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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. He's rumored to have a lot of skeletons in his closet. Probably the reason the Dems have not jettisoned Biden at this point. I would imagine that the Dems have already run "nominate Cuomo" up the flag pole to see how much flack he would draw. Still very possible you guys are facing Hillary 2020 and Chelsea 2024.
  2. My fear as well. There is a whole generation of lefties who ache to see their dream fulfilled before they die. Time is running out for a number of them such as Rob Meathead Reiner.
  3. Which is why I fear the Democratic governors of populous states will renew shutdowns in October to have the excuse to implement mail in balloting.
  4. This is evidenced how? Do we get a mod to insure that socks are not unduly counted?
  5. I'd just have people go to their designated polling places. Representatives from any interested political party can be on hand to monitor for irregularities. The few dozen mail-in ballots could be double checked for authenticity. Voting is so important that a nation such as ours should push for at least partial time off on election day to insure maximum participation. This is not 3 generations ago where people had to fear goons keeping any registered voter away from a polling place.
  6. Which is why you pull the old style machines out of the back of the town hall that your grandpa used back decades ago. Nobody from afar can interfere and I think that you knew that when you made your post. Not all technology is good if it can be put to corrupt uses. Simply take the current generation voting apparatuses and put them out in the shed next to the salt spreader for the town. With any luck they will rapidly corrode to the point where they are gutted for reclaimed metals and the rest of it sent to the landfill. Lesson learned.
  7. Most of those 2/3 are unaware as to the potential fraud that can happen with mail in balloting. Why are you afraid of going to a place to vote where illegal activity such as voting machine tampering can be watched for?
  8. A little anecdote. As a kid growing up I recall conservatives at least on a local level disliking the Vietnam War because they did not see the gain coming that Presidents such as LBJ insisted on such as stemming communism. That their tax dollars spent on the war were really buying nothing. The Vietnam War could have been Eisenhower's to kick off but Ike could see it for what it was. DeGaulle wanted to to re-establish French dominance in what was then called Indo-China and called on Eisenhower to help. While Ike was sympathetic to the capitalist South he felt it was best for American interests to let the situation hit some sort of internal entropy.
  9. They are trying to lead gullible morons.
  10. I always liked the area there but you would never think there was big money there just driving around. Probably just like many other wealthy families I would guess that the modern members most likely fled to the coasts to live. Anyways, I regret not driving around more while I was in college but just driving around to look at communities is not what most 18 year college students think about. Could always day trip in current times.
  11. There is still a fair amount of old money in Buffalo from its Golden Age which was 1890-1960. It's never been flamboyant and my understanding is that a fair amount of it is publicity shy. Rochester is very similar. Allegany County for years was rumored to have a family worth nearly a billion dollars due to the 19th Century oil boom near Wellsville. WNY is definitely not Southern Cal in the way that the rich people conduct themselves.
  12. When socks agree with one another..........................
  13. A car so bad that the nameplate never got revived. I think that I only saw one Maverick that did not have extensive rust after a year and a half of being built. School teacher that I had during the mid-1970's owned a Ford Ranchero (Ford's answer to Chevy's El Camino) that was not much better but there were so few made that the collectors go after them.
  14. He missed the boat on most of those in terms of the 50th anniversary. He's down to the 50th anniversary of his Grandpa buying a Ford Maverick which rusted into a pile of junk in just 24 months.
  15. RIP. Another Bills fan who cursed him back in the day but like Landry showed just how classy he was overall. Many of today's coaches could benefit from his example.
  16. So this is what you are down to? Student sez.............Beauty pageant contestant sez............... I think that we all know you are aching to have somebody grab your butt but it won't be anybody here to do it.
  17. I'm thinking that they are the same person so their needs to be another name.
  18. Which will embolden the Chinese government to implement another release at some point in the next couple of years assuming they have something ready to go.
  19. I don't see malls, casinos, and churches opening any time soon here in NY.
  20. On the way home from town yesterday I saw people out mowing their lawns wearing a mask. When I cut mine yesterday afternoon I went on business as usual and did not wear a mask.
  21. I think that you meant that they SHOULD NOT keep schools closed next school year. I can see states such as NY electing to forgo in-building schooling for 2020-2021. Educators have been disconnected for quite a while now in terms of seeing how most parents need to conduct their lives. Educators see the pandemic as a huge opportunity for social engineering unfortunately.
  22. I took an entrepreneur course while in college many years ago. No money in selling steak and potatoes other than very high end restaurants. Hard to make it as a mom and pop pizzeria as the chains do much better on the cost of ingredients. Pasta is the most profitable and can be priced below steaks considerably to influence otherwise non-preferential customers. This is why you get the endless blitz in commercials about Italian culture and if you buy into veganism all the better for the restaurant's profits.
  23. Restaurants are as such that they need full occupancy at various times to be profitable. Delivery/takeout is not going to solve the financial woes of a fair number of establishments. Universities dealt with the restrictions imposed for the soon to end current semester. They need to be open to be able to conduct labs for a number of courses with a fair number not being scientific in nature. Many people employed at universities such as in food services that will lose their jobs and not have an income if a college goes to exclusively online.
  24. I went by a Lowe's yesterday and never saw so many vehicles in that parking lot on a Saturday afternoon.
  25. You kind of wonder with both Byrd and Bennett if there is something that the public does not know that precludes them from entry. Some guys are modest and maybe they asked not to be put up for the time being.
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