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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I studied economics at Cornell many years ago and a big concern I have is that a dollar needs to change hands many times per month to sustain salaries. Stifling the movement of money through the economy for a couple of months is crippling long term with the more serious effects needing a few months to make themselves apparent. People use credit cards to maintain their lives. What is to stop the credit card companies from following their own instincts and raising rates on those who do not pay on time through no fault of their own? Money that would have been available to spend generally is now needed to chase interest and other fees. The reports you hear at present do not show this happening but the credit card companies could go for the jugular when the media attention shifts away from the fallout of the pandemic.
  2. I just don't know how a comprehensive study that has real meaning could be put together so fast. Not trying to be a Negative Ned but as a business person I have heard the sunny skies speech many times from business leaders. I had a chance to add capital items to my business several years ago but did so conservatively. If I had listened to industry leaders I would have spent way more than I should have and would have already faced the prospect of selling some of it off as things resumed a normal pattern.
  3. I'm seeing quite a bit of this myself. Quite a few people if not seriously hurt by this are seeing their fun money going away. Parents who might normally splurge on themselves now are having to prop up financially vulnerable kids.
  4. Sirius has already been doing that with a narrow range of preferred artists. Hitting all the niches including the people who love the Stones but hate the Beatles. Your area radio station is sooner or later heading the way of having the local guy talk local politics plus have the leader on from some summer festival or business interest. The glory days of broadcasting of many decades ago is not coming back for local stations.
  5. AC/DC, ZZTop skews a little younger than the Stones, Who, Beatles. People tend to want to listen to older programming when it reflects their time as late teens/early twenties. Those who grew up with the 60's bands are most likely retired so their spending is down along with the advertising to draw them.
  6. Things such as Sirius Satellite radio have upset the apple cart of individual radio stations. There is no longer exclusiveness with a given line of programming. One reason talk radio appears to be growing as it does not require copyrighted material to be presented to an audience. I'm old enough to remember a number of stations having slogans like playing your favorites from the 60's and today. Then when the calendar rolled over into the 1980's then it was your favorites from the 60's, 70's, and today. Not into Streisand but I could do a stretch where I could listen to "the masters of mellow" as they were called such as James Taylor and Gordon Lightfoot.
  7. Some will have their jobs back once restrictions are lifted and some will not be called back until things are financially stable with their employer. We don't know how much the herd mentality has changed in terms of treating itself to vacations among other things. Some businesses have projected their revenue for the rest of 2020 and see very significant reductions in income. In turn they have advised their employees so that the employees in turn can make adjustments to their budgets.
  8. I'd be more excited about the CEO's observation if the cash build up was not from unusual circumstances like a wage earner stuck at home. Over 35 million out of work since the shutdown started in Mid-March is a huge problem that is not going to sort itself out in the next few weeks.
  9. It's only now to where we would expect to see financial strain in most households. I would guess that most middle class families can find a way to ride out 30-60 days even if it requires some pain like selling the Harley. Given the unemployment numbers I would guess that the strain will be very apparent by late summer. Nice to hear from a business leader but they can put a spin on just like a politician. Seldom are you going to hear a tone of panic as that is bad for business. I could see checking accounts rise 40 percent in the short term due to gas expense saved (my wife commutes close to 50 miles one way per day), day care not needed due to parents being home, make a sandwich versus dropping several dollars for lunch eating out.
  10. For many years 97's spiritual brother in Rochester WCMF had a similar but more pronounced problem with heavy repetition. I could literally set a clock by what was playing at a given moment. If Manfred Mann's Blinded by the Light was playing during the morning it was 9:35 AM or within a minute of it. Their libraries are rather shallow when you think about it but they brow beat their audience when anybody questioned it.
  11. It's about having a market. Stations can try to have a varied format but it never works because listeners are hung up over identity. People who want to listen to what is called classic album rock will not listen to most music post 1980, sports, religion, ethnic-race ,etc. programming. As long as 97 brings in revenue to make a profit the programming will be classic album rock. When that market fades profit wise then the station will have to make a change in terms of format. Who knows maybe 97 will be talk radio in another 10-15 years.
  12. Not talking about me. The deflection you are putting out is not doing you any good. People are showing concern for you so please be grateful.
  13. Just because a mushroom is growing next to the beer can mansion does not mean that it is edible. I was just listening to the Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Dept on the scanner. Report of an obese man who has forgone clothing today fishing on the creek today. 9 year old boy traumatized and hysteria blinded. Put your clothes on please unless you want a ride to the county lockup.
  14. Huntley-Brinkley (yeah, I know they are long gone but they held high standards back in the day) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hannity, Limbaugh >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lester Holt, Muir, etc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halley Jackson, Andrea Mitchell, etc. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>George Stepanopoulos>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tibs, Q Tip, Billstime, other gator puppets >>> Satan.
  15. I preferred Uhura with a bare midriff complete with mini skirt and thigh high boots that have a small pocket for a knife.
  16. Yes. Respected. Renowned. Rich. Regal.
  17. He gets two pairs of safety glasses per months through Cattaraugus County Social Services so as long as he wears them he should be OK. He even got a lightning rod complete with cable and ground rod for the beer can mansion. Might come in handy for this Monday going by the National Weather Service forecast for WNY.
  18. Their lives are an endless tire fire of their own creation. 20 years after the fact they cannot cope with admitting that some degree in poetry was not the path to a job above working at Walmart. That poorly done facial hair and crappy clothes do not lead to a hot and successful woman. That greasy hair and endless tats make people cross the street to avoid them.
  19. If Cuomo would have surveyed each county executive or manager back in mid-March he would have found that quite a number of communities should have kept running as the risk while not zero was very minimal. Now he is talking about virtual schooling. Many communities throughout WNY rely on their schools as economic engines. Virtual schooling will put bus drivers, teacher aides, lunch staff, janitorial, grounds maintenance, etc. out of work adding to unemployment. Some teachers will need to be retained to plan the curriculum but others will need to relocate.
  20. I guess that I would quibble a little with your assessment of the upper middle class. The people who would own businesses that would employ several other people at a minimum and would provide to the point of being able to finance their kids modest college educations and a vacation property. A high end restaurant owner or used vehicle dealer for a couple of examples. I've already heard of a couple of closures of such businesses. They cannot go to even half of their normal revenue for several weeks and hope to survive. Further, the bulk of their customers would be the ones to work in the community who have had their incomes reduced so their expenditures are carefully laid out. These people are the ones you see mostly in the communities throughout WNY. The people who work in a cubicle that can readily access the office from home are there but not the majority of the community or close to it.
  21. If there were a national day of prayer would you pray?
  22. Did not work anytime you posted HH previously and today is no different. For anybody who really got up in arms over him they are probably long departed from this world.
  23. Keep making assumptions that are not true. I am all knowing of course.
  24. Forget about it. Everybody including Buffalo Gal has already made up their mind and you knew that. I know that you want to get paid for posting leftist nonsense but there are other spots where it would be better received unless you chose the proverbial hard row to hoe. I still think that your tripe would sell better over on GangGreen which is mostly made up of urban people.
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