away from their sheltered existence and see how others have to survive. You might be surprised and perhaps shocked as to how the world works outside of your cubicle.
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