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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Probably all the guys who could not do simple math when knocking up the wife or girlfriend. Staying holed up and finding the obvious way to alleviate the boredom after the holidays before the internet meant a rush to the hospital in September, October, or November depending how many times you needed to come up at bat.
  2. I was not watching much football during the last high water mark for the Jets which was the Sack Exchange days so not much energy for me in terms of the Jets. Modern rivalries it would be the Pats and Steelers. Back in the old days probably the Oilers who were one time division rivals that we typically did poorly against along with the Chargers. Then there is the Shula-Marino Dolphins.
  3. I get that. You get that. All the lefties got from listening to their commie professors was that every piece of media needs a social commentary as to how war, capitalism, etc. are wrong.
  4. It would never be allowed today. Back in the 1990's the lefties were crying how it did not mention the Holocaust. Today a show centered around a war would not be allowed. Anyhow, the lefties went on to rag on Gomer Pyle and how he did NOT go off to war. Nevermind that bases such as Seneca Army Depot in our region were fully manned during the Vietnam War so some military personnel were left here to do mundane things such as stand guard duty and mow the grounds. Then the lefties went on to cry about Archie Bunker who was often made the object of ridicule over his views versus being held up as a scholar. The issue was not mentioning the Holocaust. Not my issue but their issue.
  5. HH was a major casualty of the PC movement back in the 1990's. Nevermind the fact that the Germans always lost at the end of an episode.
  6. Now that my mother has been gone for a while now it is very apparent just how good a cook she was. Growing up I remember other kids dreading supper but for me it was the highlight of the day.
  7. Meatloaf can be tricky. I can never come close to what my mother did years ago. Getting the right onion is an important part of getting it right. If slicing does not make you well up like you were just hit by tear gas then chances are the onion is too weak.
  8. .....said the intellectually dishonest poster.
  9. You are confusing your chit bombing for criticizing racism but we can all see through your nonsense. Are you another beneficiary of Cattaraugus County Social Services?
  10. OK. So 456 posts multiplied by 10 cents per post paid by the leftist think tank pays you 45.60 for your efforts the past few days. Seems like a waste of time when minimum wage is 11.40 per hour and you pissed away at least 20 hours here. I know the weather has been hot but you could make better money being the auto lot attendant for some new car dealer.
  11. You listen to Glenn Beck? Tell me what he is like.
  12. I doubt that he can be better (than that). He's working from a 10 year old play book anyways. The only thing missing when talking about generations past that every town had a "white club" that looked out for every last white person whether it be Irish, Italians, Poles, Greeks, etc.. My paternal grandparents were Germans and they got treated rather shabbily when they came to WNY nearly 100 years ago. Nobody gave them the "white" map to tell them that Germans went here, English went there, Dutch went elsewhere and the hell with everyone else.
  13. 20 sock accounts now for him?
  14. I've already have seen similar arguments and it will not appease today's hard core liberals. Heck, the English raided Ireland for several centuries for conscripted labor and the arguments spew forth about how the Irish got their due in the 20th Century and how society was more or less white blind starting in the 19th Century. That would come as news to my Irish ancestors who no doubt are rolling over in their graves as how good they supposedly had it starting around 1850 in the US. I remember it said that my grandmother suffered corporal punishment by her employer as late as the Great Depression if she did not move fast enough in her job as a seamstress. I remember my wife's grandfather talk about people being fired due to their (white) ethnicity at what would eventually become AC Delco in Rochester.
  15. I don't depend on television weather reporting but I do catch the local news on television. So sometimes it is just as easy to wade through a 2:25 segment than to flip around and not really see anything before the sports segment.
  16. Only to the point where his groveling made his segment somewhat incomprehensible. Also, somewhat annoyed as an obvious new guy did not seem to know any city or town besides Rochester. He needs to spend some time looking at an area map so he can be very fluid in explaining where he sees a thunderstorm.
  17. I watched a report from a Rochester, NY television station. The guy was all sorts of apologetic over the probability of rain yesterday and today. Just give the darn forecast and be done with it. It's 2020 and we know forecasting the weather is still not 100 percent flawless. Further, that the weather person does not actually control the weather. Are we so whipped as a nation that we can't handle a rainy day? Even without the pandemic most of us are seldom outside. The weather person talks precipitation so you carry an umbrella, rain slicker, whatever, to have when it does rain. Pretty simple. If you don't like rain then move to the SW US.
  18. Still not getting you. As to Biblical I was not trying to say knowing the Bible automatically makes one a better person. As a matter of fact one of the most crooked people I ever knew personally went to church every Sunday. I was just saying that the producers of Shawshank wanted Andy's "persecution" to be on par with somebody like John who was imprisoned by the Romans for not renouncing his beliefs.
  19. I don't understand the Steve Martin reference. I thought Bob Gunton was very good as the warden.
  20. The warden could not appear too honorable as he was using prison labor to line his pockets. It was just a way to make Andy's suffering appear more Biblical in nature plus get the movie to the desired run time. Anyways, most fictional works including television have plot holes and this was a far less offensive example in the scheme of things.
  21. Will you have a paycheck once Soros is no longer around to sign one?
  22. Not my thing anymore but a county fair can be a pretty big deal to some kids. I'm surprised that whoever runs the fair made a call to cancel this far ahead of when it was to run.
  23. Erie County Fair cancelled for 2020. A loss of income for local vendors and probably not the only cancellation for national vendors and entertainment providers.
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