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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. 5. Got dumped by the 250 lb BOCES girl who was training to be a retail "associate" the day before the prom.
  2. If we are serious about adopting technology to replace labor then it should. The bonds on the books for the fancy school buildings built will be around until paid off or the state declares them invalid.
  3. And just think of how many school districts built palaces in the last 20 years to placate ego inflated superintendents? Too bad that nearly all of those superintendents have moved on so they are not available to be tarred and feathered by the taxpayers. Also, teachers and administrators account for a lot of economic activity in many rural districts. Compressing staff due to technology will have the effect of depressing home prices and leave businesses such as small grocery stores teetering.
  4. The stock value of Walmart will take a major hit.
  5. They are allowed there only for health services.
  6. The Olean Times Herald reports that the patient was told to pull his pants up and the temperature was to be done via the head scan method. The disappointment by the patient was said to be obvious.
  7. Word is from the Cattaraugus County Health Dept that you were the only guy during this crisis to drop his pants when told your temperature was to be taken.
  8. He'll stick as the would be puppet for the NWO. The debate will be canceled due to "fears" of a new virus outbreak and protecting the candidate. In related news VP nominee Clinton announces if the Dems take the WH new talks with China will be arranged for a prosperous future (for China).
  9. His camp is near the Norfolk Southern line south of Arcade in Cattaraugus County.
  10. I thought that he said one time that he worked time to time as a male prostitute hence hobo?
  11. Nice avatar of your dad. I could see that expression by him when you : 1. Were held back after kindergarten. 2. Failed fourth grade. 3. Got a 10 (out of 100) on your NYS Algebra Regents exam. 4. Got declined for enrollment by ECC. .... .... .... 8. Registered as a communist. 9. Read your contributions here.
  12. Plus it would be fairly obvious to any observer that someone was tampering with an old fashioned voting machine.
  13. Hillary's plurality of 3M voters? She always talked about them as though they were in the bag. The bag of the local Democratic elections commissioner. Interesting that we are in the season of Lent and you talk like a New Testament Pharisee.
  14. You are being intellectually dishonest. Absentee ballots amount to 1 out of 1000 potential voters so they can be very easily verified by any group having a concern. A municipality that has 100,000 voters will have extreme difficulty validating all ballots cast in a 100 percent mail in process in a timely manner.
  15. Well, he is a hobo so having no bills is no surprise. Unfortunately, for us his uncle left him a laptop. I wonder if the Springville, NY McD's notices a stray extension cord going into the woods?
  16. Cuomo is too A type for Hillary. Right now since Hillary can't come through the front door Biden is the perfect back door for her.
  17. Tiberius while taking breaks from posting nonsense and subversion on PPP. Sorry, this never gets old to me.
  18. No oversight, check Easily corrupted, check The 21st Century dream of banana boat republics that want the UN off of their backs for rights violations but still intend to violate basic rights, check Let's hope that anybody with a brain and has an ounce of moral fiber never codifies this.
  19. A lot of damage will already be done by the end of April with what has already transpired. Not trying to be a doomsayer but just trying to get everybody to see the magnitude of what has happened already. As Old Time has already said banks are not making the majority of loans the government was hoping for when the program was unveiled.
  20. With the dairy industry it is not just a matter of a source of vitamin D all though that was a driving point decades ago. It is the only viable source in bulk for cheeses, yogurt, and ice cream which American consumers heavily desire. Most people heavily crave Italian food which is heavy in cheese. The quantity needed so every American can get their fill cannot be met with goats. Cheese substitutes have been around for decades and were pushed during the late 1970's as inflation exploded on the American consumer with little acceptance especially when prices receded on real cheese.
  21. If properly gathered and applied Tibs could eliminate the need for commercial fertilizer by ALL USA farmers. The moderators claim that they cannot tell the difference between the players here. What does that say about the mods?
  22. He's good to go as long as he wears a mask.
  23. Get back out to the counter! Poloncarz is waiting for his sheets and towels.
  24. Poloncarz says that laundromats are essential services. Get back to work!
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