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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. More priceless lines. Wesley (Gazarra) : I see you've found my trophy room, Dalton (Swayze). The only thing missing .............is your ass. Wesley (Gazarra) thug : Iv'e effed guys like you in prison! Note that he did not say effed up but just "effed."
  2. When I was a kid I thought that strip malls were called that for a certain type of gentleman's club that had to be included amongst the businesses. Imagine my disappointment as a 14 year old riding with an older cousin to find out there were only stores there like Radio Shack and Payless Shoes.
  3. A guilty pleasure of mine. Where else can you find improbable casting choices throughout the film. Never thought of Swayze as anything resembling a tough guy before this. Ben Gazarra as a local leading crime figure? Bob Conrad's former body guard Red West as an auto parts store owner whose fists DON'T go flying. One time A-Team henchmen actors as Gazarra's muscle. Attractive women with 80's teased up hair. Top it off with Sam Elliot with a fresh load of gravel in his voice. Not high brow but I don't mind the occasional fist flying drama. That reminds me speaking of Robert Conrad and Red West I also enjoyed their Black Sheep Squadron with a man's man bout of testosterone despite playing loose with the history of the real VMF 214.
  4. Can't talk about the 1970's without mentioning the Captain and Tennille. There were plenty of girls who wore out their vinyl records playing "Love will keep us together" over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
  5. I agree with those that say this is about Daboll getting his own staff more than punishing anybody.
  6. Yeah, now I only see a need for perhaps 2 WR. Back in September we were pretty sure that we were going to have to start from scratch for that platoon. The draft has gotten a lot more flexible now. If all turns out well we will have the pleasant headache of giving Foster a big contract perhaps after the 2019 if he continues to pick up momentum.
  7. Most likely not high functioning but he can raise my opinion of him with a well thought out response. I guess that the New Year has raised my optimism for even him.
  8. I think that there is something to be said for a QB that may have a game average of 55 percent completions but gains 380 yards versus a guy that has a completion percentage of 72 percent but only gains 260 yards per game. Yes, I think that completions are important but big yardage most likely means longer drives with more opportunity for scoring.
  9. Please! You are not even trying and I will have to file a complaint with your superiors at the Soros cubicle farm. By the way reading some random article is not the same as getting your thoughts on the matter. Perhaps you have no real thoughts as pertaining to Warren?
  10. The typical Trump hater mindset : Anger = Intelligence. No, you need to say more. What would you say if you were out ringing doorbells for her instead knowingly insulting people you dislike here?
  11. You did not answer my question which is why is it hypocritical to want to know about Warren's qualifications as it pertains to a high office?
  12. Why is it hypocritical to want to know? Trump has been in full view for all to see with his business including both successes and failures. Besides being an academic at Harvard what else do we know? Being an academic does not automatically qualify you to be a politician.
  13. Kind of wondered about that myself. The Democrats have played the identity political card so much that a white man does not have much of a chance for nomination unless perhaps he was gay or Muslim. I think that even Al Gore would be seen more as one of them instead of one of us by many Democratic supporters.
  14. Word is that she has crossed the Clintons. This does not bode well for her future.
  15. You're not very good at thinking things through are you? There has been long suspected interference by the Russians on the behalf of the Democrats. Can the Democrats afford to have the glass house come down around them from throwing that stone. Better chance of Hillary, Obama, and on down through the Democratic ranks getting caught and prosecuted. The Democrats will wane as they always do clearing the path for the Republicans to investigate. It's not like they can hide behind a statute of limitations. Some things are until the offender is either caught or dies. Hillary no doubt has a standing plan to flee to a country that we do not have an extradition treaty with.
  16. He's hung over from the New Year's Eve party on the Soros cubicle farm. Worse than you might imagine as they mix in anti-freeze to the punch bowl. Of course that might be Tibs' problem all along or the cow dung mixed into his pot. Yes, he did hurt the US as he put the Clintons in his pocket.
  17. They should shout "Lock her up" regardless of the venue. Comey laid out the case in front of America then had the puppet string around his neck tugged so no indictment.
  18. Unless Putin actually stuffed a ballot box then I don't see how he could have helped Trump in a practical way. That aside I have never heard the Democrats complain about all the elections that the Soviets went to bat for them behind the scenes. What about Obama and the Israeli elections? Should Obama be tried as an international criminal.
  19. Speaking of puppets how does it feel to have Soros' hand stuck up your tush? I would imagine just like with used car sales that Soros has raised the stakes for you guys on the Soros cubicle farm for the next two years.
  20. Doubt it. Putin, little Kim in NK, and others down the line will have her for lunch.
  21. I would not mind him on a team friendly and knucklehead proof contract.
  22. Behind such sarcasm is a fair mount of envy. Your feelings betray you.
  23. I think that the exploratory committee mainly matters for previously unknown candidates. I believe that people such as her always has one ear to the ground when it comes to donors. My feeling is that the committee for Warren will amount to a jettison mechanism if her poll numbers start to trend worse than expected or draws a fair amount of poor media reaction. That she will say that the committee determined that it was a poor time to run without the embarrassment of having full blown campaign to shut down. My two cents.
  24. I agree because she needs as much dust to fall on her past as possible but there is Hillary's massive ego to satisfy.
  25. Hillary has to be jumping around her Chappaqua living room like a little kid who just ate a couple dozen sugar cookies thinking about when she should jump in.
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