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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  2. Despite her claims I could see her running. One problem is she has less experience than most potential candidate in that she never has been in Congress or the Senate nor been a governor of a state. Hillary would consider Obama useful as Michelle would fill a field of straw men candidates for Clinton to slice through. I doubt Michelle would readily push up to the bar to do that on the other hand.
  3. Seriously? All she does as of late is snipe to the media about what is going on with Trump. In her mind she should have been President back in 1992 with the 25th Amendment overturned along with the FBI hijacked to be her own personal hatchet squad. Any other former candidate just drops out of politics by and large after a failed attempt. Not going to be a sacrificial lamb this time as Hillary knows this may be the last window for her. I am surprised she has not announced at this point but must be getting antsy at this point. She will probably wait until the midterms are over so she knows what approach she wants to use.
  4. None of those other names matter as the constant noise from Hillary Clinton tells me that once again the cards are stacked in her favor. Yes, she said she was done right after the 2016 election but I don't believe her for one second. She just wanted to drop out of the news cycle to regroup was all it was. I don't think she has run out of dirty tricks nor has pitched out all the dirt she has found on others in her own party. I'd love to be able to eavesdrop in on the highest level DNC meetings to know just how threatened they feel by her and what gambits they are willing to try to be rid of her.
  5. I don't know but I sure as heck hope there is a hell so such scum (human trafficker) wind up in the lowest depths once there.
  6. The scuttlebutt is Moore is done with football due to his arm being shot.
  7. Intern? I guess somebody screwed up on that mission. Wonder if he will get depressed and end it all (if you know where I am going with this)?
  8. People can carry on about Peterman all they want but they don't see what the coaches see. In the end some can cut it when thrust upon the stage and that was the dividing line for Peterman. The pressure is not on then Peterman functions fine but he can't handle being on the stage with the crowd looking on. It happens with people quite a bit.
  9. No point in moving McCoy for a forth and please remember that the Eagles are the ones coming with hat in hand not the Bills. The Eagles figure that McCoy is the piece that they need for a SB therefore making him worth more.
  10. The rabid left will declare RBG's departure from this world an act of Republican treachery and will call out its minions to block the streets and runways in DC in protest. Hillary's eventual demise will also be blamed on the right as an assassination akin to the old Soviet days when a leader fell out of favor with the KGB and ruling class thus eventually falling to "poor health."
  11. To any other team, yes, but McCoy has far more value to the Eagles.
  12. Not as simple as what you are talking. I don't think that Philly has a lot of cap room currently and definitely has cap issues for 2019. Bell is holding out for a big contract and he would want some firm assurances to go to Philly starting today that he gets paid what he wants in terms of salary.
  13. If I were Beane I would not even consider what they are talking about. Sounds like the Philly guys expect the Bills to be the proverbial country rube that just fell off of the turnip truck.
  14. If you do set a price as far as offering to accept a 2nd and 3rd you put an expiration time on that and preferably by the close of business today. Tomorrow is a new day and new terms.
  15. We could be 3-3 by the end of this coming Sunday with the easier portion of our schedule ahead.
  16. They reportedly have 2 seconds in 2019 so if true I would want both picks to be 2019 picks if I were Beane.
  17. The Eagles are not trading anybody that is on par with McCoy. If the rumor is true I still wish Beane had waited to open with a bid to see if a sub-package could have been done with perhaps one of our defensive depth guys for WR Matthews.
  18. I think that the Bills are fools for putting any price on McCoy. At the very least see if the Eagles throw out a wild offer before speaking up.
  19. At this point in the season and given McCoy's overall contribution that 9 million is of minimal concern to the Bills.
  20. People forget that once Peters departed from here that he has not had a very high opinion of the team or city.
  21. A pretty short list in the NFC for SB representative and the Eagles are on that list with the Rams.
  22. The Eagles are looking at this year as another SB run so they would spend more to insure that run happens. If they just were another team sitting on the fringe of the post season then yes they would be more conservative with an offer.
  23. If there is substance to the Texans' Watson injury being a punctured lung with Watson likely being held out of this weekend's game that is an emotional lift to the team and if we can be 3-3 this time next week then the morale only rises for the Bills. Wrong time for sure to tamper with the roster in terms of McCoy. If we could only convince the Eagles that they have a desperate need for Benjamin..................
  24. Trading McCoy is playing with fire in terms of the chemistry that is building in the locker room. Not worth it.
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