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Posts posted by RochesterRob

  1. 56 minutes ago, dpberr said:



    The core Democrats and all Republicans fear a Harris presidency.  Nobody really wants it - she polled at 2% even among Democrats. 


    It will be four years of aggressive behind the scenes keep away.


    There will be a cold war in that White House from Day #1 between the Biden and Harris camps.  

      Harris has the Clinton Machine in back of her hence her nomination.  Part of the cold chills Biden gets every night is wondering what the Clintons have in store for him?  Is there a scenario where he can live long enough to die from natural causes?

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Well, and Trump Towers meet8ng, Trump calling on Russia to hack emails, the Russians hacking the emails, attempts to hack into the election system, Trump praising the murderer Putin, ya, aside from all those things and more, it’s almost similar 

      I see that you have descended into gibberish.  I know that you will toss out some kind of reply but the question is will I come back?  Will there be a board in the morning to come back to?  

  3. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    It’s not easy, really. I couldn’t stomach seeing that fraudster Matt Whittaker but sat through some of the shows. 


    Some highlights so far: 


    Juan Williams is a real trooper and just does a good job answering with sanity many of the outrageous points some of the hysterical guests they have on. His facial expressions when some stupid point is made are funny. They were trying to bust Biden for the crime bill he helped author and I’m thinking who the hell are they trying to convince here? Do a lot of black voters watch Fox? 


    Then the main news people were all over Twitter for not allowing the NYPost Russian propaganda story to be retweeted. They never say why Twitter did it, never talk about how stupid the whole thing is , where it came from, how Rudy is now being looked at as a Russian asset, nope, it’s all a free speech issue supposedly and they are victims. 


    They had one show were a guy who thinks racism is scam that uses black people as victims was on. He had made a documentary on the Micheal Brown shooting and was saying something about how Democrats just make black people victims or something. Racism isn’t that bid a deal thing, I guess. 


    Last night they did a big build up for Trump flying into Wisconsin and then just turned the TV over to him to vomit out his nonsense. Do people really tune in to watch him blather on and on? 



    Im going to keep watching Fox through Election Day. 



      I don't watch Fox News.  I can analyze things without the help of pundits.  You?

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Looks like total 100% Russian propaganda. So a computer was left at a repair shop and it got turned over to Rudy G? 




      The decline of this board into leftist paranoia is happening in real time.  Big difference between 1 week ago and today.  How much longer I can live with this is uncertain.

    2 hours ago, BeerLeagueHockey said:

    Debunked!!! You’ll be back sooner than Joe sniffs prepubescent girl hair!

      He does need to check in with the Soros cubicle farm to get a profile for his next troll account.  Might take him a few hours.

    • Like (+1) 2
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  5. 28 minutes ago, SoTier said:


    No, it means that the Democratic Party's base is far closer to the center of the political spectrum than to the left wing, so the far left makes a lot of noise but doesn't control the party.  The Democratic base picked Biden through the primary process because he's centrist like they are.  He's too conservative in his views for most of the far left of the party to really like him, but unlike in 2016, they'll vote for him because he's better than Trump.   Only Republicans think Biden is some kind of hidden lefty, and that's because the Republican base has ceded the center to the Democrats and the just right of center to independents. 

      You can holler conspiracy nut all you want at me but the 2020 Democratic Primary was 20 plus clowns and Biden.  Anybody who was serious about making a run was muted into silence such as Gabbard at the debates.  Trump was the white elephant (no pun intended) that none of the GOP elders wanted at all in the room.  Big difference.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Just Joshin' said:

    No easy answers here or the problem would be solved.


    Stating the obvious this is a Bills site and the best Bills site.  PPP allows some one stop shopping so you can be your Bills fix and see some non Bills discussion. PPP is a nice to have but I come here for the Bills with a side of PPP.


    The issues in PPP are driven by a few posters.  I suggest zero tolerance - we all know who these people are not because of a different POV but the way they act.  Their behavior would not be accepted in a civil society and should not be here.  I use the ignore function to weed those folks out of my sight. 


    Moderation with a light touch but severe penalities would be my suggestion.  Bad posters are like porn, you know it when you see it.  When you see it, ban it.  Ignore other offenses that would be an issue in the main board but take out the trash in PPP.  Getting rid of 2% of the posters would clear 95% of the problems.



      But the reality is that PPP is on pace to shed 95 percent of its posters but only solving 2 percent of its problem.

    • Sad 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:


    What's your opinion?


    32 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    I don't think the Republican Party of 4 years ago even exists, anymore. I'm not even sure it will ever return. It is now a Party ruled by Trump supporters, which means conspiracy theorists and deniers of facts. Qanon nominees have already infiltrated and they are more likely to increase in numbers, no matter who wins the Presidency.


