Not expecting to hear any words of wisdom from Biden are you? It's no different than sports that you want to hear from your guy (or girl) to get pumped up.
As much as I like to criticize the media the roots in the two party system lay elsewhere. During the 20th Century there were a lot of places including those that had labor unions representing the workers that you could not get a job if you were not a registered Democrat. If you were a business person you would get much better terms at the bank and deals from other businesses if you were a registered Republican. Did not matter that the Republicans were once the party of Lincoln or that the Democrats were the spiritual descendants of the Founding Fathers. This is what the two parties transitioned into over the last 100 years. There were no doors into most communities to gain notoriety nationally if you were not in one camp or the other.
Does not matter what the Biden team declares or agrees to a signal jammer is most certainly needed. An ear piece agreement needs not just to cover the beginning of the debate but after every time Biden comes back from break.
Why is everyone a draft expert? It's an outlet for blowhards for one reason. Being or following a draft expert is a way to pass the time. Even if a person's time is more valuable than that. Another reason we have so many draft experts now is landline phones are just about extinct so people can no longer safely make prank calls. It's a hobby and sometimes a job where a person can be wrong most of the time without consequences unlike being a stock broker or futures analyst.
We played a very potent Rams offense with something to prove against a 2-0 team going in. I don't think Edmunds was fully recovered today. Don't panic just yet.
The Brady's finally have a rendition of their classic TV home in LA. There was even a multi-episode special last year about it. Had home improvement personalities working with the actors. I was way ahead of the trend and have my own Haney Place from Green Acres.
I think that Bull gave up on poker when he found out it is played with everybody wearing their pants through out the game. Not to be confused with strip poker.
You being a Canadian inhibits your ability to see what is happening in the US. If Canada was not reaping incidental benefits such as the US's neighbor in terms of defense you might have a different perspective on certain issues.
Of course you see viewpoints such as the cops do a lot of good as a threat or you would not started this thread. Most American universities are a tale of two viewpoints as many have business classes and liberal arts on the same campus.
Four years including two years at Cornell University. I saw it first hand through electives such as history courses. As far as you never having attended college I can see that.
Bull crap, Bull. We did it through letting 3 generations of subversive college professors have at young impressionable minds. These same professors who saw capitalism as the root of all their problems in life and communism as the only solution.