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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Not effective when trolls open new accounts everyday and sometimes more than that. I used to go on IMDb when it had a comments section and there were trolls opening new accounts every hour. The trolling pushes worthwhile dialogue only a few hours old a page or two back making it more cumbersome. The mods need to do their jobs as online janitors and clean up the trash. Don't hold your breath though. A couple of generations of far left thinking combined with a couple of generations of Saturday Night Live culture confuses the problem for some.
  2. JIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yeah, I know he was not Jimmy but still a good scene).
  3. You said enough to write a book. People make jokes about Nazi's as though they are isolated due to distance and time. Unfortunately, the tendencies are as such that they can take root in a person regardless of the time they live in or what their background is. I hope that we do not have to relearn history the hard way here in the US in present times.
  4. Many people crammed into a small area unfortunately.
  5. You are being melodramatic. Hitler came into power during 1933 and the Japanese were invaders on the Asian continent at the same time. Roosevelt was not thrown into key decisions within a couple of months of both of those events. The US Navy build up was really minimal during the 1930's and was relatively easy to sell to Congress as another jobs program.
  6. You're giving Roosevelt far too much credit but that is a different discussion than the one at present.
  7. And Cuomo is doing what is best for Cuomo. Most of New York State should be coming out of lockdown or have a countdown ready but Cuomo recently said lockdown in place for at least up to May 15 and nothing more. The sooner the episode passes the sooner Cuomo is out of the spotlight. One of the few people that loves to hear himself speak more than Trump is Andy Cuomo.
  8. Quite essential for Q Baby. Otherwise he would suffer a stroke from a massive fluid build up.
  9. What's with all the turds here on a Saturday morning? Did somebody finally remember to padlock the ***** booths closed at the adult novelty stores?
  10. I know that I do not for one. Anyways, I just wanted to put it out there for anybody who was interested in how the CCP was spinning things as of this morning.
  11. Chinese ambassador to Russia claims that China now has scientific proof that Coronavirus originated outside of China per reports this morning.
  12. Another aspect of the economy that most self proclaimed "experts" know next to nothing about.
  13. His best role in my mind. Excellent job by both him and Stallone in terms of making people wonder who ignited the powder keg figuratively in that movie.
  14. That's only part of it. People are going to snap after the umpteenth call from American Express, Ford Motor Credit, Edison, about their late payments. Collecting delinquent property taxes will prove to be hazardous work.
  15. The land could not support a wide spread turn to hunting. There are not enough game wardens to make sure that animals such as deer and turkey are not hunted into extinction in a lot of areas. Same with fishing. Not all soils are adaptable to vegetable growing. When you see fields in most WNY counties into a hay crop most years out of a 25 year cycle it means the soil cannot support other crops long term. Plowing the baby Appalachian mountains in the Southern Tier during WWI turned out to be an ecological disaster and many were returned to native growth and even some spots that were open before were planted to trees.
  16. Resourceful? The modern economy depends on the flow of money. When money ceases to flow there will be huge problems. Banks are not going to lend to every last person that enters their doors. Buying seed and hunting may work in most places here in WNY but will not work in the major cities. It will be a free for all with a lot of casualties and fatalities.
  17. If DeBlasio is serious about a NYC lockdown going for a few more months minimum there won't be a NYC as it will get burned to the ground by rioting.
  18. I don't see this happening to a sizable degree. Sure, somebody in Coudersport, PA might apply for a job in Wellsville, NY if NY opens and PA is still locked down. But most of these out of state applicants will have problems in terms of a place to live and this will be apparent to employers. Also, employers will be concerned that out of staters will readily leave once the home state opens back up. Further, most employers will most likely go with people that they had ahead of the crisis as they were known quantities. Sure, some employers will make changes but as to what concerns most people in WNY I see very little change ahead.
  19. Cuomo extending shutdown until May 15 per Marketwatch earlier today.
  20. Virtual Biden where everything is funneled through a computer in terms of Biden's "responses." The shadowy cabal would like to bypass that and go to non-visual press releases but knows that will not pass the smell test for most voters.
  21. Regardless of the slant who ACTUALLY wrote that for Joe? Xi?
  22. It's gonna more than just suck. People will be flocking to extremist groups and civil unrest will be far and wide unfortunately.
  23. And where is the money coming from for these new businesses? From under the mattress? The sock drawer? Most businesses depend on the ability to borrow money. Who gets to decide who fails and who takes the place of the fallen? There will be many chit storms over that.
  24. Most vulnerable businesses will cease to exist long before 30 months elapses. Nearly all have to borrow money to operate and no doubt the creditors are feeling very vulnerable themselves.
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