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Posts posted by RochesterRob

  1. 16 minutes ago, Q-baby! said:

    Thousands of miles away from there. You sound stupid. 

      Clean the wax out of your ears and turn on your hearing aid.  Not that it will help you with reading a computer screen but at least you will hear cars pulling over to leave supplies off for you.  Got you a couple of cases of Wegman's brand baked beans.  Remember one can per meal or you will blow your intestines out!

  2. 5 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I really have no idea what @oldmanfan istrying to convey here, he’s all over the page.  

    He’s hates Trump, yet only mildly upset at Cuomo for causing the deaths of thousands, he’s doing cartwheels and working the balance beam defending Joe Biden while acknowledging his own yet unexplained indiscretions of his past, and apparently has never heard the term gold digger, groupie, starfu**er or many others that describe a person who will allow a powerful man to do exactly what Trump said.  

    I’ve asked many, many women about that comment from all political persuasions and universally the answer comes back “Of course there are women like that.”.  Why are we pretending this way?  

    I’m not sure how old he is but I’m beginning to think  he was born in the 1630s.  I’m guessing Puritan. 

      I think that he is an Amish man with a hidden personal computer out in the barn.

  3. 5 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I have no idea what you’re trying to get at.  Leaders are responsible for their decisions and their actions.  Hell,  EVERYONE has responsibility for their own decisions.  I just said today Cuomo should get voted out because he screwed up.  The difference between you and me is that you are so enchanted by a con man you excuse anything he does and you think it’s Ok for him to say he has no responsibility for over 250k people dying in this pandemic.



      You know perfectly well as to what I am talking about.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, Warcodered said:


    If only there was someone close to Trump that described him doing exactly what he's been accused of, and if only it was recorded for everyone to hear.

      Context of grabbing kitty?  Men with lots of money have women lined up for such contact understanding the situation at hand and the client's desire to perhaps make a power play out of it.  At the end of the day it still amounts to consent.  What you have trouble understanding is that the rich and powerful get to play by different rules than the rest of us.  Perhaps you understand and are jealous that you can't do the same with any kitty within your sights?

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Because you want to lay off Trump’s failings by bringing up errors made by others?  We are having a discussion, and as part of that discussion I have made a point you cannot address.


    In all seriousness, do you have no concept of personal responsibility?  You brought up that Clinton May have not done better.  Who the hell cares?  She didn’t have the job, Trump did.  It was his responsibility and what did he say?  I take no responsibility.

    I fully expect he will go to prison after Jan 20th; the sexual assault allegations as one of many charges that will be proved.

      I see that you are plunging into a paranoid fantasy once again.  Going after a political opponent only invites the same pointed back once the political winds shift.  Pelosi, Schumer, etc. can pull your chain all they want but they know the consequences of such a move.

  6. 1 minute ago, Warcodered said:

      An accusation is a long ways away from undeniable proof.  Were any accusations proven to be credible Trump would have been destroyed a long time ago given his stature as a political lightning rod.  Should it be automatic that you are considered guilty if such allegations were made against you?  Is there any reason that you could offer that would make automatically innocent?  Should we dispense with an investigation and trial for you, me, senile man, etc once an accusation is made against any man (or woman for that matter).  

  7. 1 minute ago, oldmanfan said:

    Uh huh.  And what about Trump?

      Please change your name to senileoldmanfan.  We already talked about Trump.  To reiterate if credible accusations of unwanted sexual contact existed the media would have steamrolled Trump a long time ago.  Do you understand that quite a number of women would subject themselves to poor treatment if there was material gain to be had.

  8. 8 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Oh it’s just allegations?  In his own words on tape he brags about grabbing women by the ####### and they are allegations?  Women should not be treated as sexual receptacles by anyone including entertainment hosts or anyone else.


    Is there any depths that you won’t go to in order to be Trump’s lap dog?  He lost the election and you still hold him up like some sort of god.  

