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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Unless they get moved by bus or rail over a great distance in a short time. Breaking news. Bomb found at Soros' NY estate. Another October surprise? Does Soros have his estate swept daily for bombs or does this fit the narrative that alt right types are dumb and unsophisticated in everything they do?
  2. Riding the back deck of a Waste Management truck is far more appropriate.
  3. Of course they are. Communist News Network.
  4. To tie this in with the high school thread how much would you pay for a cheesecake pic of an old romantic interest from back then? Hate to say it while I am not OLD I am probably old enough where the mileage has taken a toll on the women from back in the day. I saw a pic of one woman who prided herself on being good looking while in school but looks like ten miles of bad road now.
  5. Rowdy Roddy Piper.
  6. All the girls who would not go with you to homecoming? The heck with them all regardless of how your wife looks. Hindsight has revealed to me that I would have done much better on that front if it were not for a couple of ring leaders who were down on me for not being a townie. Most of the kids who lived on the school district border pleaded with their parents to go to other districts. Some did and some were not allowed by the other district. One family could have but it meant walking nearly a half mile to a designated pick up point. Not so bad in September but not so pleasant in January with it 15 degrees out and the wind whipping 25-30 MPH. They stayed put.
  7. I saw perhaps a dozen between the lone reunion and chance encounters which mostly occurred during our 30's. They all pretty much got better looking. I was amazed at what 15 additional pounds in the right places did for one.
  8. I think that a lot of intelligent people knew HItler was a moron but he had the turds behind him in Germany. Something that every dictator after him emulated in that they recruited the thugs in whatever country was being overthrown. My understanding is that plenty of brilliant scientists were trapped in the east behind the advancing Soviets. Their air force, nuclear weapons, and space program were the direct result. As far as Hogan's Heroes goes that was the victim of political correctness here so I am surprised that you get it broadcast at all. I found it funny and not disrespectful of what was important. And I have considerable German ancestry to boot.
  9. I have one close friend and a few people I see on an irregular basis from high school. I've been to only one reunion since I graduated quite a long time ago and did not enjoy it. I'm done with reunions. About fifteen years ago there were a few female classmates that looked me up but I was not going to jeopardize my marriage over any one of them. Generally, I was made to feel like an outcast while in school so most of it I don't miss one bit. I feel sorry for those that high school was the high point in their lives.
  10. Just tell the Federale's that the migrants are carrying drugs that are in competition with the one's being sold by the Mexican cartels. The caravan will be dealt with so fast it will make a lot of heads spin. By the way how is it to work for Soros?
  11. Not so much in current times but in previous eras a trade often lit a fire under the traded player to do better.
  12. According to many here the world has already ended in terms of building the Bills into anything. There is not going to be a next year. The team will cease to exist as though it were sucked into a blackhole. The ridicule by the sports media will be enough to blow the team off the Earth to start its journey towards said blackhole. Hobo's off the street will not even consider playing for a bottle of wine. All is lost. I know that this is true because the experts here said so!
  13. There was most certainly banter on the old BBMB wanting Jackson.
  14. Josh has towed the line to this point but the season is not complete just yet. Gordon is being a "model" citizen because it is Brady and Bill B with a chance to get a ring. Nothing more than that. Put Gordon on any other team and Gordon will put himself ahead of the team. Pretty simple.
  15. Bravo. I want to see the people who whine 24/7 about Mahomes to produce the time machine that will secure a different outcome. I would imagine quite a few people on message boards have pretty stinky lives but their "therapy" should be found elsewhere. Their "contributions" produce nothing in the way of a positive outcome.
  16. Doubt it. We would be torched by opposing offenses since we would lack a shutdown corner such as what we have in White. I know fans are tired but we can't keep turning over staff every couple of years. Top level coaching talent such as Cowher was already was avoiding us and will just get worse as time goes forward. The Bengals found this out and is one reason they are giving Marv Lewis every chance.
  17. I think that Andy Reid is a major factor in why Mahomes is succeeding. We don't have Andy Reid here. A real world short term solution for Buffalo would be to hire the recently fired McCoy to come in to oversee the QB's. If Kim Pegula reads this board then maybe she can drop a subtle hint to Beane that will appear to the public that Beane came to this conclusion on his own. Kim : "There is money in our budget to bring McCoy in to oversee our QB's." Hint, hint.
  18. Maybe he was a political science major at a left leaning (are they not all left leaning) university.
  19. To my knowledge he did not. He may have even put it out through closed channels that there were certain teams that he would not consider which included the Bills. In my mind this happens every time we go through a HC vetting. Sometimes word gets back to the fanbase but more than often it stays behind closed doors.
  20. Getting good professional advice is important but you have to take your own measures to protect yourself from other people. To a lot of people once you come into that kind of money you are the lamb and they are the wolves unless you take measures to protect yourself. There was a story about some guy outside of Pittsburgh 30 years back that won several million dollars which at that times was a lot of money. The guy was noted as not being people smart and liked his cronies at his neighborhood bar. The guy was dead within a couple of years and the circumstances surrounding the death were suspicious and his friends had received a considerable amount of this guy's money in the interim. Pretty easy to spend that kind of money on serious real estate such as in NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.
  21. Got to change your thinking entirely with that money. Your old life is over with and that is the mistake a lot of people make. You have to cut most of your old friends and family loose. Gated community and security people are must haves. Move away and move again within a year.
  22. I find the article long and meandering. Please summarize so as to get across what you feel is important. I see mostly talk about health centers and treatment but not much about success rates. Occurrence based on income profile? I see both countries functioning at a rate not much above indoor plumbing and dragged into modern times by more successful Western nations. I would be more impressed by a country that has legal drugs that could also put a person on Mars or invent warp drive.
  23. Gun deaths are tragic but do not occur at rate remotely close to that of substance abuse.
  24. Apples and oranges. Most bootleggers were tied to the Mafia so once booze became legal they had the numbers racket, prostitution, hijacking, drugs, etc. For those not tied to the mob in the 1930's once the Depression eased up you could still make a good living as a tradesman.
  25. I think that since pot is not physically addictive consumption habits are pretty well set by early adulthood. So I see very few going off the rails that are in their 40's, 50's, or older. The problem I do see is with the very young where their behavior habits are forming. They are very vulnerable if society sends a signal such as "use as much as you want." You lost me at Uruguay and Portugal.
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