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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I don't know. The issue is very complex. A guy can have all the paid sex he wants but still strike out time after time in the real world. Some guys want way better than they should expect based on their appearance or finances. I shared a ride with an extremely attractive woman back and forth from college early on. Of course she was never going to swoon over me and I never fretted over it even when some catty comments made by her towards me came to light. Sometimes we just have to learn by being around people in an unshielded environment instead of being wrapped up in an emotional safety blanket. I came to realize that my conduct (obviously drooling) was not attractive and had to make myself grow as a person. Even though I was married by my mid-30's I had hotter women flirt very vigorously with me. Never cheated even though part of me wanted to make up for the times I felt screwed over.
  2. Without a long and drawn out response this predates the fake news era. I am also a fan of Team Pegula.
  3. The flaw in that thinking is that the prostitute will be expected to be perfect to the model men have in their individual minds with women. No guy is going to ask a prostitute to grumble how work was that day or that they had to go over to school to see what trouble the kid got into plus piss the boss off for asking for time off in an impromptu manner. That their "friend" is in town. That the boss made inappropriate advances towards them. Etc.. It's not easy to be around a real woman and at the same time it is not easy to be around a real man that always picks on his wife about carrying extra pounds, did not season dinner just right or made no effort but brought take home, the house is a mess, the kids' homework is not done, etc.. The reality is that a relationship and/or marriage is something that has to be worked at by both sides. In my mind adding an extra layer of fantasy does not help.
  4. Some just come into billions by winning the gene lottery. Of course that means somebody before them in their family did the heavy lifting.
  5. I know plenty of females that are either wives or girlfriends who would not put up with a paid lover for their male partner. At the same time I've never known any woman who thought being a paid receptacle was a great career. What evidence do you have that prostitution would be widely tolerated outside of loner males?
  6. Being a billionaire is not a skill but helps to become a billionaire by having a skill (or two). No one's ever done it twice? I would bet a fair number of people have done it one a piece in two different industries. Probably even NFL owners that have done that. Last I knew Cuban was a Democrat cheerleader.
  7. Pavada could take lessons in being so insidious.
  8. So many jerks that it is almost like a store for them thought George Costanza..........................
  9. Love or hate Trump but the NYT is still a commie rag.
  10. Cartels and gangs are not going to go legit and are not going to seek out legit employment. If you did take away all drugs (very doubtful) and legalize prostitution (would cause a schism between the sexes in North America) they would go right down the list to something much more painful for most which would include financial fraud. God help us if they found a way to skim credit and debit cards in your house. I would not write off human trafficking in North America just yet. We might find in the long term that it is better for them to have one vice to cash on instead of exploring new revenue streams.
  11. Coming off of the draft I think most would have said development. Camp made us a little too optimistic for the coming season. I think that we have too many areas of uncertainty to expect anything other than development. Keep our 2019 picks and have more expectations for that season.
  12. I've been saying that the cartels are going no place for years. Further, if they lose their footing in a state concerning pot they will find a way to gain a lot of it back. They don't charge a sales tax for starters. Purchasers will not be required to hold onto a sales receipt to know that they in fact paid a sales tax at a legal establishment. The higher the tax that is charged in a given state the more competitive the black market will be on price. Truth be told for most pot purchasers there was very little stigma in buying pot as most people did not have to visit a violent part of a town or city.
  13. Two positions coming open during the same offseason like they did is hard to overcome when a team has other needs. I would have a harsher take on Beane if we had relatively few needs outside of OL but reality is that we had many. I look for a rocky September followed by an improving balance of the season once our starter at center is in place with Teller working his way into the lineup. We keep all our 2019 picks and go heavy on help for both lines.
  14. FOX has always been terrible both in commercials and in-game. Designed for 13 year old boys who just hit puberty. Dignity is too much to ask for I guess.
  15. The wife and I have to help out at the in-laws given their age. Still almost too warm to think about running the oven several hours during mid-October in Rochester. Late November works just fine and usually snow is not a concern then.
  16. Just my opinion but I don't think that either the black market or the "nasty" dealer are going anywhere. I think that for at least New York the bulk of the politicians will want to impose a hefty tax to show "that they accomplished something" in regards to revenue. People are going to seek out what they want just as they did with pot. It's not a physical process but rather a mental one. Pot is not literally going to make someone seek out other drugs but the mentality might be "I consumed pot with no ill effects so what is the harm of trying x,y, or z drug?"
  17. In my mind Modell and Adams makes me think that there is a parallel to WNY. Cleveland was a wasteland economically back during the late 1980's and Modell was done wrong by various politicians on the city, county, and state level. Both the Indians and Browns needed new homes plus I get most fans don't like dual purpose stadiums along with the reasons why but that is what Cleveland should have done. Modell might have a entirely different legacy if the cards had fallen differently. The oil economy tanked during the 1980's ;leaving less government revenue to fund a new stadium for the Oiler's. Had the economy gone differently it is very probable Houston would have had a new facility during the 1990's and the Oiler's would have remained in Houston. By the way I miss saying Houston Oiler's. The WNY economy is far from robust and the politicians are far from in synch on a new stadium for the Bills. The point is Modell and Adams both gave their old cities a fair chance by most measures but could not bridge the gap.
  18. Meh as to the 700 million. The state will find a way to blow through that like a Westchester County debutant. If it amounts to a 25-30 percent tax the black market is not going away. Just like any agricultural commodity it needs oversight and testing which makes me doubt that could be done for a tax around 10 percent.
  19. Ideally, Beane would like to wait until a few weeks into the season but teams such as GB will force the issue before then. Beane probably wants to see the performance of the team overall rather than just the QB position.
  20. So, whaddaya doing about the drones? I heard about an altercation between neighbors where the boy from one house was using a drone to scout the topless daughter across the street. You're not supposed to shoot the drones down but that does not always happen.
  21. A fair assessment. Just like a lot of its brethren shows it lacks for believability. The Camp Pendleton arc made me not watch for a few episodes. I had relatives that knew people who were civilian workers at the Seneca Army Depot and based on the stories I had heard it would not be possible to move around on base like the characters did nor not get caught along the perimeter fence. They had yellow lines that civilian workers had to walk within at SAD and when even a longtime well known employee failed to do so it meant 24 hours in a dark room with bright lights in your face answering questions. Ellen Barkin just does not seem right for the role of a matriarch of a crime family. Her range just seems very limited for such a role. And lately they are pushing the GILF image which does not work for me. I see the advertisements for The Mayans (one of the clubs from SOA) and really wonder what is left to do for California bike clubs that does not amount to shock theater.
  22. Like you said it is all about your position in the argument. I would tend to think that in terms of participation of the widest segment of the general population the period from 1916-1929 was the longest boom. The down turn of 1921 was very limited in its effect for most companies. Europe was getting back on its feet in terms of producing its own food after WWI so that created reduced demand for US agricultural products affecting that sector. Overall inertia of the economy was not affected.
  23. Is this a show with substance or a show striving for style points?
  24. The AFC South will not be the cake walk this season that it was last year. Expect Dougie to look like he drank a swig of battery acid about the time Thanksgiving arrives this fall. The Jags still might be the top of the division but I expect the Titans, Texans, and Colts to do better than last year. No first round bye for the Jags this season. Nope, I have not forgotten the outcome of last season but just refuting the prognosis of some that the Jags will post an even better record this fall.
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