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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. So they are following in the footsteps of the not that long ago ended Gotham which was broadcast on FOX?
  2. So will it be 2-2.5 years down the road that Hollywood will decide that Batman has not been perfected hence another series for the Caped Crusader? Honestly, the best Batman was the 1960's version with the movie being a letdown compared to the then just finished Season 1. This is the only way the franchise works in my mind. The stakes are usually small (they had billions of dollars in 1966 but the villains played for a few million normally) and even this Batman was somewhat obscure to the rank and file police and residents of Gotham City. Note the episodes where Batman is lectured by a cop for poor custody of the Batmobile.
  3. I am better. No doubt about it. Seems very Putin-inian of you to claim you own words.
  4. Your work here can be summed up in one word. Tragic.
  5. Triumphant Trump! How many months did it take you to come up with that and how long from twitching brain to keyboard for that "gem?" You have the brain of a Tribble by the way.
  6. Get off my planet (trespassers).
  7. I'm a lover and not a hater like you. I wish for all of humanity to come together to solve its problems. It's sad to know that there are dividers out there such as you, Tiberius, and Tiberius' numerous sock accounts.
  8. No hoax. Your manifesto speaks for itself. What's next? Speaking about your "struggle" to convert the masses.
  9. Stop with the denial. Everyone here knows that I was talking about you. I was trying to be sensitive about it unlike you callous libs.
  10. Someone's short richard syndrome flared up with a roar this morning.
  11. Probably would be prohibitively expensive with the cost divided just among Bills fans. Anyway to do something along the lines of the old Empire Sports Network? Maybe get some personalities the way Paul Maguire was on ESN. Would Smerlas be willing to do some show and could we bear him if he could not get off of his Pats love? Tasker? Ray Bentley? Would Wade P be willing to do a show? Harder than it looks when considering you need an engaging personality, knowledgeable, and unflappable (does not get bothered by negative people). I think this would have to be load shared with the Sabres, Amerks, Triple A Baseball, College Football including Cornell, Section 5, 6 high school sports.
  12. That's what you get when you go up against the Hilldog.
  13. If there is ever a Hee Haw : The Next Generation I nominate Bill Clinton to play Grandpa Jones.
  14. So, you admit Obama should face prosecution for his crimes concerning the 2016 Election?
  15. Just like in baseball, football, hockey, etc. if your opponent loses by one point you still beat them. Of course her losing is the other side of that coin.
  16. So you admit Hillary got beat versus the constant mooing by her that she was robbed? You are getting kicked off the Democrats bandwagon for that little slip.
  17. The rot in the Nixon administration was quite limited compared to the Obama administration. We will find out after another 20-50 years just how nefarious Hillary was compared to Henry Kissinger.
  18. You beat me to it. I guess now I'll have to use "He aint heavy, he's my brother" by the Hollies to make my point.
  19. They cater to rich people today and Bryan was so beloved by that party that he was their POTUS candidate a couple of times.
  20. I hate to be the guy who says this but here goes anyways. Do we have verification that it was live such as journalists being there in person to see it? If Biden truly did it live then so be it.
  21. And had several weeks to do it.
  22. I did not watch it but was told it was prerecorded.
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