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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. No doubt it involves traffic. Also, I think the arena of politics has moved on to the point where a party or a campaign can have a huge interest in influencing this board. There are Bills fans from the Northern Tier of PA that no doubt drop in on this site including PPP. Pennsylvania will be a closely contested state this fall for the Presidential campaign. Also, traditional Republican strongholds such as Monroe County have turned blue. Any talk other than limiting the board to one personality-one account is just making dealing with civility too hard on any mod. I suggest looking at other sites such as hunting or rural living for example. Nobody has a handful of aliases to move an agenda. The boards pretty much self regulate themselves because if a poster is outrageous then being ignored is pretty much fatal. No need for a mod to take somebody out in back of the wood shed unless they use (even unintentionally) a naughty word such as something associated with a reproductive act. I'd hate to lose PPP as it gives a good barometer as to how others feel that shares a common interest or background. Also, there just is not enough quality Bills related topics to keep interest at TSW. Too many of the topics there boil down to if the Bills won the sports related lottery in terms of players or coaches.
  2. The trouble is that there are nuts of all stripes out there that would attempt to disrupt a real person's life. Politics is a very sensitive subject for many people. While we would hope that everyone would be mature who posts here that simply will not happen. Having one account/personalilty here would provide reinforcement in terms of using privileges wisely. No different than raising a kid to realize that there are consequences to bad choices/actions.
  3. The effort is too intense by trolls here for ignore to work very long. If this is like most boards there is no limit to the number of sock accounts one person can have and this is what trolls will resort to. Pretty soon people that count on ignore will become frustrated when a new personality penetrates their shields every hour. Getting rid of the socks so a person has to stand on one account will automatically make them post better content if they wish to be read.
  4. Promises. Promises. Does this go for sock accounts as well?
  5. The only one that I would give the benefit of the doubt to is ALF. Tibs will be a human only when he knows that he is caught in something that he can't defend. Now some of them such as Kemp can function on TSW well enough and most likely should stay there. The text that Crayola had that you responded to was just more gaslighting in an effort to see who is weak on here.
  6. WNY masochists will have to find a new player to fulfill their Sunday afternoons this fall.
  7. I know that we are supposed to be more ............. understanding of the other guy here. But I think there is a certain core of lefties that are engaged in a never ending barrage of gaslighting here. They believe if that they are successful all discussion will be shutdown here that is not favorable to their causes.
  8. When I worked for other people I had to abide by their rules and all my employers were sensitive to political discussion meaning not to offend customers or clients by injecting personal views into the workplace. Yes, black athletes have lives outside of the workplace and that is the area in which to express their views. It is just as inappropriate to express personal views on the field or the court as it would be to express views in the showroom or in the factory. Our freedom does not come at the expense of the employer who hired us.
  9. Doubtful. There seems to be plenty of leftist handles here. A fair number did not reveal themselves until the pandemic hit and were so bored on TSW they started drifting over to PPP. If anything I fear our regular lefties have made a note of this and will recruit TSW posters to come over on a vote. I fear that right leaners and conservatives will be repeatedly shouted down.
  10. Might work if people could not create sock accounts at the drop of a hat to weight the voting one way or another.
  11. If anything if PPP goes away then anything political will simply be deleted on the other boards. A three strikes and you are out policy may be implemented to help with the temptation of inserting politics on the other boards. I frequent other boards that have a complete ban on politics. First time offenders are given a two week vacation and if a poster messes up again then they are permanently banned.
  12. I'm not a problem. I only have one identity here based on one account. I rarely start a new thread on PPP. I do not use vulgar or inappropriate language. My texts are rarely more than 100-150 words per post so easy to digest. The worst that I am is a little incoherent first thing in the morning as my eyes take 15-20 minutes to adjust to the font and print size of the PC I use. This morning was not a good morning and might be time for the bifocals or reading glasses the optometrist has been suggesting.
  13. Limiting one user identity per IP address will not eliminate that but it will greatly cut it down. If the mods insist on ignore being the remedy then one identity will be much easier to ignore then the pooh becomes invisible for those who wish not to see it.
  14. I'm not sure what can realistically be hoped to accomplish when banning is not part of the tool box to deal with problem posters. Also, when limiting the number of threads started per week would cut down on LAMP's and gibberish type threads. It's great to talk about ignore but I have seen other boards IMDb for one burned to the ground so to speak because the mods counted on the ignore function to solve all problems. There was one poster with the handle of CJH who was creating new aliases by the hour on that board. I'd like to think that all the problem children here are just bored people but I think several are paid to come on here and create mayhem. Agree or disagree with the assessment that some people think this board can be used to sway opinion hence some of the posts but some post to assert their ideas.
  15. I think that he meant that Tiberius should be taken to a vet(erinarian) for treatment.
  16. Do you typically start drinking before 12 noon?
  17. Why do you feel so threatened by Trump? You are the guy waving your blue pompoms about Biden being up in the polls. That is not just some malarkey cooked by people with an agenda is it?
  18. I think that he got his law degree from some diploma mill based on Grenada.
  19. Trump is soft? How would you know? Did you pull down his zipper and reach inside?
  20. He should. Even you know that he will just be a puppet until Hillary signals for Harris to take over should they be elected.
  21. The arrest for having sex in the park is ten years ago already!? Seems like just a couple of years ago. Quite the criminal career. I can't imagine being married to her for any length of time no matter how good she was at "it."
  22. Count on the lefties to cheat, cheat, cheat all the way to November. IF a live debate is done count on Joe having an ear piece disguised as a hearing aid so he can get assistance. No audience so it will be more difficult for cheating to be detected. If Biden's eyesight is decent maybe some kind of cue card at the back of the room.
  23. More like Joe is down by 17 at the start of the fourth quarter and he fumbled the snap. Recovered by the defense at Joe's one yard line.
  24. C3 agrees with that assessment of Biden's.
  25. Although extremely rare bears can be found in WNY and typically in Southern Tier counties. Rattlesnakes can be found along the Genesee River from its source in PA into Letchworth Park but sightings are rare. I remember while at college down in Alfred, NY taking a hiking course to satisfy my gym requirement. A high back shoe or boot was recommended as a degree of protection should you encounter a rattlesnake. I never saw any snake but the weather turned cool early that fall.
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