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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. The seeds went away because the sellers did not want to give away their ability to make a profit versus a genesis in botany. NY pot was crap because the growers were strictly amateurs that had no knowledge of growing plants of any kind. They would be the same ones selling Charlie Brown Christmas trees if in the evergreen tree business. The same know how that was applied to field crops such as corn and beans was applied to MJ.
  2. The team has won very little to this point so if in theory they move into a new stadium within 5 years it would take the kind of success associated with making the conference championship game a couple of times to get people in the upper deck of a new stadium to pay double the normal rate of non-discounted seats. And that in my mind is somewhat presumptuous in terms of the attitude of potential buyers. There are decades of skepticism to overcome even with new owners. Also, I think that in this market the "safety in numbers" approach is best in that high rollers will probably come and go but Joe Fan who may not make 60K per year is there to buoy the revenue. I still think that the new stadium will hold 65,000 and perhaps 70,000.
  3. The price increase will have to be very gradual to keep people coming to games. I don't think that if somebody has to pay an additional 20-30 bucks per seat is going to have that disrupt his drinking plans especially if a group is involved. Minimum wage just went up from 10.40 to 11.10 per hour so if a drunk works 40 hours per week he probably has the price increase already covered. Now if you want to talk about the Bills having a prolonged period of success after in the new stadium then they can be more audacious about price increases to the point of weeding out undesirable fans. But for the foreseeable future I see nothing to deter the extreme drunks new stadium or otherwise. By the way there are a couple of minimum wage hikes yet to come.
  4. A new stadium just means a different kind of drunk. The absence of tailgating will reduce the most extreme examples of drunkenness but the desire of many here to have a bar district near a new stadium tells me boorish drunks will still be around. Accidents many even increase as drunken patrons make their way down the street from the bar to the stadium. I would even guess that the Pegula's in secret are hoping for an incident in another NFL city to bring on the NFL requiring all fans blow into a breathalyzer before making their way through the gates. Problem is solved and the Pegula's can deflect blame to the more faceless NFL lawyers.
  5. In a lot of instances newscasters still check the content of the teleprompter prior to air time. Another reason they have to be on the job a few hours ahead of broadcast time along with make up and clothing. In any event the prep work ahead is to minimize any production problems while on the air. If this was not happening the broadcasters would not have to hire journalism majors but just could select the most photo friendly faces. Television would be filled with women who were 30 years old with a pretty face and ideal proportions. I know it is heading that way but I still see 50 year old guys with weathered faces doing the news at least locally.
  6. That is not the same thing as resigning yourself to being an OL coach the rest of your coaching career. Not all the new staffs are set and the coaching carousel is an annual event so his name could very well be tied to an OC position January of next year. Kugler is in his 50's and by convention he should have already been an OC or higher by this point in his career if that was his goal.
  7. Depends on what the state laws are. Legal does not mean it is legal to grow unless the state encodes it. This is not about personal liberty for Cuomo but in part about a revenue stream of which home grown does not provide. If there is a provision so you can grow your own don't be surprised if you have to pay some kind of tax or fee to do so. Also, as most people do not grow the vegetables they eat they will also not cultivate the MJ they use.
  8. I'm not close to 70 years of age and don't want information automated. We need objective people to being us the news and other information. Get away from the MSM being an arm of radical university types. All that aside I doubt technology has been perfected to the point where errors would not creep up in the presentation of information. Especially since that info would be inputted by humans. A human newsperson would be another check to make sure the correct information is given during a broadcast.
  9. Callahan is 62 and to this point has been a head coach for the Raiders and NCAA Nebraska. Given his age it is only logical that he wants another crack at being a HC regardless of how realistic or unrealistic that may be. Accepting a Offensive Coordinator position would be a stepping stone in that respect.
  10. He would be considered an assistant relative to the Offensive Coordinator. I am saying that Callahan would be less content to be anything less than an OC long term. The OL coach is semi-autonomous at best and has to report to the OC who in turn reports to the Head Coach. Are you saying that the OL coach has to report to no one?
  11. I am not saying that Kugler does not have ambitions but think Kugler might be more content to be here in an assistant's role than Callahan. The OL could stand some consistency in terms of coaching especially now that we appear to have our long term QB.
