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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Clean the wax out of your ears and turn on your hearing aid. Not that it will help you with reading a computer screen but at least you will hear cars pulling over to leave supplies off for you. Got you a couple of cases of Wegman's brand baked beans. Remember one can per meal or you will blow your intestines out!
  2. You don't have to pretend that you are happy. Cattaraugus County is cutting back on your "room and board" so it's many cold days ahead by the creek for you.
  3. Are you admitting that the 2016 Election was not rigged?
  4. We are here on a mission of mercy. Specifically, you guys are on suicide watch for Christmas because of the steep decline of activity here.
  5. Cue Weird Al's Amish Paradise. It should be said that there are good people in both those societies as well as in any other social group. Further, I have seen a few Mennonite women that were downright hawt. Adopted maybe?
  6. I was even more shocked to find out that there is a whole lot of infidelity in both communities but yes "close mating" is a huge problem as well.
  7. You might be shocked as to what goes on in an Amish or Mennonite household when the bishop is not looking. Seriously.
  8. Your tar will not stick as I am not either of those. Stop with the paranoid fantasies already!
  9. I think that he is an Amish man with a hidden personal computer out in the barn.
  10. You know perfectly well as to what I am talking about.
  11. I just poked a tender spot in your so called mind!
  12. Context of grabbing kitty? Men with lots of money have women lined up for such contact understanding the situation at hand and the client's desire to perhaps make a power play out of it. At the end of the day it still amounts to consent. What you have trouble understanding is that the rich and powerful get to play by different rules than the rest of us. Perhaps you understand and are jealous that you can't do the same with any kitty within your sights?
  13. I see that you are plunging into a paranoid fantasy once again. Going after a political opponent only invites the same pointed back once the political winds shift. Pelosi, Schumer, etc. can pull your chain all they want but they know the consequences of such a move.
  14. An accusation is a long ways away from undeniable proof. Were any accusations proven to be credible Trump would have been destroyed a long time ago given his stature as a political lightning rod. Should it be automatic that you are considered guilty if such allegations were made against you? Is there any reason that you could offer that would make automatically innocent? Should we dispense with an investigation and trial for you, me, senile man, etc once an accusation is made against any man (or woman for that matter).
  15. Nonsense. No doubt the media investigated any claims but could not find any evidence of unwanted contact. No doubt all these women that were checked into had credibility issues. I doubt Trump could have survived charges brought by a woman of high integrity with all the other things burning around him.
  16. Please change your name to senileoldmanfan. We already talked about Trump. To reiterate if credible accusations of unwanted sexual contact existed the media would have steamrolled Trump a long time ago. Do you understand that quite a number of women would subject themselves to poor treatment if there was material gain to be had.
  17. There is a difference between desired sexual contact and forced contact implying no consent. There are many women who would subject themselves to poor treatment in order to gain money or position in the workplace. I had a boss many years ago that had young women in his office for an hour or more that their job descriptions did not call for such extensive contact. It was no secret as to what was taking place and how that boss looked his wife in the face when he went home and the young women of which nearly all were married did the same with their husbands I'll never know. Then before the workplace was college where certain women engaged in debauchery such as multiple partners in one session. Then there were the women who were not so "prolific" but were openly insulted by their partners in front of their friends.
  18. We have never gotten past allegations with Trump. If there were a real sexual assault matter hanging over Trump's head he would have been crucified with it years ago. Do you get this worked up when entertainment hosts treat women like they are sexual receptacles?
  19. Old school? Baloney! He does not get a pass for that when he is in the US Senate. He is not some old guy living on the edge of town stuck in the 1940's with no one to set him straight. Some libs would have us believe that Biden is on the same par with some guy who grew up 60 years on the edge of town and had no social contact to set him straight during the intervening years to today.
  20. Prowse's career predates SW as he was a contract player for Hammer Studios in Great Britain. He did a fair number of horror pictures including the Frankenstein series where he appeared as the creature 3 times.
  21. Should not you be tending to your possum stew in the pot held over the fire next to your beer can mansion? Me? My SIL is putting the finishing touches on the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc.. But I envy you in touch with nature down by the creek Clouds have moved in but any day this time of year in WNY with the temps near 50 is pretty darn good. Have a good T day.
  22. To this point the states control the means of balloting. What do you do about a state run by Democrats such as NY? It's far from all being on the shoulders of the Republicans.
  23. I suspect that Bull saw no more of America than his political science professor showed him. I did high school out of Monroe County and it was anything but WASPy. If a bad attitude exists in a household towards growth and development the background of the family is not going to matter in terms of advancement. Kids are not going to succeed if the parents have a poor attitude towards education, discipline, etc..
  24. ....but much more is required. Cat got your tongue? Refresh? Don't flatter yourself.
  25. Hmm? Strange that Bull has not responded back. Seems like he would have a lot to say?
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