      There is a difference between desired sexual contact and forced contact implying no consent.  There are many women who would subject themselves to poor treatment in order to gain money or position in the workplace.  I had a boss many years ago that had young women in his office for an hour or more that their job descriptions did not call for such extensive contact.  It was no secret as to what was taking place and how that boss looked his wife in the face when he went home and the young women of which nearly all were married did the same with their husbands I'll never know.  Then before the workplace was college where certain women engaged in debauchery such as multiple partners in one session.  Then there were the women who were not so "prolific" but were openly insulted by their partners in front of their friends.

  9. 3 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    His behavior towards women was wrong.  I did things that were wrong back in the day.  I would wager all I have you did too.  Times change; Biden has admitted he was wrong.  Has Trump?

    See my answer above.  And now answer this: what about Trump?  Was he wrong to sexually assault women?  Pay off prom stars?  Grab them by the****?  Or do you have a double standard?  

      We have never gotten past allegations with Trump.  If there were a real sexual assault matter hanging over Trump's head he would have been crucified with it years ago.  Do you get this worked up when entertainment hosts treat women like they are sexual receptacles?  

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Biden has old school approaches with his hugs and stuff that have with time been recognized as wrong and he has admitted he needed to change his ways.  Many of my generation have had to do the same.  We were wrong.  But a far cry from paying off porn stars and such and bragging about sexually abusing women which is what Trump has done.


    As for voting for Biden, I would have voted for a ham sandwich over Trump.  And as for accusing me of being OK with groping women and children, as a father of two daughters here’s my answer:  Shove it.

      Old school?  Baloney!  He does not get a pass for that when he is in the US Senate.  He is not some old guy living on the edge of town stuck in the 1940's with no one to set him straight. 


    5 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    This is classic enablement behavior because you enjoy the safety of a status quo politicians.  

    Joe Biden’s snuggly hair smelling with his body pressed firmly against any available flesh was never normal.  Never.  The liberties  Biden took would get his ass kicked in ANY normal scenario from either of our lives, or I’ve totally misjudged who you seem to be.  He’s the guy from the local plant in a position of authority that reaches in, pulls the wife close, rubs her shoulders (or worse) while whispering what he might do to her if she was of the mind.  He’s the judge who offers to look the other way on a ticket in exchange for certain considerations carried out in the secrecy of a dark hallway.  

    I was born in 1961, am the son of a woman who would jab a fingernail in that creepsters eye, married to a woman who would do the same, and raised my own daughter to recognize the power dynamic in play with this old douche.  I’m 100% certain you did the same, and how you can rationalize this behavior as anywhere approaching normal for that time is absurd.  Did it happen?   Of course it did,  but this is a far cry from normal behavior of that time, and honestly, I was taught the boundaries at a very early age.  If you were wrong, that’s on you. 


      Some libs would have us believe that Biden is on the same par with some guy who grew up 60 years on the edge of town and had no social contact to set him straight during the intervening years to today.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Q-baby! said:

    Is it possible that you are this ***** stupid? Seriously, get help! I look forward to you disappearing when Biden is nestled into the office. No way you can stick around after being so sure, but yet so clueless!! 😂😂😂😂

      Should not you be tending to your possum stew in the pot held over the fire next to your beer can mansion?  Me?  My SIL is putting the finishing touches on the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc..  But I envy you in touch with nature down by the creek  Clouds have moved in but any day this time of year in WNY with the temps near 50 is pretty darn good.  Have a good T day.

  12. 7 hours ago, Big Blitz said:




    If Republicans are serious about stopping voter fraud, rather than just whining about it after elections don’t go their way, here’s what they must do:


    1. Make absentee voting rare again.

    America’s love affair with absentee ballots obscures the obvious truth: Such ballots blatantly invite fraud. Mail-in ballots can easily be requested by other people, filled out by other people, and submitted by other people. Paying for votes is illegal, and with normal voting this law is easy to enforce. With absentee voting, enforcement is impossible.


    It’s for these exact reasons that mail votes are banned or sharply restricted by many other functional democracies. In France, postal voting has been banned since the 1970s for all except those living overseas. Finland also restrict mail-in votes to those outside the country. In Japan, voting by mail requires a doctor’s certification that one is disabled. A similar system was suspended in Poland this year due to the coronavirus, and leftists immediately screeched that the system would enable widespread fraud...


