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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. You're going to have quite an uphill battle convincing anyone that gays account for 3 percent of the general population and in particular gays themselves. Gays are concentrated in the university system among other places and when I was at Cornell many many years ago the question got asked. The results were all over the place but nobody said anything less than 10 percent and a sizable portion estimated over 30 percent for the overall campus population. The median was 15-20 percent in terms of responses. From that point people tend to extrapolate to the general population. I would say that quite a few gays keep their orientation a secret as much as possible today and would guess on that basis that the overall population who are gay is around 8-10 percent. The same concentration that is seen in the university system is also seen in the Democratic Party so again the basis for overestimation is based on concentration. I don't disagree with your opinion that some groups are trying to over-represent but the reason for that is when you are sitting in a room with people similar to yourself it is only natural to overestimate as pertaining to the general population.
  2. Only three losing seasons from 1950 when they joined the NFL until 1975 which ain't bad at all. A bunch of NFL titles until the merger took effect in 1970. Almost made the first SB and might have made a couple of SB back in the 1980's if it were not for Elway.
  3. She also played the newspaper owner where Lou Grant went to work after the MTM show ended.
  4. If you want Mr Ed just watch the Denver Broncos broadcast network and look for John Elway. While we are at it the city of Denver was named for one of Bob "Gilligan" Denver's ancestors.
  5. The masses do not want sci-fi that requires thought. A reason why recent Star Trek films center around an uber-bad guy as opposed to facing the unknown. I would love to see an episode such as "The Corbomite Maneuver" done as a feature motion picture but it just ain't happening. Anyways, FP is a very good film and a milestone for what was to come in the genre.
  6. I think that OP has to be the odds on favorite right now. Most of the infrastructure is in place for a new stadium if they so choose. A re-fab will be a matter of how many dollars they want to spend on that if that is the direction they want to go.
  7. Well, no sense of beating around the bush about it.
  8. Although anti-racist in general there are a fair amount of non-PC moments in the film that if deleted will harm the essence of it. Valentine's house party with his street associates, Lewis Winthorp proposing assault with a deadly weapon, Beeks in the guerrilla cage, and street hookers in general to name a few. I thought the original was fairly cast dependent with Murphy, Ackroyd, Ameche, Bellamy, and even Paul Gleason as the slimy Clarence Beeks.
  9. Bad guy wants to build a JC Penney. Brick and mortar retail is dying so that won't work. Now that I think about that would not work for a fair amount of old television where the villain wants to cheat somebody out of their old house or farm for development property if redone today.
  10. For me it would have to be a remake of the 1970's Battlestar Galactica which most likely has no chance of being remade. I liked the idea of the Cylons being their own entity and having a beef with humanity for interfering with their business. None of this already been done 100 times of machines rising up against their human creators. Also, Baltar worked best as a somewhat over the top villain and even the Shakespearean John Colicos realized that and gave the audience what they wanted. Also, relative to Baltar I don't think that his motives were done right as to why he betrayed the humans. I would like to see a new approach based on a 1970's episode where when he talks about meeting the Cylons' Imperious Leader he is offered immortality.
  11. Most top level politicians are douches. That does not bother me.
  12. Soros is having you put in some serious time today ahead of Trump's address. Too bad you will be paid with comp time. Not expecting you to post back right away as no doubt the generators will be going off for the evening on the Soros cubicle farm.
  13. Billie Jo, Bobbi Jo, or Betty Jo?
  14. I have no doubt that there are actors out there who have the balls to play Archie. And the producer will vow not to make the same "mistakes" as the original as Archie will be made 100 percent contemptible while Mike would be made 100 percent enlightened. No episodes such as "Everyone tells the truth" will be made where there is some criticism for both sides on a topic. Carol Burnett is different as her characters are organic to her so a reinterpretation would be difficult to pull off. Carroll O'Connor was a fantastic actor and did a terrific job with Archie but very little of Archie had to come from O'Connor.
  15. He was and at the same time his flaws shone through via Norman Lear's biases.
  16. I think that if nobody had a problem with it the show would already been rebooted. After all, Hollywood has shown that no one show is so sacred that it can't be touched. Star Trek redone although on the big screen. Until it came out in 1995 I thought the Brady Bunch would never be done.
  17. I would bet that more than one college thesis was done for Hogan's Heroes and nearly all in a negative light. I always thought the character of Col Klink was spot on with his bored attitude of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Quite a number of the traditional soldiers consider Hitler and the Nazi's idiots. I never had a problem with Lawrence Welk just like I never had a problem with rap as long as there was a positive message to it. It's music and not everybody is going to have the same tastes and that is a good thing. The problem with LW is it is tied at the hip with the generally perceived out of touch nature of those who were adults before the 1960's. Assuming that the recently departed Captain was still around the show would be perceived as too up and dated.
  18. All in the Family. Liberals fail to realize most of the criticism was thrown at Archie via Archie's attitudes on a wide variety of topics. Gomer Pyle, USMC. Ratings champ of the 1960's but too sweet for today's audiences.
  19. Logan's Run. Mainly because it takes a very hedonistic view of human society which is very much in vogue today. Not sure how they would "update" it. Christianity is very obviously absent but the belief of a better "next life" if you will means you have a higher belief than a physical graspable universe.
  20. Not really. Up until the 1990's the Browns had a fairly good history. Just because some guy who is 30-35 years old today did not see it happen during his grown up years does not mean that it did not happen. Instant gratification is a stain on too many sports fans today.
  21. I'm pretty far right of center most of the time and what has been done under the guise of being pro-choice has given me the chills but I agree with a lot of your post. I think that far too many people get divorced without really trying to work through a marriage but there is a time where you have to face reality and see that it is hopeless. Sometimes it is the only way to get one or both parties to do the growing that needs to be done. A really bad marriage a lot of times puts the kids from that union off to a bad start. Sometimes a kid has to do nothing but can carry a stigma if stuck in a home with a lot of violence happening. I watched guys from bad homes get shunned by the girls while in high school because "if dad smacked around the wife or drank constantly then the boy will be the same." Kids have enough burdens to carry while in school if their household "looks" different from what others perceive as "normal."
  22. I didn't know Buffalo Gal's name was Edith?
  23. The Oilers had a legacy while the Titans had the appeal of an expansion team and still do. I'd rather have the Oilers come to Buffalo to do battle with the Bills as there is an energy there given the Oilers history dating back to the beginning of the AFL. The Titans would have to be a SB caliber team for me to want to see them as a Bills opponent.
  24. I'm thinking that a couple years up north has created an appetite that can only be satisfied by the NFL.
  25. That Hall of Fame game was in 2009 so almost ten years ago. I don't recall the Titans doing anything with their Oilers past after that. I know I can't impose my will on a group of billionaires but if I could it would mean that if you move and change the name then the records and identity of the old name stays with the old city.
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