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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. This Week has very little credibility as it has the finger prints of George Stephanopolous all over it.
  2. Milk is not being picked up at the farm so the rest of it is immaterial until it is picked up. I should not make assumptions as to what you know about dairy farming so I will let you know nearly all farms do not have equipment to process milk. It is very cost prohibitive for nearly all individual dairy farms to do so and would require inspectors to certify it acceptable for sale. Against the law in most states for a farmer to sell milk directly from a holding tank.
  3. Potatoes seem to be more subject to random events during the season therefore impacting yield when not anticipated. Which is to say you can have an excellent plant but mediocre yield. Corn can be "willed" a little more by man via fertility, drainage, and irrigation so it will be less impacted by an off season. Sunlight directly impacts plant sugar so an overcast July and August will definitely reduce the sweetness in sweet corn.
  4. Marigolds are excellent to ward off tomato worms less effective to pests that bothers crops such as cabbage. Yes, sunflowers are very effective in bringing in bees and wasps as well.
  5. I've planted sweet corn in an area 1/2 acre down to the size occupied by a full sized extended cab PU. The corn came out the same with generous size ears with excellent flavor and sweetness. Corn needs a soil pH of near neutral or 7.0. Needs abundant amounts of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium which can be applied ahead of seeding to be utilized during the growing season. Seasonal rainfall should be around 15-20 inches per season or water 1" per week in temps 85 degrees or below. Corn likes sunlight as well as heat so do not plant in an area that will be shady a majority of the day when the Sun is up. Also, there should be some depth to the topsoil so shale 2 inches down from the top of the ground will be a problem. Stagger planting so maturity is spread so you can have a crop 70 days from initial planting until expectation of frost. One caveat is at least the best sweet corn is until mid-September as the days tend to cool after that point. Potatoes have similar needs to corn with emphasis on loamy top soil several inches deep. The deeper the better but the conditions can be offset by a process called hilling where the soil is moved mechanically from the midpoint between the rows towards the plant.
  6. Too early to grade. I'll have a better idea in a year. Too much that can happen both good and bad within the next year. I don't think that any politician to this point could earn a 10 realistically.
  7. I know you will find this hard to believe but I pull the lever for the best person for the job especially on the local level.
  8. Tiberius is way past the point of when running out of ammo then throw the gun. He is down to the point of throwing boogers and belly button lint (such as those items actually move through the air).
  9. Not only that but life is very cheap over there, unfortunately. They could easily go back to starving the majority of the population as long as the CCP holds the weapons.
  10. South Korea is another nation that is carried by the US in terms of military defense. Yes, they have troops and guns but the North does not storm through the 38th Parallel because of US forces including the US Navy and long range missiles. As far as college students go too many people take out big money on things that they could never hope to be paid back on via their degree. Return on investment needs to be taught as part of life living on the high school level. Appreciate your general compassion for the less fortunate.
  11. The globalists are still working to get a POTUS this fall that will bend to their desires. The path will just be a bit longer now with Corona Virus raising people's interest in world affairs.
  12. I only read the first three but became very disheartened in a hurry. The useful idiots are obviously plentiful for what the Cuomo's, Schumers, and Pelosi's have in store for us.
  13. Well, of course you can source seed from numerous sources. But what if the restriction grows from the neighborhood store to catalog or online sources which is in essence my joke? Before COVID-19 I would have said impossible as to not being able to buy or plant seed. In the last week we have politicians such as DiBlasio saying that places of religious worship should be closed permanently. By the way who is DiBlasio sending out to tell the Muslims that the mosques will never reopen should a permanent ban come to be? Under the surface there appears to be quite a number of socialists or communists ready to take charge should society at present fail. A starving population no doubt is a willing population in their minds. By the way Kudos to your gardening and livestock efforts. Hopefully, you will take the next step in terms of vegetable staples such as potatoes and sweet corn. Not as fancy and impressive as raised beds but gives you some control over the bulk of your food supply. Lastly, as of this morning on the local home improvement radio show plants for vegetables and fruits are NOT prohibited at this point in time for NY.
  14. Well, if people had seeds they might just be able to feed themselves versus throwing themselves at the feet of a socialist central government.
  15. While fine in theory I doubt very much that China will make any reparations to the rest of the world. We still can not be sure that this pandemic was not intentional.
  16. Both can be true. I see people living paycheck to paycheck. A life long friend does so and I have been in his house many times. No fancy vehicle in the driveway and no state of the art electronics. They cook their meals and very little is prepared out of the box. Also, I see people that I know are making minimum wage who have a 50,000 dollar pickup in the driveway courtesy of leasing. The kids wear expensive but not high quality clothes (150 dollar jeans). The 53 percent that ALF cited can be debated but there are more than a few Americans who are hand to mouth through no fault of their own.
  17. Did not catch the full story but speculation is out there that a lot of companies will evaluate payroll in terms of less expensive options i.e. younger workers. Older workers could suddenly be thrown into early retirement far sooner than expected. Some may not be in a position to weather early retirement in terms of maintaining their home, vehicle, and kids' college if they are only 45-50 years old. I would imagine that quite a number were expecting to hang on until their mid 60's. We will have to see how this all progresses over the next year.
  18. India won't be as cheap as China. China may not be the last stop for the cheap train but has to be darn close to it. I would guess that Vietnam and Cambodia are the last stop but things need to start coming back to the US and Canada.
  19. You ask quite a complicated question. Let's see where we are in 4-6 months and if any revelations about a deliberate release of Corona virus are made. I prefer to buy other than Chinese but often there is not a choice in the matter. Many tools among other products are made in China sometimes with no alternative. Automotive parts. Household electrical.
  20. In normal times absolutely not. But these are far from normal times or circumstances. Communities will be hit hard by the economic downturn. I just do not see a 90 day interval from crisis to back to normal. I expect economic problems for the next 3-5 years with lots of "casualties." Accelerated terms should not happen in a way to negatively affect a team owner's ability to operate other businesses where employees could have their jobs jeopardized. Opens up all kinds of possibilities? I don't think so. I am not talking communism? I am talking about stabilizing a community with money it was going to have anyways but over a greater length of time. If a team owner has a 100 million sitting in cash with no near term commitment then that owner should have no problem paying off a 25M or 50M stadium related debt.
  21. I know it will never happen but any major league sports team owner whose facility has public debt should be made to pay it off short term if the amount needed is liquid or near liquid assets in these trying times.
  22. Carbon is an element. Carbon dioxide is a gas. Carbon by itself is not present in the atmosphere.
  23. Stove Top has been terrible for years. Nothing like it was when I was in college and wanted something quick many years ago.
  24. Once again I would point out that South Korea has the daily issues of living next to two bad neighbors in China and North Korea. So naturally SK is going to do more on a preventative basis than most other nations on Earth. Let''s not oversell the SK response.
  25. I said it the other day and will say it again in that if things go real bad in India a state of hostilities could happen between them and China with Putin waiting to jump in to see how he can damage his perceived toughest rival on the Asian continent.
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