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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Hillary is going to be pissed if she finds out she was not worth a real bomb threat.
  2. Maybe you and I and the rest of this board cannot fake it but I sincerely believe such people do exist. Whether they have reached their "calling" is another matter.
  3. Don't most leftists perceive the typical Trump follower as disorganized (unplanned) and prone to sudden emotion (impulsive)?
  4. Since all we can do is speculate at this time I will speculate that it was the work of planting a plot to look like the work of what a leftist would perceive a Trump follower to be capable or incapable of doing. Usually, a nut is focused on a specific target as opposed to a group when it comes to a lone wolf.
  5. I heard that he was re-buried in a suburban Detroit cemetery for "convenience."
  6. OK, operating within your premise of "swaying public opinion without having to injure their own." This supposes that operatives within the party structure are open to harming or worse a leading figure in the party. How do you keep a lid on such a plan within the hierarchy to where it is not ultimately exposed? Seems to me the price is alarmingly high to try to take out Hillary or Obama and then fail.
  7. You are still wimping out. Why does a political figure need to die to energize a political base? You presented this idea to the forum not me.
  8. You are just attempting to obfuscate. Let us just work on "a political figure does not need to die to work their base into a froth." Why does such a figure need to die? This is your assertion.
  9. No political figure has to die to work their base into a froth. This is not Central Europe circa 1914.
  10. Only an insider would have the kind of access to make a bombing successful. This is not you or I receiving a package. These are people that have had threats verified by the government against them so they are very unlikely to open a package from even a known address/person. All materials would go through assistants. The odds are actually poor that a bomb would successfully reach its target.
  11. Thank you for reinforcing my theory that this person was not unknown to the places that were targeted which is to say he was not a right wing nut. No way some random person gets close to any big figure's compound never mind the top dog themselves. And let us not kid ourselves that a top figure opens every last piece of mail when it can number into the hundreds on a daily basis and also knows that there are people out there who would harm them. I would guess that for these reasons unless the mail has a very specific mark only known to the receiver that an assistant opens it first. So there was never a need to have a bomb actually work because it was never going directly to the top dog anyways.
  12. He sure was if he was worried about the Democrats crapping the bed on the Mid-terms.
  13. Which leads us to who has the most to gain by juicing up the headlines? Certainly not the Republicans.
  14. A strategy unheard of to this point to send a bomb and a biological hazard together to a given address in one effort.
  15. They will use the opportunity to say that the bomber(s) was inspired by the "Orange Man" which works for them just as well.
  16. Maybe I have been watching too much television but it seems unlikely a lab report would have been put together so quickly never mind released to a lone news outlet as opposed to having a general press conference.
  17. Easier said than done in your scenario to Soros. A bomber would have to know how to get a package labeled to get it from Soros' assistant to Soros himself. What are the odds of a bomber guessing correctly on that? Doubtful that the Soros assistant would be in on that as that person now goes under the microscope of scrutiny. Again, I would point out that the security likely found at these places would not allow a stranger to walk up to a mail box or gate.
  18. Except for that not one bomb has worked. If this was a group effort and they were serious about doing harm then they put the wrong person in charge of making the bombs. These bombs were never intended to work. Why?
  19. The sad part of your statement is that below the surface you are very much in line with that thinking.
  20. I would ask about the probability of one nut being able to operate in complete stealth in the NYC/DC area within 24 hrs? I am not saying it is impossible but am saying it is far more likely it is a known operative for the left with security redirected to allow penetration of several different addresses.
  21. If I am a betting man I would be hesitant to bet that the public will learn anything meaningful about the bombs themselves.
  22. Most of those names are considered relevant to certain Democratic Party members. Not like the bombs were left at the graves of LBJ and Woodrow Wilson.
  23. Your statement makes no sense. Why send a bunch of bombs that did nothing? To get the leftist media yet again harping about what they consider right wing nuts? Your telling me that there is not one nut former special forces guy who could have gotten the bomb to the target itself instead of a mailbox that the occupant has people to fetch the mail? Your telling me it was just the "right" kind of nut who got off of his barstool to make and deliver a bomb but did not have the balls to do anymore than stuff it into a mailbox? I honestly believe given where these politicians live that they no doubt have security cameras watching the driveway/ mail box for any people not normal to the neighborhood.
  24. Does not fit the narrative that those on the left are trying to lay down. "Those darn alt rights are trying to wipe us out of existence. Your vote in November will for once and for all send all those right leaning politicians up for election/re-election home for good!" The whole thing reeks of contrivance to motivate a voting block. I don't wish that anybody be harmed but is leaving a very obvious bomb where a subordinate handles it first an effective way to settle a score with a perceived threat to the bomber? Would not a bomber find a way for the intended target to be the first to find said bomb? It just has feel to it such as how an elitist leftie perceives an alt right person as dumb and sloppy but motivated.
  25. Bomb update! News outlets reporting that bombs were sent and uncovered at the residences of Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the White House. Accuse me of reading into something that is not there but is this the left trying to ramp up emotions ahead of the midterms? Obama and the Clintons being beloved liberal icons and the White House as occupied by Trump being a masterbatory moment for what liberals wish to happen. Just seems strange as these usually are intended for one target alone by a person obsessed with some kind of "vengeance" against the target.
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