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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. People here are in denial that Allen will look like a typical rookie complete with mistakes while he grows. Maybe Peterman does not want to take a chance on this but if I were McDermott I would be trying to get Peterman into the weight room to work on that.
  2. A fair assessment. Having said that coaching is about emphasizing strengths and protecting weaknesses. The O line can be made serviceable for this year with Groy starting and fan favorite Teller forcing his way onto the roster early in the season. Hopefully, Beane knew what he was bargaining for when he brought in Lotulelei.
  3. So, we are about where we thought we would be with a need to address the O line after this season. Camp tends to distort some things and some players are camp All Pro's but when the pressure is on playing against non-familiar faces some guys can't keep it up. Anyways, glad that we may have found some answers at RB and perhaps WR but we knew that a full rebuild was going to take longer than the past off season.
  4. I don't have one but have heard about them from those who do. You don't have to do the pole barn thing where there is nothing between the roof and the floor below. Some put down foam insulation as a barrier. Consideration needs to be given to undesired moisture barriers and the fasteners sometimes need to be tightened to eliminate seepage. The biggest positive is with minimal maintenance they can far outlast asphalt singles or similar material. It's fine to solicit opinions here but I would be using a recommended contractor to make sure nothing is overlooked.
  5. Cue Archie and Edith at the piano singing "Those were the days."
  6. I've done that most recently several years ago while suffering from the flu. It turned out to be a lengthy bout lasting over a week with 2 days of solid misery.
  7. I've had some bad times in the bathroom due to stomach issues. Just in the last several weeks there was one episode where I was pretty dizzy and clutching the rail across from me while I sat. I get worried because you hear stories about heart attacks in similar situations and the one side of my family does not have the best history on those once over age 50. The episode made me evaluate my dietary habits. I already eliminated salt a number of years ago which helps in general.
  8. The wife works near downtown and on her way in on 490 from the eastern burbs she said at one point the sky was as dark as night and then woosh. The levels of Seneca and Cayuga Lakes rose dramatically this morning. Water rushing over falls that normally dribble down by Watkins Glen. Good thing that the race has already gone by as it would suck to be camping this week ahead of the race down there. Cuomo had to fly in this morning and give his 2 cents on the weather.
  9. I know listening to news oriented radio is not everybody's thing but a lot of rain has fallen in areas south and east of Rochester this morning. If you are out and about watch for water crossing roads and debris being carried with it. Southern Seneca, Yates, and southern Ontario Counties particularly affected.
  10. Wife swap still on? Pretty painful to watch usually as one tries to control the other subtly or otherwise. Usually, conservative people are found with fault so just another social programming show in my mind.
  11. Never saw a Star Wars movie? That is just sick (just kidding). More of a Star Trek man myself. Never went to a dance or prom with a girl that I really wanted to go with. I'd be lost without a cat or dog or both. I've been trained plenty as how to deal with a small scale fire but also never used a fire extinguisher. We all have different experiences in life. Just the way it is.
  12. Not a high point in the industry for sure. For me the vehicles of that time tie in with me transitioning into manhood so that is the rational behind wanting something from that time. I want to say the nylon gear set was just for reverse but need to check on that. I saw a Chevette at a show this summer so some people have more offbeat tastes than I do. I used to know a guy that was heavily into AMC vehicles. Javelins, Hornets, Pacers, Eagle, etc..
  13. Just thinking about my college days. I remember when the Camaro was offered with a 4 cylinder option for the first time back during the early 1980's. My first college roommate ridiculed the notion and I likewise looked down my nose at it. I bought a used '79 Chevy shortly before I went to college and got thinking about it last night. I remember what the purchase price was and was looking around online last and checked out MSRP for that car and realized that inflation wrung more out of me than I realized even though it was low miles. Another time I remember a girl at college needed a jump start just before Christmas vacation and she was VERY grateful. In the end I was the perfect gentleman and said I would hope she would help somebody else out if similarly distressed. I remember another girl was trying and did get her father to buy her a then brand new '84 Mustang (smallest engine available). I was always the type of guy to have my nosed pressed against the family car window before I could drive and see what was on the dealer's lot. Hope I did not bore anybody and was not copying any recent other car threads such as most broken down or first car. Just going to shows this summer with a good friend we were pleased to see any late '70's car as that was the time we came of age so it is on the brain including last night while checking out cars online. If I came into some serious cash I would not mind a high quality Monte Carlo or Malibu. I like Vettes but want to cut my own path if I can ever collect. What would you collect that is off the beaten path?
