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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. And a lot of businesses are on very shaky ground. How long before retailers that sold partially or fully in the malls realize they don't need the mall and go full online?
  2. Kirk is still my favorite but Sisko beats Picard by a small margin. I just watched the DS9 pilot the past two nights.
  3. Some of what she said sounded like a Sisko ponderence. I know people are tired of me saying it.................Oh, never mind.
  4. You're like Grandpa Simpson in the old folks home who has the same few pictures that he shows every time somebody visits over and over again. How far is that from Clinton Compound in Westchester?
  5. Can we divert Pelosi's and AOC's plane to Hong Kong?
  6. You should seriously consider returning you GED as you are ignorant beyond hope. Fortunately, we are too smart to buy into your tripe. Anyways, I will clue you in as the Italians got it from guest workers that originated in China.
  7. Chelsea is not running the Arkansas Suicide Machine. I think that Hillary cares a great deal plus the Democrats have not had their convention yet. Still time for a draft Hillary movement and Dementia Joe being out of sight for extended periods is the perfect prelude.
  8. Here's hoping Hillary needs to be shot up with tranquilizers by the time evening comes. Most likely will not happen but a person can dream can't he?
  9. He was talking about you but could not say your name due to COC concerns. Why? Because Japan does not have tens of thousands of Chinese running through it because of their recent history including the Second World War.
  10. The Dems realize that this is 2020 and not 1970. Which one looks better in a blazer, halter top, tights, and heels which is what a huge cross-section of the Democratic Party is most concerned about. Most of the talk about Tulsi Gabbard were catcalls about if you are going to elect a commie might as well elect a hot one.
  11. Was not the LLC a temporary measure where you have to reveal all after a year from when the claim is made?
  12. So Tiberius were you the pivot man between Slick Bill and Epstein later that evening?
  13. People may finally get to see a little justice and you turn this into a Trump slam. May God have mercy on your soul!
  14. No, it is not funny and it would not surprise me in the least that something happens to her. Epstein has been a thorn in the side of some very powerful people so they will impose their will just like they did with that jail facility in Manhattan. Nothing gets said about that anymore so we might just as well forget about justice for the little people.
  15. I can believe it as she has shown a taste for American life and probably thought she had her ducks in a row. She probably pissed somebody off that she thought she had in her pocket.
  16. I'd settle for far far less and live a normal life.
  17. How do you explain Trump's support when it is like well over 100 times what the viewership is for Fox News?
  18. He's a commie.
  19. Measures like that have been introduced in the NYS Assembly from time to time only to be shot down by the Governor among others.
  20. No time like the present to discuss your past.
  21. I can say no as well but I would be concerned about the people who have criminal intent towards you. Especially in current times when more people are struggling due to the virus fallout.
  22. Until now I have not mentioned DR once but you keep going on like verbal diarrhea about him. I think that you miss him greatly. How do you sleep at night?
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