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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. It's really not that simple. Kelly is from the Pittsburgh area and playing his last year for the Steelers would have been just indulging a childhood wish as opposed to a deliberate betrayal of Buffalo fans in terms of Kelly's motivations. Kelly mentioned in his book that he had hoped that he would have been drafted by the Steelers. I don't see a lot of the others as betrayals. Knox was pissed that Ralph would not recognize the future in that sometimes you have to pay players even when you don't value a position. A lot of the players in the Wilson days were just trying to make prudent decisions as to how they saw the future in Buffalo. Somebody like Smerlas I would consider more of a douche than a traitor. It hurts that Smerlas turned away from Buffalo but the guilt far from resides with him. Marv and Walt Corey were ready to turn the page from Smerlas and Smerlas has strong feelings for his hometown of Boston.
  2. Meant to address this yesterday. I would guess that back in the 1950's when Gunsmoke started Kitty was not slang for a certain part of the body or if it was the name Kitty had a different origin to satisfy the network censors. Growing up there were a couple of Kitty's in the community and if I had to guess it was a knock off of Kate or Katherine (or Catherine). Today, young women named Katherine (or Catherine) use the nick of Cat which takes us back in that direction.
  3. Eric the Clown (Seinfeld) was much better.
  4. I was just trying to say we tend to look at things differently as we age and it is not all bad if we allow our selves to see it. Yes, Miss Kitty is long gone but the reruns are still around and she was only middle aged on average while the show ran. We are never going to stop the clock in terms of aging so even the great Julie Newmar does not rock it like she did. I don't tend to pant after women older than I am but Annie Potts is not bad on Young Sheldon and she is over 60.
  5. Buffalo related in a way as I am north of 50 years of age Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke played by Buffalo's Amanda Blake actually does something for me versus being a "never touch that" when I was under age 35. I still have a long ways to go before I hit age 71.
  6. Yep, I screen all my calls as well. It has not made for hard feelings as most people know that I do this.
  7. Probably more political during the late 1990's/early 2000's versus early but most of that time it did not play favorites. Since the early 2000's it pretty much has been pro-Democrat.
  8. I just watch the reruns from the 1990's. I just could not watch after the Homer meets Marge storyline got changed and over use of characters such as Mo who are best as background pieces. But changing characters in terms of attitude such as Flanders going to Las Vegas was the beginning of the end for me. A good episode in terms of poking fun at LV but Flanders was the wrong character to do it with. Might better have done it with Chief Wiggum so the drunken Vegas wedding bit would have worked just the same. Grandpa Simpson in WWI and WWII in both the army and navy. I just don't like inconsistencies in characters. Once the background is laid out then that is it for me.
  9. Go south of Warsaw but that adds to the commute to and from Buffalo. Acrevalue is OK but flawed especially in this area where soil quality can vary wildly over a mile or two. Not so much just north of Batavia but getting down into Wyoming County.
  10. '68 Plymouth Valiant. The sound from a slant 6 Chrysler engine is one I have not heard for decades.
  11. My understanding is cars breaking couplers is not a rare occurrence and often had to be fixed where they broke. It would suck to have to fix one half way out on the old bridge especially if you did not like high places.
  12. Got to get down to Upper Falls to see the new rail trestle before fall.
  13. Just making general conversation. The region does get a little influx from outside as some retirees can stretch their money by cashing in their multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars home down by Boston, NYC, Philly to buy a place maybe worth 100,000 dollars and bank what does not go for income taxes on the sale of the old home. Trouble is there is still a lack of quality buyers so homes struggle to sell for what owners hope to get for them here.
  14. If you are not a warm weather fan there are plenty of places around that are not expensive to own but then you need to analyze the tax and utilities angles. Enough pressure downward on the regional economy to keep home values down especially in the little towns and villages.
  15. I'm very familiar with Alexander. I've driven down 98 to Arcade and over through Springville to Dunkirk on 39. A few years ago they were doing work on 98 in Attica and the detour was over past the big house. In general more the area the OP was talking about as the ground for the most part is not suited for expensive crops which drives high land prices. I will say the land can get a little steep physically when you go a few hundred feet away from Tonawanda Creek.
  16. He said it so quick I did not catch it. Even looking big I still wonder if it has enough umph to really get a bear.
  17. Medina is a good area but also has a lot of high quality farmland that brings a high price. Orchards are a factor and the Amish are getting to be factor up by Kendall and Lyndonville. If there is an Amish or Mennonite community nearby they bid land high with the Amish being seekers of 40-50 acre parcels in particular.
  18. Farmland prices vary widely in New York and most of the information regarding price is not publicized voluntarily. Deed transactions were listed in various area newspapers but how many people get the paper anymore plus deeds indicating tract numbers do not tell the story as to soil types, drainage, topography, buildings and their condition to name a few items. If a person is truly curious as to a land sale they can always go to the county office building where the land sale took place and there will be a record including selling price. I would also say that comparing land prices in WNY with say Iowa is like comparing apples and oranges. Different soils, growing seasons, weather patterns, access to markets, etc.. come into play. Nobody said that you can't find land for sale but pick a township and it might take considerably longer in that township versus another and there may be far more competition. I hear 10-12 thousand dollars per acre or more for premium agricultural land in WNY and that price would put a 25-30 acre parcel out of reach for most people including lower white collar types. I would consider the area north of Batavia to be the high rent district so to speak for land prices given the large farms and the high valued crops. Lower land prices tend to follow in areas where lower value products such as hay and pasture are grown. In the area around Batavia this happens more to the south down into Wyoming County. What further makes land immediately around Batavia expensive is quick access to I90. The same thing with being close to 490 over by Rochester. I did not say that Oakfield and Elba were bad places but they probably will be more expensive to pick up 25-30 acres if you don't get muscled to the side by the big players. No personal offense was intended.
  19. Those are all truly nice places but if he wants open acreage the price will be very high IF he can find any land. Competition amongst big farms for ground is fierce.
  20. I would go south of Batavia. Maybe down into Wyoming County. Some of the ground is not very productive and if he is only going to run horses or graze a few beef cows it is possible to find land that is not priced on par with ground for vegetables and row crops.
  21. Seldom practiced and most companies don't give a darn.
  22. Yep, the 1980's. A time when movie hookers looked glamorous and inviting as opposed to down trodden and broken souls.
  23. We have one cat at the moment and live in an area where cats get dropped off so probably soon we will have another. A couple years ago we had a total of 5 which was a bit much for the size of the house and that most cats tend to be territorial.
  24. It looks like tonight is the return of the show Mountain Men. Yes, I know that show is on the low brow side but it has the right combination of quick thinking and dumbass moments. I too get tired of the "I'm out here alone" stanza when the guy has a camera person or more follow them. But the point is they COULD BE out there alone when the show ends. Friday looks to be the beginning for the new In Search Of series. PS, I watched the Alcatraz show last night which the programming guide said was new but sure seemed to be the same one from a few years ago. The two nephews seem to get off way too much on being related to Alcatraz cons.
  25. So sorry. My household just went through that back in April with the white cat (Tonk) who we had for 17 years. She always had a very sunny disposition. Actually, we lost a few pets in the last couple years. Unfortunately, it is just like with people some live until getting old and others get sick or disease and then there is not much you can do for them. 99 percent of the cats and dogs we had were very warm and friendly pets. I had a male black lab/ beagle mix dog and he ALWAYS wanted to go for a ride with me or the wife.
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