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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. My gut feeling is a lot of things are going to struggle badly. Thanks for giving us a perspective from the hospitality industry. My perspective from watching the country cousins is that agriculture is and will struggle badly. There is still milk not being picked up costing farmers income. Meat processing plants are dealing with COVID 19 concerns in terms of employees forcing some closures. Both milk and meat not being processed creates a cascade through the economy. Many businesses here in WNY depends on agriculture for their survival. Banks depend on healthy portfolios of the various businesses that they finance and when balance sheets erode it affects the health of the bank as well as its customers.
  2. The tone of your statement suggests that poverty can be addressed world wide. How do you address it in nations such as Russia? How do you address it in China? How do you address it in Somalia?
  3. Human nature does not allow for true equality economically or otherwise. An observation that dates back to Biblical times. As long as humans roam the Earth some will have more than others.
  4. And to think this thread morphed out of your personal life. When the customer chewed you out for not folding his laundry properly : "You are a terrible employee. Totally unfit for the job." You forgot the part about sending an email to corporate about you.
  5. Even during the summer recreation centers, camps, etc are not a 24/7 means of warehousing kids. There are the times where sports and other activities will not fill up the day for a kid. The times where the kid goes to grandma's or the stay at home aunt for example. Instead of waiting for the end of June the kid goes to the relative or the neighbor to be watched now.
  6. Employers are not going to wait indefinitely on parents that have a problem in terms of kids. The parents will get it figured out just like they do for summer vacation.
  7. I don't know and he could very well have said so as I do not see all the Cuomo related news segments. Anything that I have seen does not support the schools opening back up right away. I'll try to make a point of catching the local news tonight.
  8. There are parents of school age kids that are working now. Go to any WNY community and you will see 30-50 year old people who are working the counters of Seven-eleven's, McD's, local home improvement stores, etc. this very minute. That is why Cuomo's approach is somewhat illogical. I understand that schools are a focal point in terms of preventing the spread of the virus but for Cuomo to think that schools need to be open for parents to work is flawed.
  9. Just not hearing any talk of reopening schools at this point which makes me stick to the notion that Cuomo will ultimately punt May away.
  10. Between NY-PA I don't know that it is impossible but the resources are best used elsewhere. Probably don't need an Allegany County Sheriff's Deputy on Rte 417 in the SW part of the county where Rte 417 skims the PA line. Nobody out there except for the deer and the squirrels.
  11. Meh. Cuomo can say that all he wants but it is an entirely different matter to actually reopen ASAP. It sounds like he is leaving himself plenty of room to put off a restart for at least the next few weeks. I still think entertainment venues and nonessential shopping stay closed for quite a while. Actual illness along with fear is hurting meat processing. This in turn hurts farmers.
  12. Liberal playbook sez...........Trump was stupid and did not have a clue so Cuomo did not have the info he needed because he was relying on the Prez.
  13. The odds are extremely unlikely and it is more than coincidence that the TR is a focal point of US power in the region. Thanks for bringing this up as I have been pondering this as well for the past week.
  14. Clinton sycophant George Stephanopolous diagnosed with COVID-19 per reports this morning.
  15. Can you tell us about the economics of living in a dumpster? I hope you have your hammer and sickle decal firmly glued to the side of your dumpster as it is supposed to rain with high winds.
  16. Or just reflecting what China guesses modern surveillance is showing the rest of the world such as with satellites? Good morning, Pontius.
  17. Citizen's arrest? The title of a pretty good The Andy Griffith Show episode by the way.
  18. I find myself moving in that direction in terms of deliberate release but willing to look at other possibilities at this point in time. It did not take me long to dismiss the notion of a person eating a bat then passing it on to a group of people that were guest workers of Italy. With a nation of nearly 1.4 billion and restricted movement it just seemed like Powerball-type odds in terms of bat-man passing it on to a group that went to another part of the world. Any other part of the world bat-man would most likely be quarantined then placed under observation with minimal contact by general passerby's.
  19. He will be 97 in several weeks. I am old enough to remember when he was a fixture on the evening news in regards to Vietnam, USSR, or China.
  20. A lot of SK health care policy driven by being next door to crap hole NK.
  21. Based on recent news stories Cuomo seems married to the idea of letting 3 incubation cycles past the peak come and go before making a decision. Each cycle is 2 weeks. Maybe he has changed his mind on this or is more open minded to a different approach.
  22. Internal strife is fine for countries that have nothing in the way of modern long range weapons at their finger tips. Not so good for a delusional dictator for life trying to hang onto power who has little regard for human life in general. It has been long theorized that the West dodged a bullet when Soviet Premier Andropov fell over dead from a supposed cold back during the mid-1980's. Further, that Andropov was readying for a confrontation with the West in a desperate move to retain power for himself and the Soviet system. His opponents were fortunate to get to him first as they valued their own pleasant existence over everything else.
  23. Believing that a country intentionally released a virus does not automatically make one a conspiracy nut akin to believing reptilians control the US government, Bigfoot has retreated to an underground complex hence no recent sightings, auto manufacturers have fuel injection systems that would give SUV's 1000 miles per gallon fuel efficiency but have an interest in oil companies, etc.. China is a competing world power and most likely has a different set of values when it comes to the preservation of human life than most Western nations that were guided by a couple of millennia of Judeo-Christian values.
  24. Which they did by releasing into select portions of their population that travel outside of their country among other methods. Guest workers into Italy and so forth. Not hard to do for a country that most likely extensively tracks its citizens.
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