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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Would ya (while she was living, she of Rochester, NY and WWE fame)? Hopefully, she is now at peace after a tough life.
  2. Perspective is something that you are very lacking in. The Chinese should be held responsible but we both know that will never happen so there is no point of spending any more time thinking about it.
  3. Because a pandemic and a war a few generations apart make for an apt comparison? Not from where any rational person is sitting.
  4. A toddler is not going to try to steal money or create serious physical harm.
  5. Yep. Don't have to deal with dirty restrooms and scary people at home as well.
  6. Cougar Gulch? Sounds like the next hot destination for female Hollywood celebs approaching the age of 50 and are suddenly single.
  7. Of course other people are going to want to live there and of course they will want to bring all their problems with them. Then they will want all graveled roads paved and because they do not know how to work the lights in their vehicles they will want street lights. When you ask them how will these things be paid for they will reply that the state covers that. When you point out that they and yourself are the state when it comes to revenue they will shoot back a clueless look on their face. I remember a time where a fellow from a financial institution came out to review my parents records on their business. This gentleman was from Tennessee and let it be known in no uncertain terms of what he thought of people from large cities and their need for far reaching government. That he was tired of Northerners coming to his state for the low taxes all the while pushing for paved roads, street lights, etc.. Funnier encounter than what I can write here. He even used the word Yankee once.
  8. Have not watched the Sunday morning shows since David Brinkley retired back in the mid-1990's. Apologies to the late great Tim Russert but I though Brinkley was better in the round table discussions which I prefer versus Russert being better in candid interviews where the viewer seldom learns anything new. Anyways, for pure entertainment value and not because I agree with the content of the show the liberal college professor roundtable shows are the ones I watch for the unintentionally hilarious takes on politics.
  9. Yes, I get it and a person can see it in my previous posts on the matter. Having said that the drum needs to be beat on the matter of lost sales tax revenue and how it affects the operation of government. A spike in property and income taxes (soak the rich) would just about drive quite a number of people out of NYS including myself. At this point in time there is very little margin in my business so any more tax would be crippling. I am not an old guy but I don't like change especially when it comes to where I live. As far as the DNC and the media go they are heavily invested in a shutdown NYC as that is the first step towards a generally socialist state where the state tells you when and where you can pee.
  10. Been that way since I was a kid a few decades ago. Maybe in a few more decades the people who are alive then will look back and see that a lot of decisions made generations ago were idiotic to put it kindly. Pucking autocorrect. Have to type fairly fast or you get an unanticipated change.
  11. NO. NYC needs to work through this ASAP. State income taxes are high enough without Albany crafting a bailout for NYC because sales tax collection in NYC has cratered short term. Most NY counties have enough retail establishments that the lack of sales tax collection has put these counties in the position of having to lay off workers. Other portions of government services most likely affected with the short term remedy of raising property taxes most probable. Sure there is waste and inefficiency but those are long term problems as revenue and expenditures are set short term.
  12. Restaurants can lose ahead of the meal preparation if ingredients go bad (meat, fresh vegetables) and of course diners not finishing their servings. I've seen shameful waste in homes as a guest in other people's homes. I'm pretty good about keeping waste minimal and the wife thinks that I am a nut for making sure all the contents of a can of soup make it into the pot/pan.
  13. Would you give your DNA over to the court against the advice of your lawyer? What is the chain of evidence like after 25 years? The item in question such as underwear could have been lifted out of Trump's residence versus being a leave-behind after a sexual encounter with a strange woman at her place.
  14. Your logic is hilarious. You don't think that Trump being a wealthy person has something to do with lawsuits. I know. I know. Cletus in the trailer park gets sued, also. The trouble is once the woman who is going after Cletus is told by her attorney that she has a better chance of getting hit by Haley's Comet than getting 10 dollars out of Cletus the case normally ends. By the way for any guy who is in college or graduate school be careful where you leaved soiled sheets, towels, clothing, etc as now a woman will probably hang onto those materials in case the guy hits it big in 20 years. Not saying that an honorable woman in pursuing rape charges should be denied but they need to be followed up shortly after an alleged incident happens.
  15. Looks like the Tardive Dyskinensia woman. Coincidence? Depends on how you look at it.
  16. If I were a betting man based on what Cuomo has said I would bet on a shutdown again starting in October.
  17. We are not discussing me but yourself. This continued denial you keep pursuing will only land you in an institution. As a fellow Bills fan please get the help that you need.
  18. Having a vaccine by fall is very improbable even with all the resources now being directed towards it.
  19. I heard that your appointment at the county building did not go well. You received a body cavity search? Seriously? I warned you to take this seriously. For now it looks like you will able to continue squatting by the Norfolk Southern tracks. By the way automotive type antifreeze has the wrong type of alcohol in it for human consumption even if diluted with corn silage squeeze-ins. Social worker coming to see you this Wednesday at 1:30 PM to check on your garden and to make sure feces are properly disposed of.
  20. Many school bullies are on suicide watch.
  21. As I understand it most of those minerals require great effort to get at and most likely would require outside investment to do so. Investors would want to be assured of stability before committing to extraction. While our views are dissimilar I don't mind hearing about a different take on the matter. Peace.
  22. North Korea is resource poor plus would raise unemployment in a united Korea. Not too worried in terms of a refugee crisis for Russia or China. Most would flee to the South creating a problem for SK and the USA. The remaining refugees that did go to the North would face very unsavory prospects including camps that would bring on quick starvation. Brutal in terms that we understand but most likely viewed as necessary by the regimes running China and Russia.
  23. Having a large navy is not important for China in terms of a conflict on the Korean Peninsula. I suspect that Russia covertly will support the Chinese meaning China will get all the supplies it needs via a land or air route. Russia might even support China out in the open.
  24. Back to North Korea China could make things very ugly on the peninsula if the power shift did not go their way. Then there would be Putin's reaction to the unfolding action there.
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