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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Replaced SOME cops..............Not all cops. Agreed that society is still somewhat primitive when it comes to issues of the mind but there will always be a need for law enforcement. There will always be someone who wants to test the will of others and the code of society. A jail cell should always be available for that person.
  2. I think that he works in the stables at Batavia Downs pitching manure. He's very good at pitching manure here.
  3. You're feeling quite threatened this morning. Idiot.
  4. I would take a big hit just to stay out of the media light.
  5. Out of pooh and now flinging belly button lint again are you?
  6. Oh, the irony in an idiot who asks about Trump and losing and yet cannot see his own losing and refusal to leave.
  7. You watch too many monster movies. Do you look under your bed at night before lights out?
  8. Hence Hillary Clinton's entire life plan.
  9. So some of your ancestors lived in the South during the Antebellum Era?
  10. Putin in the center as a controlling force? Another unsurprising liberal fantasy. If you lost your ability to dream/day dream it most likely would be devastating to face reality for you.
  11. Even if I were a leftist there are better fantasies than having a fantasy about Trump barricading himself in the White House.. Whatever happened to fantasizing about women? Or vacationing at a coastal resort? Kemp and Billslime really need a date with the cat scanner. Do they fantasize about Nixon and Reagan reaching out for them from the grave?
  12. Is 704 Hauser St on the market? I'll pass. I could easily buy 10 houses for 829,000 dollars in Wellsville, NY or Warsaw, NY or Westfield, NY (east of Route 20) or just about any other place in WNY.
  13. I'm seriously expecting a death in regards to her. Nothing would shock me. Inoperable security camera. Guards fell asleep. Materials available for a "suicide."
  14. Carter. The man who lead us to double digit inflation and double digit interest rates by the time he left in Jan 1981. He also helmed a deep Recession to kick off the 1980's.
  15. Why you of course.
  16. I'm amazed at how threatened you feel you are by non-leftists. How many night lights do you have in your bedroom? Or do you keep all the lights on at night complete with 100 watt bulbs in each light. Yard light on to see if any bogeymen are lurking behind the bushes. A TV dedicated to a loop feed of Clinton and Obama Inaugarations.
  17. I'm still mystified like with Epstein why this woman is not being held at Ft Leavenworth or some equivalent facility where a failure in security can be dealt with via a court martial and possible life sentence. Heck, the whole legal procedure should be held in some controlled setting. Too many powerful people want this woman dead so it is just a matter to pay someone to take the heat and a little jail time to get the job done. Life sentence in a military facility would make most people think twice about putting a hit out.
  18. You drinking automotive antifreeze as well?
  19. That was not pot that you were smoking but dried cow manure.
  20. Have you been mixing anti-freeze with your cough syrup to get a quick buzz again?
  21. Yeah, with a remote feed. Note to all techies on the right to bring jamming devices that night.
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