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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. When he invents warp drive then I will give him credence.
  2. Probably what Don likes best is found at the "toy" store complete with straps.
  3. Ah! But you did not say that it was a funny nor relevant joke. That much I could agree with.
  4. In any event I will ask him to engage in a dialog and will begin with how we are supposed to interpret the first "meme?" By your logic you are the "keyboard" (Walking) dead? In any event you have a hard lip, Herbert.
  5. If you wanted a dialogue you would have already initiated it. For the record I would have a dialog but you choose not to. Again, I would ask how I am leading a conspiracy against you?
  6. So other than ill-fitting South Park material you are not equipped to have a conversation? Is this one of the benefits of being a hard left liberal? Not seeing it myself. I would imagine that cleaning up your crap in the basement is one of the "joys" in your mom's life.
  7. You don't take criticism well do you? Best to tell your mom to discontinue getting wi-fi into the basement. The outside world can be intimidating to those who have not left the house in years. Anyways, your idea to criticize what you perceive to be conservatives is flawed. Is there no South Park meme that shows a redneck driving a tank over presumably Latin American people to get your "thoughts" out? By the way I would ask how am I conspiring to get you? Any threat perceived as being against you is strictly imaginary.
  8. Move to a socialist country and work your way into a position of power if you do not want to be challenged on what you present. My analysis stands as accurate and telling as to what you are.
  9. Interesting that a liberal would take a pro-management position in that it is OK to replace labor on the basis of paying lower wages to maximize profits. I'm thinking that peace out owns a suit and drives a BMW. If you are trying to turn away from the dark side of the force you are not doing it quite right. Being a conservative does not mean believing in squashing labor for quite a few Americans.
  10. I don't get the love lefties have for socialist/communist states. It's a system(s) that rewards very few people. Odds are most of these same people would be relegated to a hopeless/meaningless existence if in such a state. Here they can harp about Trump all they want but still hold jobs as teachers, librarians, etc. that allow themselves to be spoiled on expensive coffee, paper thin pizza, etc.. Even if they got a job as a community rat (organizer/manager) the best that they could hope for is some magarine to put on their toast at dinner.
  11. Ah, that statement takes me back to my college days at Cornell and living with a bunch of lefties in a student run residence house!
  12. Maybe she failed the "how to look like a porn actress" class that so many of these high profile women appear to have taken?
  13. I don't know about Belichick. He is the type of guy like his old boss Bill Parcells in that he believes in firm discipline. Yes, there were exceptions such as Lawrence Taylor but Gordon has a lllooonnnggg way to go to get the Taylor treatment.
  14. What you said is too complicated for the torch and pitchfork crowd here. They want a name and possibly two to ramp up the anger over. Any more than that the thought process gets too diluted for their liking.
  15. I would not say that the Packers have had a stifling defense while he was there. He has had a few decent pieces such as Matthews but I don't recall him having a top 5 guy at any position on defense in recent memory. Just goes to show the guys here that bang the table for a 5000 yard QB that will not always win you a title. Guys here also mock people who would be content with a few 9-7 or 10-6 seasons while the defense gets sorted out but I would take what has gone on in GB if that was simply a team's fate versus going 7-9 or 6-10 to satisfy the notion by some that some sort of NFL purgatory will ultimately lead to the promised land. Nothing can guarantee a SB win. Tanking or any other sort of self-imposed sacrifice. Who knows. Maybe our exile from the conference title game is punishment by the football gods for declining what was offered. I know that does not make a lot of sense but makes as much sense as some of the other opinions made here. As to McCarthy the Packers have a lot of soul searching to do but should keep in mind that even coaches of McCarthy's caliber do not grow on trees.
  16. If you were old enough to be a fan during the 1960's you most likely would have chosen Cleveland over Pittsburgh. The Browns were still very good and Pittsburgh did not become the franchise they are known for today until 1970. Actually, the Steelers were very terrible from 1940 to 1971.
  17. South Carolina according to the news report I heard is a state where a lottery winner does not have to go public. The perfect state to run such an operation.
  18. He's more machine than man now.
  19. Yes, DeGeneres causes that as well.
  20. I'd believe it based on what I have heard about public schools. It was many years ago already when I heard a younger relative say that less than a full class was spent on discussing WWII. When I went a couple generations back we had to know about the war in Europe and the war in the Pacific. We had to know the relevance of the Battle of the Coral Sea among other things.
  21. I'll admit that 5 minutes of ED has driven me pretty close to madness.
  22. Shouldn't he be wearing a wife beater?
  23. Should we not let the courts decide complete with competent counsel decide if he in fact did this? I would insist on this much if it were an obvious lefty at the center of this.
  24. If the evidence is there then yes. A guy with pro-right wing imagery does not make him guilty by itself no more than if this investigation centered around a guy driving a van sporting pro-left imagery.
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