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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Agree with your sentiments in principle. I will say that we want to be careful how we lay out the parameters for sexual assault in terms of definition and penalty. Quite a few would consider an assault having taken place without any concrete evidence to support it. Would not even need a victim to say that an attempt of forced sexual conduct took place. I don't want sexual misconduct to go unpunished but I don't want a set of laws that ultimately becomes a persecution apparatus either.
  2. Don't take this the wrong way but I hope your dad lived for more than just a sports team. Letting a team eat you up emotionally is just not worth it. There other things to do on an Autumn Sunday if things bother you that much. I'm thinking about maybe heading down to Letchworth this coming Sunday. Not because I am afraid of the Bills crapping the bed but because I need more than one dimension in my life.
  3. I think that at one time he said that he had it in for the Caped Crusader.
  4. Trump's rumored alternate is a Catholic woman. So throw out all the sexual misconduct smears that have been used to this point if she comes up to the plate. Guessing if she is plan B you will see the "hot for teacher" smear waiting in the bullpen.
  5. Not really. I can't speak for Yale but I know Cornell alums that could not get a spot for their kid and I would imagine that it is not automatic a legacy gets into Harvard or Yale. That aside the legacy bit works best when the alum still has connections on the inside. If Grandpa graduated in 1928 and Brett did not get admitted until 1988 the odds are pretty good that grandpa's connections have long left the scene.
  6. Even a legacy has to pull his weight once in place. That aside I think the benefit of being a legacy is overblown. If a kid majored in shop during high school and only pulled a C legacy or not his future is certainly not guaranteed for college.
  7. Fire sale. Everything must go. No reasonable offer refused.
  8. I think most of us go through cycles as fans and that is not limited to Bills fans. There has not been a whole lot of positives for Bengals, Browns, and Titans fans over the last couple of decades. Just pick up a couple of key players to get your hopes up then the season unfolds and by November wandering around Lowe's looking at closeouts on lawn equipment looks more attractive than your team.
  9. We shall see. FOX kept shows such as Married With Children along with The Simpson's on well past their expiration dates. For me it does not matter as I watch very little network television besides the NFL coverage. But there are millions of impressionable young lemmings out there to be turned into Democratic voters so expect the garbage to keep piling up.
  10. She will probably be more arrogant now with Murphy Brown (yuck) back on the air.
  11. Pretty much doing what was supposed to take place last year which was bottom out. 50+ million in dead cap pretty much says it all. Right now they are bargain hunting guys such as our new DB that can allow our focus to shift to fixing the offense during the next offseason. I hate writing off a season but that is what is in store for now but the expectations are going to be much higher come May 2019.
  12. The least you could have done was a link for the song you are referencing "I'm a a**hole".
  13. But, But I was told by a great many here that putting on your man pants and facing what the competition throws at you is the best way to develop a QB. None of this Nancy stuff about standing along the sidelines holding a clipboard. Might just as well buy Josh a dress and get it over with. Sarcasm.
  14. It would be a nice feeling to head into the next offseason knowing most of our defense is set. Let the high draft picks and FA dollars bring in the offensive pieces we currently lack.
  15. Fire the man who met the man who met Andy Griffith. Or from yesterday's The Andy Griffith Show, Andy : "Aunt Bea, Call the man. Call the man. (Annoyed). Just call the man." By the way I see that I missed nothing by abstaining from TSW the last day in terms of hysteria.
  16. Jennifer Rubin? Democrat hack disguised as a columnist.
  17. Very few have their compassion working 24/7 like Mother Theresa did. I think we all get annoyed at times without thinking what is going on with somebody else. I get annoyed when somebody comes up fast behind me on I-90 and passes but who knows. They could have received a call that a relative was rushed to a hospital and that person's life is in doubt. In regards to what is going on with Kavanaugh I do think that the memory can get tricky when trying to recall that long ago for some. Then there is the issue if the memory is stressful. Somebody else could be the offender but when the big name you know is in the news the brain is seeking gratification so the pleasure impulse overrides the logic and rational aspect.
  18. Wow. They even threw Bill Clinton under the bus. Can't wait to see the HRC campaign for 2020.
  19. I am guessing the premise to the planet (Sigma Draconis?) mentioned in Star Trek's "Spock's Brain." The schism between the sexes. I can see Feinstein saying "Brain and Brain! What is brain?!"
  20. Of course not formally accused but many people believe him guilty of it based on what is stated rather than what is proven. A decision to approve Kavanaugh as a SC justice is hanging on what weight certain people are placing on these statements.
  21. OK, so why does Joe Dirt get to have the burden of proof raised to semen samples, bruises, tissue scraped, etc. or he sues the county for slander, defamation on rape and we go by heresay for a high ranking government position.
  22. OK, since I don't watch C-Span 24/7 get me up to speed on Ford since her name gets tossed around on the 6:30 news the most. If she is getting seat time at the hearing she must be claiming something in terms of witnessing rape since that is the subject at hand in terms of Kavanaugh.
  23. Rameriz would have to be working off of a statement that Ford made in order to be heard at a hearing.
  24. How so? Ford said she saw rape at the party and did nothing to prevent it at the time. If anybody here admitted to to seeing rape and did nothing the appropriate DA for where the rape happened would be preparing whatever charges could be levied in short order.
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