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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I can appreciate what you are saying. I just find realtors's associations as being particularly obnoxious.
  2. Not sure how excited I should be over this. Making a move to buy a home is more than a 1 or 2 month period in terms of planning and execution. Not saying that an industry association can't toot its own horn but the data does not suggest a broad recovery in my mind. The data needs to be broken down to give a clear picture of what is going on by region and income category. I'd rather look at measures such as vehicle leasing and purchasing, account activity by businesses to those that provide goods or services to them, etc..
  3. Training and education? Come on (not you personally)!? This would be the first step in creating no go zones for cops as they would lack the manpower to be effectively present in certain areas. There is an endgame to lawlessness for these people. That they simply do not have to abide by any laws. Which makes enterprises such as theft and drug dealing easier to operate.
  4. I know that I am asking too much of the operators of this site but there simply should be one account per address. I've seen boards descend into complete anarchy because trolls were opening new accounts on the order of a few every few minutes. This invites paid trouble makers to come in and turn the place to complete chaos on politically charged sites. Make the money matter very little to the handlers of these clowns then the paychecks go away because the lefty think tank thinks they are not getting enough bang for the buck.
  5. That's a lot to ask for when most conservatives here do not have him or his alts on ignore.
  6. The trouble is the troll opens up a new account then brings said thread back to the top complete with new pooh.
  7. Guilt making you discuss yourself?
  8. A little over 705,000 which is not the same thing as 750,000.
  9. Tiberius? Hello? Your lack of an answer is only going to lead me to draw my own conclusions. Some English that goes back before the Revolution? Purchased textiles from New England mills that in turn bought Southern cotton produced by slaves?
  10. It's very surprising that there is not more open hostility aside from a certain poster who takes the name of a Roman emperor.
  11. How many of your ancestors did the same? How long has your family been in the US? Did some of them live in the South and perhaps were here before the Revolution? Please answer in the slavery thread.
  12. Spaceballs starring Hornell, NY's own Bill Pullman.
  13. Wesley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love any movie that had Red West in it who was a bodyguard for Elvis and right hand man for Robert Conrad.
  14. Rambo II, Star Wars, and I have a Star Trek : The Motion Picture (mediocre movie but a great poster plus was the stamp that restarted the franchise).
  15. I'd go along with chicken and stuffing although I have done beef stew (which is actually great cold as well as hot), chili, and pulled pork.
  16. Many a lecture in my Intro Stats course at college contained discussion as to how people use stats to deceive others. The only class in college where cheating on exams was dealt with out in the open by tearing up tests.
  17. OK, as of the last week they were dealing with an 87 million dollar gap (the figure has varied the last few months so we should say an EIGHT figure deficit) and were eliminating 300 teaching positions and closing 5 buildings. I don't live in that district so I don't follow to the day in terms of what is taking place there. My apologies.
  18. Easy for people such as ourselves to see but I would imagine quite a few people even now do not see the ramifications of unrealized tax revenue. I don't think districts are allowed to borrow money for non-capital projects. Even before Corona the City of Rochester SD was facing a seven figure deficit with the only real option of cutting staff to make up for the short fall. I would imagine many districts if they are not facing issues will face them.
  19. Cuomo has said that he expects state aid to be reduced by at least 20 percent starting 2020-21 school year. I wonder how this will affect re-opening?
  20. I don't like the Senate idea at all. DC has 705,000 people while Maryland has just over 6 million people and Virginia a little over 8.5 million people. It would amount to crapping in someone else's bathtub. For the record I don't see a way I can be comfortable with to make it a state. People don't like the status quo of DC then they came move elsewhere. It is paramount that DC remains a neutral territory when it comes to other states and any political party.
  21. I never really analyzed it until now but I did not realize there was that much turnover with the Jets and Dolphins over that period. I think the Pegula's have things going the right direction but Ralph Wilson never found the guy he could trust to run the team the last 15 years he was alive. Also, I don't think that Ralph was up to the task during the same time period. The time lost will always bother me and wonder how Jet and Dolphin fans take their era of darkness even though they did not have a man of advanced age controlling things? To an outsider the Ryan playoff teams a decade ago with the Jets seem more a fluke than a result of carefully crafted plan.
  22. 2,900 dollars annually per taxpayer? Most households in WNY only make around 35K combined per year and they are just hanging on. And that was before Corona put its whammy on businesses. This proposal is only going to give rise to hate groups if it ever comes to fruition.
  23. Blame Trump. Blame the cops. Blame white middle class. .......and down the line.
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