  14. The NFL is targeting Richie Rich for its new customer base who will not sit open air below 60 degrees or endure precipitation.
  15. Kind of forgot about this until now. Down the street from a place I used to work at was a bar that had a female patron that was rumored to be more traveled than Madonna. Fits the thread that I was never with a girl/woman who had a reputation of getting around.
  16. I don't have a problem with GOT in terms of theme. I just have not been drawn in. The Soprano's were in the last season before I started watching. At times I can be a contrarian.
  17. I don't have a tat. I'm middle-aged and quite a few of my contemporaries have them to my surprise. July and August are festival season and have seen a number of people in their 40's and 50's sporting tats this year while out and about. Probably looked alright when they were 20 and their skin was tight but now they look like they just got out of prison.
  18. Unless I missed something I don't think that Britney is that well traveled. Madonna on the other hand........................
  19. Not too worried about the interim when a new stadium goes up. It will either be at a location away from OP so leave NEF in place for the time being or if they build in OP they will build near NEF but still leave NEF standing until the new place is ready. Parking will be the issue with a new stadium in OP but that can be addressed with a minimum of difficulty. The demographic is going to change for the average game attendee skewing towards a higher average annual income. These people are not all going to come from Erie County but from far and wide including Canada. Unfortunately, some people will be closed out from buying tickets due to insufficient income but the NFL does not care.
  20. Gotta wonder about the in-stadium attendance for Packer fans during the 1970's and 1980's. Of course like anything else from years ago everything and everybody was tougher. Drove 5 hours each way up hill in a blinding snowstorm to Green Bay back during the 1970's.
  21. 80,000 seats are too many and the entertainment dynamics are different from a few decades ago in that people have more entertainment options. It's not like 1975 where you have the choice of going to the park, movie theater, or game and not much else. However, I would not go the other extreme with 50,000 seats as some suggest and leave money on the table. There will be games of high demand and games that generate little interest so my proposal would be for around 65-70 K people with the team allowed to determine how many seats will be available for each matchup. Block off the seats the team does not plan to sell for a given game.
  22. Heck no. Even if I had been marooned on a deserted island for a few years and she washed ashore.
  23. Do we have to limit to just one story? The dumbest that I have personal knowledge of is some guy climbing onto a tower of a high voltage line on a dare. Yeah, I know any fool can climb the better part of ten feet and not get hurt but this guy was probably no more than 5 feet away from 350,000 volts at probably nearly 25 feet up vertically. Not some dumb teen moment and the guy was not a utility company worker. Pretty dumb cashier at the local Wegman's for many years who often did the express lane. Gave me a hard time once over 12 total items in a 15 items or less lane. Then there were the times a front end manager would send people down who had maybe 20-24 items as the regular lines were slammed and this woman would have fits. I told her once to talk to her boss about it. She obviously was connected to a VIP in the community to keep her job. I heard of one time somebody looking to steal gas took kerosene from somebody's garage and put it into the fuel tank of their automobile. Did not work and took that auto to shop nearby to where the kerosene was stolen from with the shop owned by same last name relatives as the ripped off home owner.
  24. Another part of my youth gone. Along with Matt Jeffries' set designs I spent a few rainy Saturdays imagining I was onboard the Enterprise. We had a steep staircase between the floors and I always thought it made the perfect Jeffries' Tube (the tube Scotty crawled in to make vital repairs often while the ship was under attack).
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