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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Could be that they are taking the long view.
  2. Doing the opposite certainly worked for George Costanza. Now where's my chicken salad? DeeDee Pfeiffer was smoking hot in that Seinfeld episode by the way.
  3. Only because yesterday's outing was so putrid that I believe there is reason things will improve. Whether that translates into wins is an entirely different question. I can only hope that already this morning there has been a fairly uncomfortable meeting for Castillo and Daboll hosted by McDermott. I think the defense will pull itself out of its funk with Edmunds getting more experience, a CB player emerging opposite CB White, and Murphy shaking off too much off season rust. Star will hopefully see the end coming if he does not do his part by keeping the Bills from getting within reach of Bosa or Oliver.
  4. People's heads here would explode if we followed the Bengals example but you are right. Turning over the top positions constantly at OBD has yielded nothing in the last 18 years and it has to change. It's painful to say but not all coaches grow the same and it might take more than a year or two for the current regime to find its sea legs. It's worse for Bills fans to endure because of all the years of Ralph penny pinching the team in some respects.
  5. Surely you expected Mack to play all 22 starting positions simultaneously and lead the Bears to a triple digit victory? Mack is a fine player but lets see if this holds up over the long term versus being a national F* to the Raiders along with having built up energy from being away from camp.
  6. Seriously? I don't think McDermott/Beane are going any place and it will take a tire fire that can be seen from the International Space Station for the entire season to get them fired at the conclusion of the season. Unfortunately, Ralph's last decade and change where we changed coaches every two to three years has created a situation where Buffalo is not attractive to prospective HC hires. We have to prove to the coaching world that a coach will get time to fairly demonstrate his abilities.
  7. As to your analogy time has made the 50 year old forget how many problems existed with the red haired sweet heart. She was never that good to start with and she was never going to stay with him. The same with many former Bills. I wonder how many here spend time in that apartment building pizza box forts when they are not creating such "romantic" threads or at least adding posts to them.
  8. Random thoughts. Dareus contract hurts but we should still see a bright spot or two today but we did not see any other than respectable (not great) punts. As far as Watkins goes we were not going to be able to resign him given our cap at that point in time and his likely demands. OL to this point is so bad Shady will go to waste unless Allen comes on quick and does the pass to set up the run. Peterman can't loosen the defense. The Ravens most likely are that good and until game time I did not realize how much they bolstered their receiving corps. We will trend up eventually but the reality is we will see at a minimum of 4 playoff teams and perhaps more along with a couple that will just miss the playoffs. Just not going to be our year unless something changes. Went outside to mow lawn to blow off steam during the second and early third quarters and will have to hope the lawn keeps growing for a while by the way things look. I am old enough now that I don't want to plow snow to blow off steam when late season gets here so I need to get some projects on the drawing board for after Thanksgiving if the trend holds.
  9. At the same time it is still more civil than a couple generations ago when guys across WNY in various drinking establishments were beating the crap out of each other after a bad loss. As bad as I need distractions from real life lately I am giving serious thought to taking some time off from here.
  10. It seems like every time a hurricane hits a coastal area there is a reporter talking to a guy who had his million dollar beach mansion wiped out and talking about when the Feds were going to step in. Does the average guy who is within 10, 20 miles or more of the coast get any aid or assistance? Probably not but guys who have million dollar homes on the beach donate heavily to political candidates or have connections to high level politicians can get leverage to help their cause. Devastation in terms of a once in ten year event or in some cases the frequency is more than that would never allow for those not ultra affluent to rebuild 2 or 3 times or more in a 20 year period. Especially when each rebuild is a million dollars or more. The impression is that the Feds do step in for the right people. If somebody knows different for sure then it would be nice if they spoke up. Which is why if some company was insuring homes in Galveston or on the Outer Banks for a million dollars or more each the annual premiums would most likely be into six figures to cover the company's risk for each home.
  11. Yeah, nobody wants to kiss her grits. I think what he may be getting at that many of these homes get covered by some kind of federal disaster aid which is unfair to the taxpayers. If you have the money to build and rebuild in an area prone to disaster then I don't care what you do. Come calling to me the taxpayer that your home is laying in rubble and you want to rebuild in a disaster prone area then I will have a problem with that. If the Feds want to have a program where the insured pretty much pay their own way w/o subsidy then I have no problem.
  12. I always enjoyed him on Bob Newhart's first show. I was not all that old when Bob Newhart's show ran during the 1970's but I appreciated being able to watch grown up television along with All in the Family.
  13. College is as vast as the Pacific Ocean in terms of programs. Daboll could go down to Alfred State in Allegany County and become a head coach so I doubt very much that Daboll would be denied another chance. Especially when you do not attach a qualifier such as a big time program it is hard to imagine not getting another chance. Just a matter of letting your pride not get in the way.
  14. Taking a little getting used to. I made a stop at Wegman's before heading home. A can of Campbell's soup in size looked like a little 6 oz can of tomato paste. The cash I paid at the checkout looked like Classic Monopoly money in size. Peripheral vision and reading at a distance are fine. It's been a couple of hours now so my eyes are adjusting. Right now I don't know about switching off between my old glasses for being outside and wearing the new glasses inside which was the original plan. Looks like the new ones are on pretty much all the waking hours for now.
  15. How does anyone know what the Pegula's did and did not do? You are assuming that the people that you asked would jump on the first plane to Buffalo just because you asked. Experts are also people in that they may have loyalties to other organizations or other persons affiliated with other teams. Some like Bill Parcells are just plain jerks who get off on sticking it to others. Assembling a management team I have a feeling is easier said than done. Going with Russ/Doug may have been the only option the Pegula's had at the time.
  16. None of the keyboard geniuses here make mistakes. They were born all knowing and all powerful.
  17. If I want to get drunk fast I would pop in a Gomer Pyle, USMC DVD and take a shot every time Sergeant Carter said "Pyle!" I Wonder why Otis never showed up there when Aunt Bea stopped in for a visit?
  18. If I remember correctly the city of Miami refused to lease the Orange Bowl to Ralph due to non-payment by previous tenants. The city softened its stance around 1965 opening the door for the AFL to expand in 1966. Not Lamar Hunt nor Robbie/Thomas screwed Ralph over. Ralph's issue was solely with the city of Miami.
  19. I was just going to bring that up. But the conclusion of this year's college season might change that opinion. We shall see.
  20. One television and entertainment board and a couple outdoorsmen/hobby sites.
  21. Any chance the Michael Dunn auditioning at OBD being related to Michael Dunn (Dr Loveless) of The Wild Wild West?
  22. I pity the fool who watches The Mayans tonight. Sorry, I could not resist.
  23. Had there been more like me I would not have felt alone on the matter. Junior high school is a time you don't want to stand out from the others on matters such as facial hair. Anyways, long done and in the past.
  24. To look clean shaven once per day and even then the 5 O'clock shadow is in place right after lunch. I too was shaving before high school. I felt like a freak.
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