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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. And to add to that CB and DL would have been two positions looked at in the draft next year. If these guys look like they were worth hanging on to even in developmental roles this would allow the Bills to look at other positions presumably in rounds 4-7 next year. If these guys project to be starters or key reserves in the second half of next season then that may even affect plans with our 2019 3rd round pick.
  2. They get a look at other players in planning for next year.
  3. This. If he were a few years younger then maybe. Also, not in love with the idea of giving anybody not a QB 20 million dollars per season for 5 seasons.
  4. Your reference to the Iron Curtain made me think of a great Aunt I had who was trapped in East Germany at the conclusion of WWII. I remember letters coming to my grandmother from her during the 1970's and pages of text were blocked out other than a opening and closing and references to the weather in a lot of instances. She would write about staying home when she was known to like to travel so indirectly she commented about how tough life was in Eastern Europe.
  5. Home Alone is an excellent choice for light entertainment. Can't believe that I forgot "A Charlie Brown Christmas" even though it was getting a little shop worn for me personally.
  6. I know it is schlocky but "It's a Wonderful Life" because there is a message in there. Specifically, sometimes the best gift is just being alive and doing for others. As far as something that is not preachy then "The Year without a Santa." The one with Heat Miser and Cold Miser. I just played the bit with their respective songs on youtube just the other day.
  7. First fight where blows were exchanged was me and my cousin who picked on me as a little kid. I never watched wrestling but at that point some how I just decided to pick him up and body slam him even though he had three inches and 20 pounds on me. I should have given out a few arse kickings when I was in school but my dad was one to always say that he never wanted to be called down to school because I got into trouble and he honestly meant it. I did slam a guy against a locker who was about 5 inches taller than me while in high school. I also became very athletic if not overly coordinated during high school so bullies did their business elsewhere.
  8. I'll admit have lost a little there but not much. It only bothers me because I have prided myself in being Jeopardy smart in the past. There are exceptions such as never knowing much about poetry.
  9. I think that the only thing that is affecting me negatively is an abnormal amount of stress lately. Just takes a little longer to recall things than it usually does. I can still remember a lot of periods in my life going back to being a preschooler.
  10. I'm giving away my approximate age when I say this but Erector Set was by far the best although I received many good things. The electronic age was not here when I was a kid.
  11. I think that Miami's playoff hopes die before then with NE and Minn coming up for them.
  12. As far as the analogy to pro wrestling it is apt where the Democrats are concerned and you have the Clintons to thank for that. Any serious competition in that party is waiting for Hillary to fade away in terms of health or other factors. Too much slow pitch softball was played where Hillary was concerned in 2016 to think that the contest was not fixed. Does the media sacrifice the remaining tiniest smidgeon of credibility away to pamper Hillary for 2020?
  13. I don't see two weeks going by without a Hillary counter response to that.
  14. In 2016 she cleared the field rather easily leaving the initially apparent straw man Sanders as her "opponent." I still think that the Clintons hold the dirt that would paralyze other contenders including Biden. Hillary is laying low and has been to stay out of the media light. I expect her to be fully active in seeking the nomination by springtime of next year.
  15. Some of it may be a Napolean complex but a lot of it is "I need to show that I am smarter than the teacher." Also, some have never distinguished critical thinking from being negative exclusively. Viva le France!
  16. The problem is that most of these guys are white collar professionals in their day jobs so impact pay too much and they might say "not worth it." Easy to say goodbye and good riddance but there is always a chance the next guy could be far worse and the guy after that guy. The NFL ref system is a holdover from the old days where they did not want refs vulnerable to wads of cash from shady (no pun intended) guys. The NFL needs to spend some money on a pool of permanent refs that can be rotated in and out of working. Poor performance might mean mandatory time away from work.
  17. I don't know how it would work or how well but maybe have two challenges per game per team on certain penalties. This still does not address uncalled penalties so I don't know how to proceed there. I don't care if it slows down the game especially this time of year when a bad call or non-call affects making the playoffs.
  18. My first thought as well. Come to the ball and catch it. Plenty of time if he does not make a TD.
  19. Depending on what you are shopping for Wegman's is pretty competitive. Wegman's and Walmart are within pennies of each other on items such as Campbell's soup often with Walmart being the higher of the two. Now if a guy is donating to a shelter he should be looking at the store brand turkey versus the free range organic turkey to get the most bang for the buck so there is that to consider. Also, buying a 5 lb bag of potatoes you buy the variety in the 1.99 bag versus the Yukon's at 4.99. Bottomline is it's how you shop versus where you shop in a lot of cases.
  20. New fans are born every year. New fans are made every year. I'd be more worried if the human race stopped reproducing today but there will be fans that will take a different team than their father or grandfather rooted for. Some will do the things that you mention and if the Bills can win consistently then they can pick up new fans. It is about tomorrow for this team which is a good thing as it is unwritten to this point. By the way Dolphins gear has gotten very difficult to spot nowadays versus 15 years ago in WNY. I think the lack of star players, imposing coaches, and gaudy W-L records is trying the patience of many Dolphin fans who were very used to being spoiled prior to this century. I can't believe that I just put that in those terms.
  21. There was an Associated Press story many years ago about the time consulting got to be big business about a paroled bank robber. Upon being released he picked up a copy of the local paper with a headline about a consulting firm getting a million dollar contract for a study. The paroled robber quipped "I clearly see now that I was in wrong business and could have legally kept the dollar value I had stolen and avoided prison had I known about consulting 15 years ago."
  22. Your experiences are anecdotal which has problems in terms of arriving at true figures for Canadian ticket holders. The numbers will fluctuate with the results on the field and those Pats fans today might very well jump off of the wagon when Tom and Bill ride off into the sunset. Well said on the politics as it squares with what my Canadian contacts say. I would also say that Toronto would make an excellent location for the Summer Olympics which would kick the door open for a stadium that could be refitted for football.
  23. People here should be glad that Ontario has been broke as that prevented Rogers from getting the palace he needed to place a team. Our Bills may have wound up in Toronto as a result.
  24. It's not just a claim but they do get sales in those areas and other areas as well. People beating the Erie County drum in that no other support is needed are delusional in that the NFL would have never signed off on the Pegula's to buy a team to keep it in a weak small (1.1 million) market. The Pegula's are expected to grow the fanbase.
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