    If Trump wins, they will be emboldened. If he loses, he will create a new media empire and drive Fox out of business, with people like Hannitty, Carlson, and Ingraham jumping ship, which will in turn create a truly nutjob network. 


    Obviously just an opinion.

      The Republican Party will still be around.  I fail to see how the disintegration will occur in terms of Kemp's assessment.  

  8. 4 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    I don't think the Republican Party of 4 years ago even exists, anymore. I'm not even sure it will ever return. It is now a Party ruled by Trump supporters, which means conspiracy theorists and deniers of facts. Qanon nominees have already infiltrated and they are more likely to increase in numbers, no matter who wins the Presidency.


    If Trump wins, they will be emboldened. If he loses, he will create a new media empire and drive Fox out of business, with people like Hannitty, Carlson, and Ingraham jumping ship, which will in turn create a truly nutjob network. 


    Obviously just an opinion.

      A rather poor opinion at that.

  9. 17 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    SDS, here is where your issue lies.  Better to have a club for like minded people to speak in their own echo chamber.

      You guys could have your own club if civil discourse was the goal of all its members.  Why do you need a branch of a sports board?  For that matter you could have your own site that includes discussion of Bills and NFL football.  Most of the lefties here want to throw their nonsense around here to draw attention and even possibly collect a paycheck from a political organization.  If this place goes to clubs I guarantee within a month most of the lefties will move on.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Trump once hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report says. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls.'

    Jul 10, 2019, 2:28 AM
    jeffrey epstein donald trump
    The American financier Jeffrey Epstein and the real-estate developer Donald Trump at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, in 1997.  Davidoff Studios/Getty Images
    • President Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, the 66-year-old financier charged this week with sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, were once the only attendees at a party at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where roughly two dozen women were brought in to entertain, a former Trump associate told The New York Times.
    • The women were flown in for a "calendar girl" competition that was requested by Trump, the former associate, George Houraney, told The Times.
    • "I said: 'Donald, this is supposed to be a party with VIPs. You're telling me it's you and Epstein?'" Houraney recalled.

      Exhibit 1002 as to why this board is imploding.  The poster has pushed this angle many times without any evidence of breaking the law which he has tried to imply on the sly.  2 middle aged men with girls ages 18 and up is sleazy but not illegal.  SDS, you want to know why there is an exodus?  This is a big reason.  What are you going to do?  The time to vacillate is well past.  I get that this place can't be supervised like a kindergarten class.  But sometimes if you shoot at one pigeon the flock will go away for a while.  The pigeon is in your sights so what are you going to do?

  11. 2 minutes ago, SDS said:


    I think it is garbage. I told him that in the topic. Sincerely, do I ban people who make posts like that because if we go down that road, 75% of people are gone. Including me. Usually the only way that actually works is in a homogeneous environment.

      A one or two week suspension would work well versus a ban.  I think that certain words are safe in implementing a suspension.  Calling someone a tard such as Q Baby has done should be suspendible without question.  The word tard or re-tard has no place here.  Keep branching out from there as needed.  Citing Hitler without rational context should be another easy suspension.  

  12. 3 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    So I'm guessing with clubs open/closed means if anyone or only members can post. And I'm guessing to become a member you have to be invited/approved. But once you are is it possible to be kicked out? Just wondering because if one of these gets created seems like it'd be necessary if it's going to be closed for them to be able to screen members so more people can join.

      The existing clubs listed off to the side are by invitation only.

  13. 3 minutes ago, SDS said:


    Do you think I could find something as offensive as that from someone else? If I looked up socialism/Russia/communism/etc... I wouldn't find hyperbole?


    Regardless, my point is - no one has been going through imposing their biases on others. I was hoping we could agree on that.

      Sure, there is name calling without context in the body of a thread.  But to begin a thread that way............................  All that aside, you asked and I gave an explanation.  It still boils down to do you want to keep PPP going and what are you willing to do about it.  

  14. 1 minute ago, SDS said:


    But let's be clear, no one's opinion was being suppressed. No biased moderators were acting on left/right biases. I hope that you would agree that is a fair statement. If it wasn't fair, the list of individual grievances would be a mile long.

      You need to revisit C3's Nobody Stood Up thread.  He starts with a premise that people are starting to stand up to Trump as though Trump is attempting to imitate Hitler.  There is so much wrong with that so it is insulting to a thinking person's intellect.  Hitler almost immediately eliminated a free press.  The American media is free to savage Trump 24/7.  Hitler took away guns from the average German citizen.  Trump supports the Second Amendment.  C3 does not support his argument that Trump is a modern day Hitler by any stretch of the imagination.  The thread is inaccurate as to premise and is inflammatory.  This goes on nearly everyday here as of late.

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