    What makes the situation any different in the United States? Nothing at all, except this: That the left has deduced that chaotic drawn-out mail voting benefits them while hurting its enemies.


    To confirm that, one only has to go back 15 years, before Democrats realized the long-term advantage of mail voting to their side. In 2005, the Jimmy Carter-chaired Commission on Federal Election Reform warned that absentee ballots posed by far the biggest danger to America’s electoral integrity.


    “Citizens who vote at home, at nursing homes, at the workplace, or in church are more susceptible to pressure, overt and subtle, or to intimidation,” the commission said in its report. “Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.”


    Carter’s report was completely correct, and conservatives should take its findings to heart. There is no need to ban absentee voting. But it should be returned to how it was intended: As a means to vote for those unable to vote on Election Day. 


    2. Get rid of electronic voting. 

    President Trump and his allies have mounted a fierce attack on Dominion Voting Systems, a company that sells voting machines and vote tabulating hardware. The company’s software, they say, may have been manipulated to shave votes from President Trump, or even transfer those votes to Joe Biden.


    Every single election, there are cases of “computer glitches” being blamed for vote counting errors, some of them substantial. In Michigan this year, thousands of votes in Antrim County were mistakenly given to Biden instead of Trump after an incompetent (or corrupt) official failed to properly update election management software. 



    There is absolutely no need for voting to be a high-tech operation. All this technology does is introduce complexity while reducing the public’s confidence in what is happening. Vote counting machines can be hacked, programmed incorrectly, or simply malfunction. In all three cases, it is possible for this to happen without ever being detected.


    In fact, several other countries have banned electronic voting, recognizing the risks it poses. In the Netherlands, leaders abolished electronic voting in favor of hand-counted paper ballots in order to make any concerns about election hacking a moot point..


    The same practice prevails in the United Kingdom: Votes for Parliament are all cast by hand and counted by hand. Even though polls are open until 10 p.m. there, election officials have no difficulty counting almost every ballot by the following morning. Atrocities where localities take weeks or even a month to tally every vote are unheard of.


    In Germany, the country’s chief constitutional court actually banned electronic voting systems after their widespread adoption, on the grounds that they made the voting process impossible to understand without specialist technical knowledge. 


    3. Count the vote immediately.

    The single biggest reason that so many supporters of the president justifiably suspect fraud in the 2020 result is the ridiculously drawn-out nature of the vote counting itself...


    To the average voter, drawn-out voting intuitively means only one thing: Somebody is trying to manufacture votes, and hide what they are doing.





    A model already exists to do much of this. After the recount debacle in Florida in 2000, the state drastically overhauled its election processes.

    In Florida, absentee ballots must be returned by 7 p.m. on election night, period, with no shenanigans about postmarks. The state requires a matching signature for mail-in ballots.  Ballots that are returned earlier are opened and verified early before being stored securely, and critically, they are counted first, meaning they can never be used to play “catch-up” against a surprising election-night deficit. Florida had plenty of mail-in and early votes, but it still had no difficulty having ballots almost completely counted by midnight. That performance should be the norm everywhere.....





    The goal of getting every voting age human that is an actual citizen and resident of their country and locality is certainly admirable.  


    But it does not get to come at the expense of creating a voting operation that increases the likelihood of massive fraud and thus a mistrust of the integrity of the democracy we're attempting to preserve.

      To this point the states control the means of balloting.  What do you do about a state run by Democrats such as NY?  It's far from all being on the shoulders of the Republicans.  

  13. 17 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Oh stop it! I grew up in WNY when there were pockets of ethnic groups. Though I no longer live there I’m going to guess there still are. There always will be. That doesn’t make this the racist country you seem to believe that it is. In Southern California we have all sorts of pocket neighborhoods of Latinos, Asians of all sorts, Blacks, etc and once again it doesn’t make ANY of these people racists. It makes them humans!

       I suspect that Bull saw no more of America than his political science professor showed him.  I did high school out of Monroe County and it was anything but WASPy.  If a bad attitude exists in a household towards growth and development the background of the family is not going to matter in terms of advancement.  Kids are not going to succeed if the parents have a poor attitude towards education, discipline, etc..

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