  12. Meh. Have to see what form this takes when finalized. Could be just a grab for government money without a chance of any benefit for the public in general. Also, if this is just an attempt to ramp up localized production then I will express my doubts as to success. Those not familiar with economics and in particular commodity trading will not see that the state cannot control production. The reason being is MJ will grow just about anyplace corn will grow which can be done in many places in New York and outside of New York. Don't matter what type of restrictions are placed on non-New York produced pot as consumers will seek out the least expensive options. Some states have talked about having licensing to grow MJ but all that amounts to is a revenue stream for the state without really controlling the overall supply.
  13. I've only seen two episodes. I was aware of it back in the 1970's but it was incredibly hard to find. Seems like it was on Saturdays in the evening on some UHF channel that we could only pick up once every three months.
  14. As much I enjoyed the ending to Newhart the final MTM episode has it beat. Who saw everybody getting fired but Ted before it actually played out. No one.
  15. St Elsewhere's ending has grown on me somewhat over the years but pissed me off when first shown. I thought a great series such as that could have done better. Until the final second ticked away that night I thought in the days leading up to the finale that they would kill off Dr Craig.
  16. Pleshette was the leading choice for Catwoman on the 1960's Batman television series until Julie Newmar caught a plane to LA to snag the role for herself. Great as Bob's wife Emily nonetheless.
  17. The middle used to be card carrying union workers across the Mid West but they have been dying off at an accelerated rate the past quarter century. Maybe that news has yet to reach Philly and the Democrats. Most of what is left are Bible thumping and gun carrying types like me.
  18. I don't know if that is the whole story and how it impacts the subject that is being debated here. Family and ethnic pride were also reasons to have large families. Parents felt that there was safety in numbers as to old age care as more kids meant a better chance of being treated well. Part of family pride was having by societal norms well adjusted kids which meant heterosexual kids. When I was a kid during the 1970's many families in "town" had 3 or more kids. Whether they could afford them was a different question but the Great Society had already built in the necessary safety net.
  19. Unless the NFL is throwing in the towel on the appearance of a "full" stadium for television purposes Joe Low Brow will have a seat at the stadium for the foreseeable future. It's going to take time to sell more well to do potential seat buyers on the idea that the Bills have found the answer to underperforming teams. It can be done with a far reaching draw outside of Buffalo itself. Modifying a downtown site just to have the necessary roadways, parking, municipal support (cops and fire fighting) and utilities has been estimated to cost around 100-150 million dollars of which neither Buffalo nor Erie County has. That money would be better used for the chunk down to build a new facility in OP.
  20. As I recall Mahomes was rated as a mid-second round on down prospect. Somebody might have had him as a first rounder but it would have been very few "experts" saying that. The real story should be that Reid knows how to spin wool into gold. Something I doubt would have happened in Buffalo.
  21. So a writer checks this board periodically and sees people endlessly whining about Mahomes and gives the whiners the validation they seek. Yawn. Click. Click. Click and the writer gets a pat on the back from his boss.
  22. Artificial insemination and adoption are two very recent means for gay couples to raise children but does not really describe what has gone on with the human race until the last generation or so. Somebody I knew from my youth threw in the towel on his hetero marriage when he turned 50 but had three children with his wife before he quit his marriage. This would have happened around fifteen years ago so when he got married during his 20's it still would have been during a time that gays would not have been accepted as having children outside of a heterosexual marriage. The bottom line is while talking about older gays is probably unhip for many here they still count as part of the conversation as long as they are breathing. Your LGBT community is but one example while there most likely are tens of millions of gay Americans out there.
  23. So much for the gay gene I guess. Further, I believe that the gay gene is a copout for a number of gays probably because they think they are buying mercy with the dominant heterosexual group they face everyday if they say that they can't help it. I think that for many pleasure is pleasure and perhaps as Seinfeld suggests perhaps they find more pleasure with somebody that knows the equipment best (because they themselves have the same equipment). Maybe the gay gene does survive because of the desire to raise children and raise them in a traditional environment despite any predisposition towards being gay.
  24. I know of a few instances where there is an understanding between husband and wife that the union is most important but the husband can play within reason. What the wife does to protect against STD's or if she simply has no relations I don't know. This sort of arrangement is most likely less common with younger people.
  25. The 15- 20 percent figure is for a college campus population. Not the general population. My estimate for the general population is 8-10 percent. I've been many places over my life and see some movement under the surface in terms of gays. Not everybody who is gay belongs to a political activism committee or marches in a big city parade.
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