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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. For that they would just hire sellout right wing terrorists to create a much more direct path to capture other right wing terrorist. I can see your dossier with the new government. Willing to say anything for a dollar. High degree of probable betrayal. Charge with several crimes and jail.
  2. Your fear is obvious as you danced around the possibility of a new government wanting to take harsh measures to at the very least quiet you.
  3. Not the same example as you being in obvious opposition to a government lacking a coherent reason as to why. A new regime will figure you will be quick to label it immoral or corrupt especially if there is money on the table for you to grab for saying it. Extremely doubtful that you would have deep connections to the leaders of a new regime to keep your butt out of prison. Or in the old more civil days faked evidence of marital infidelity among other issues that could ruin your life.
  4. Your fear is obvious in that post. You know damn well the potential traitors are the first to be rounded up for a disposition to prison or in more extreme situations execution when a new regime takes hold. You are trying to fool only yourself.
  5. Good reading for our resident idiot Tiberius and his army of alts. I've said it before on PPP and will say again that Tiberius will be a target of the movement he espouses as he has shown a willingness to actively undermine an existing government. This implies he may very well be willing to do so again and will be regarded with a very low level of trust by a new regime. A new regime will not chance having around a group of people who may ultimately prove to be disloyal to that regime.
  6. Yeah, nothing creepy could come out of this? Guys having dolls made of some girl they liked in high school but were completely dismissed by the same girl. For some probably marginally better than a green card girl.
  7. I'm thinking of turning all Busey, Tibs, Billstime, Warren Zevon, etc. threads over to NYS DEC for point source pollution issues.
  8. I'll credit you for having a very active imagination. Most people would be jealous to think that you win all your battles. So when is daddy showing up to tell me that I am playing too rough with you?
  9. Yeah, your blood. Shouldn't you be crying to a mod right about now over something? By the way Cornell offers more than political science courses.
  10. I can appreciate that but I also appreciate your views even though our politics do no align. I consider it a loss for all here.
  11. Un-entitled members? No. Just me and the wife in my house. No forced tenants. Just me and the wife on the checking account with no other access allowed. Who do you think is benefitting that should not? Taxes paid to the government is outside that. I know that when I earn money that the government gets a portion of it.
  12. We are all aware of the differences in terms of practice and print when it comes to policy. You are stalling. Would you be happy if someone received part of your assets without payment to you? That the same person performed no work and yet was compensated with some of your assets? Do you consider it fair that in certain portions of the world and at certain times people had assets taken away from them that they believed was earned in a fair manor? I am not interested in any political science drivel that you hunted up or were taught at college. Do you believe in the right for the government to collect and redistribute assets without compensation to the previous holders of those assets?
  13. I thought we were having meaningful discussion on social-political experiments. Why retract your comment about righty's? You're right about both "societies" being quite a ways removed from being perfect. What do you envision happening on righty island over the span of a few years?
  14. Could you make more vague responses and then disappear into the fog of the internet? You should know since you responded that I was responding to a post that mentioned collectivism. Are you trying to say that collectivism has been implemented with success? That both the people and the government which were impacted by collectivism were happy with the results? That you yourself would be happy if the government came along and subtracted "Y" from your "X?" Even if you owned a 1500 square foot home and were paid 15 dollars per hour you would be happy if the government decided some less fortunate person needed half of your living area and that your employer should pay that person part of your salary?
  15. There would be problems on "righty" island as well but my feeling is there will be far fewer problems in comparison. I kind of lived a scaled down version of this experiment when I lived at a "co-op" student residence while at Cornell. Not going to dispute billionaire CEO's but then again they are a small percentage of American society as they should be. I saw a point where I could jump in to make a contribution. If I can make a contribution as to the main topic I will and perhaps after some time to com-template. I don't t believe that "violence" is worlds apart from "wrong" for the sake of discussion. While I took a couple of history courses at Cornell I never dipped into Poly-Sci so I am at somewhat at a disadvantage but I believe that I will survive just fine. PS This thread should be in PPP as without politics there would be no motivation for the revolutions the OP mentions.
  16. Yep, there are always going to be those who want more than their share for effort that is less than their share. Just for an experiment I would love to place a couple dozen of these lefty's on a deserted island and see what the state of affairs are after a few years has elapsed.
  17. This really is a topic for PPP and should move there. There is already enough friction amongst posters given the already existing topics.
  18. No, I think that we are in general agreement but I think that your statement about not crossing lines is more applicable to the major cities versus WNY.
  19. A little before my time but I don't recall my elders saying that groups organized by ethnicity were strongly insulated. In most towns in WNY there were communities within communities. The Irish, Italians, Poles, etc. worked in the shops and factories owned by English, Dutch, or German originated people. These workers in turn used their paychecks to support others of their respective backgrounds via tailors, butchers, small markets, repair shops, etc. It was not a matter of dislike that the Irish did not go to the Italian tailor but that there was an Irish tailor who could really use the business of his fellow Irishmen. Sure, some people disliked outsiders to varying degrees but for most it was about supporting a community with a common background. Of course this started to fade away after WWII as smaller manufacturing gave way to the corporations and retailing meant national suppliers such as A & P for groceries for example.
  20. Our dog many years ago was best pacified by going down in the basement when a thunderstorm came. It also helped that my mother was around to let her in the house so she could make the next move. Before all that she broke a back door window with the thunderstorm being 15 minutes before being obvious to humans. In the days before the internet and 24/7 local news/weather access. Anyhow, we learned when she suddenly came to the door scratching to let her right in.
  21. Which is still disappointing for Putin as he thought he was going to bang Hillary like a gong.
  22. Since he claimed that he did so well during the recent stock market turmoil maybe he can cut some reparations checks?
  23. Which is why they have not been around since 1865. They lost a war if you are to now unaware of the American Civil War. Anybody who ever went to school until the age of 16 knows that.
  24. Earth to Tiberius : There has not been a CSA since 1865. Stop ginning up fake enemies to get your self worked up ala the WWE.
  25. Christopher Plummer was told by the plumber's union that he must change his surname as he never once cleared a drain or tightened a pipe fitting. He was also told that dogs have never actually fought in a battle during wartime (Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war). Sorry, it's the best I got.
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