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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I can see the argument for both sides but I think that the fans of the city that got ditched should be able to pick up where they left off. For me this holds especially true for the Oilers and Houston. I don't think that in the last few years that Tennessee has even done Oilers throwbacks. So in my mind they have pretty moved on from that part of their history. For me if a team wants to keep a former identity then they should honor it on some basis but that could get very complicated with the Ravens and the current Browns. Other than a couple infrequent games the Jets have ignored their NY Titans heritage. Which is understandable for the Jets but the Oilers have had a few proud eras in their history worth remembering.
  2. Meh. It's January in Iowa. Not much to do there right now. Unless you really hate Warren to the point that you refuse to attend a rally a person in a "crowd" does not prove much. I watched the dingbat from Queens on 60 Minutes last night but that sure as heck does not make me a supporter. Just keeping an eye on the competition so to speak. But anyways you keep telling Soros to spike the coffee with whatever makes you think that the Republicans are going away for good.
  3. I can't see myself ever rooting for the Raiders unless it helps out the Bills.
  4. Yeah, I just don't have a rooting interest for the Texan's even when it does not impact the Bills. I could root for the Oilers when it did not negatively impact the Bills or the Bills were out of playoff contention.
  5. You are right and if we had our QB in place before the last draft then Nelson should have been our pick if we could have leaped frogged Indy or just happened to be sitting ahead of Indy. Heads would have exploded at the time but by November of this past year people would have enjoyed big runs by the backs and Allen being less harassed.
  6. The situation would have to be pretty dire for Hillary not to want to run for POTUS. Her ego CRAVES it! I've seen it on a much smaller level locally. Some people are wired such as they have to be the boss. No other scenario will do for them.
  7. Hopefully Denver will undergo a few decades long slump along with the Pats and Steelers. Kids in Denver will be born, graduate college, and be close to retirement before they make the playoffs again. Bwah-ha-ha-ha.
  8. She needs somebody to do her speaking voice as when I heard a radio report of her speaking this morning she sounded like a creaky 80 year old woman on life support. Maybe she could lip synch to some 30 year old actress doing her "voice."
  9. And in the process to gain assets. A number of farms for quite a number of years until they changed the tax laws were run at a loss but gained expensive assets along the way in buildings and equipment. Improvements were made to land including contouring and drainage that could be depreciated and the net result was the increase of land value.
  10. Sometimes what was old is new again. AOC and her brand might just make it legal to jail you for reasons beyond just tax evasion.
  11. The rich will just find a way to get that money off shore doing business as a foreign entity operating in the US. That aside the mentality has changed from the 1950's that while I am sure that the rich did not enjoy paying their taxes they did not seek detours around taxes like they do today. Part of that could be many parts of the world did not appear to be politically stable then as they are today.
  12. A fair amount of that is user taxes such as the tax on fuel. Taxes are going to be imperfect and there is a need for services but income taxes are perhaps the most arbitrary way to service the state.
  13. Let's mandate tail fins for cars while we are at it.
  14. When picking in the top 10 it is about taking the surest player. I don't want a high ceiling guy that most likely never reach it such as Little. We still have the combine and the interview process so maybe some guys will rise and others will fall. I just have a feeling Jonah Williams is not going to fall to us. Indy lucked out that the surest prospect in the draft last year was at a position of great need for them. That seldom is the case for most teams. Usually most teams have a satisfactory player at a position that jumps up as the best value at the slot they are picking at and nobody is offering anything close to a good package to trade out.
  15. Greedy would be an excellent value at slot 9.
  16. Granted that we had other fish to fry the last draft (QB) but a lot of people here were down on taking Nelson regardless if we needed a QB. Nelson was the most NFL ready prospect coming out and the last half of the season he showed why.
  17. I guess I am one of the few that does not want opposing players to be comfortable. I want them to think that they are being readied to be shipped off to a Siberian gulag circa 1955 in the Soviet Union. Now it would be nice to give the agents of many NFL players the tour of the facilities that Bills players actually use so when contract time comes they can say "You know Buffalo actually has some nice digs for its own players."
  18. Our window should be greater if we do not get reckless with short term ambitions. VM would make more sense if we were NE or NO with a QB in his last couple of years.
  19. I could not imagine it done straight as opposed to campy and corny.
  20. In any event he most likely was not highly placed in a decision making capacity. That aside, I remember going by the old Seneca Army Depot and saw fatigue clad personnel doing menial tasks such as they could be seen from the main highway. They still had perimeter guards who most likely were not highly placed. Guys signed up for a hitch while they try to figure out their next move in life are not typically watching for what is going on base-wide or service-wide. That's all I am trying to say.
  21. Well, SOMEBODY had to cut the lawn and trim the bushes.
  22. Midterm elections can be fairly disconnected from what may happen in the next Presidential election year. I would not hang my hat on a Dem being POTUS in 2020. Honestly, I think that identity politics is going to tear the Democrats apart in 2020 in terms of voters. Not enough of either ultra-left voters or traditional big labor voters to carry the weight on their own with not enough crossover vote either way.
  23. I think that the bottom line with Glenn was even though he was not a top 5 LT he was going to be due a larger contract than what Beane wanted to hand out. I still think that at least in secret Beane wanted to bottom out in 2017 so the cost to get Allen may not have included moving Glenn if that had happened but became water under the bridge leading up to the 2018 draft.
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