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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Humans knew how to do key activities such as hunt game, gather firewood, and cultivate crops without a Julian calendar. Without its basis we would simply have a different system of time accounting.
  2. Kamala Harris officially in the race as of this morning. The field reporter providing the story says "odds on favorite to win." We all know that opinions are like butt holes.
  3. Tibs fails to see how far Egypt fell from the golden age during Biblical times in terms of agricultural production going into the Industrial Age. It was innovations such as plant breeding that helped revitalize Egypt into modern times. Population did grow in Egypt during modern times so even with innovations Egypt was still a net importer of products such as wheat.
  4. While new discoveries happened all across the globe far more happened in Western and Central Europe due to the university system largely promoted by the Catholic Church than elsewhere. Proximity to NA helped the European succeed here but that same European was far better equipped to succeed than his non-Western European cousins.
  5. Of three pages of posting this is the lone logical response. The Chiefs window with Mahomes is now. They just don't draft well enough and work free agency well enough to expect to win it all with the 200 million dollar man at the helm. Having Mahomes might be a curse for the Chiefs when contract time comes because they will be damned if they do sign him (200 million dollar man can't get into the SB) and damned if they don't (Mahomes jock sniffers such as found here crying that they know he was the ingredient to make the SB). Personally, I think that 200 million is fun to talk about just like 1 billion dollars in Powerball but don't see it happening for Mahomes unless most is not gauranteed and the team has many out clauses. I think that 50 million dollars is the threshold and still pay several other key positions. By the way in the demented world of the NFL the stars will align in such a way that when Mahomes does get an enormous pay day it will be a team such as the Cowboys and Jurrah will have played his cards perfectly up to that point drafting and signing the supporting cast. Even if 200 M winds up being the figure which I am still very doubtful of happening. Truly a sign of hell on Earth.
  6. I think that the good outweighs the bad in allowing choices for educational avenues. I would hate to emulate the old Soviet system where if you had a unibrow and drooled slightly that meant being shipped off to a collective farm or if you are lucky a tire retreading facility. Only the person that is inside the body can truly know the potential that the body and mind can expend.
  7. In terms of being contrary to a sizable majority I don't see a lot of controversy listed here. Now if this was 45 years ago a fair amount of what you said might be controversial. A pet peeve of mine where lawyers are concerned is some people saying when it comes to lawsuits the loser should pay in terms of frivolous or nuisance suits. As far as I am concerned often the person with the most money to spend on lawyers wins regardless if right or wrong. I've said this as well and it must be controversial as I have seen a lot of fur stand up on end when I have broached that topic.
  8. To go along with the college tangent here I piss a lot of people off by saying not everybody can be programmed into a white collar professional.
  9. We can only hope that he chooses to anchor off of Somalia at some point.
  10. Pelosi does resemble Balok when I think about it. The puppet and not the Clint Howard version by the way.
  11. i drive a 2006 Silverado with under 90K miles because I have a need for a truck. Most of the vehicles I have bought were not high end models. I've run a Geo Metro literally into the ground. About the most "spendy" car I bought was a student driver Chevy with 3,500 miles on it for 18,500 dollars. I saved nearly 8,000 dollars versus buying the same thing new. Served me well as all the vehicles have.
  12. Nothing wrong with that choice. TOS had many fine female guests.
  13. Good clowns such as myself are making in the high five figures so we don't have to buy a Corolla if we don't want to. By the way I thought that Soros had some old Yugo's in the fleet for the cubicle farm.
  14. A good plan if you can do it but there are quite a few that are hand to mouth through no fault of their own. They don't buy vehicles and homes that they can not afford. I did not know that they have Corolla's in Eastern Europe?
  15. People need to be careful with Ramsey. A fair amount of what he says is sound such as figuring a dollar amount per month that you can pay for a vehicle and still feed a rainy day fund. Even if doing this does not satisfy a whim. But his ideas on paying down debt warrants close scrutiny. Too many times I have heard some of his callers say they have paid down six figures of debt in a couple of years without giving a whole lot of detail. Were they making six figures to start with? Was the waitress running a personal brothel in the storage room? Did a guy start selling drugs?
  16. I'm going to make a general observation. There are several layers to this. I feel for the person who sweeps the halls in a federal building. They most likely don't earn enough to have a reserve fund. I feel less for the salaried person living to the max and never saving for a rainy day. Lastly, with the wolf right outside of the door of those who can impact legislation this ought to be the fire in the night to get rid of predatory lending. Easy to condemn when it is some face you never met that you judge incapable of managing their lives. Not so easy to condemn that most would say was doing things right then the paycheck stopped coming. Making somebody pay 24 percent interest or whatever your state allows is no good to anybody other than a legitimized loan shark. The lending people can get what the banks get or they can go make an honest living elsewhere. No, I don't borrow from sharks but know that they destroy enough lives.
  17. One of "Mudd's Women" was a Playboy Playmate IIRC. That episode has grown on me as I have gotten into middle age. Not for the women but for the message that men need a partner as much as they need a sex object. Marianna Hill for hottest female guest star (Dr Noel from "Dagger of the Mind.") Yes to Hoshi especially mirror Hoshi. The Orion girl looks darn close to a girl I knew in college but the years difference makes that impossible. I prefer Trekologist.
  18. If Greedy Williams is available at 6 don't be surprised if we do offer our 1 and 4 to go up and get him. It would probably be worth it.
  19. You see no reason not to believe him until he says something in contrast to what you believe then he will be a liar of huge proportions according to you. Counting down the days until that happens.
  20. Star Trek but I do enjoy Star Wars although not as much.
  21. Going by the look on her face I don't think that she reciprocates that notion.
  22. Republicans should just leave her alone and in the process tear the Democrats apart. Biden and Clinton have to be very concerned about her impact on the party. Throw out the standard playbook of sexual harassment allegations and being tied to the old white boy network in dealing with her. Live by the identity politics sword and now die by that same sword. Republicans going after AOC now is going to drive the more radical members of the Democratic Party into the laps of the party leaders. Those leaders are going to say "see how afraid the Republicans are of us so lets unite in an effort to crush them." Let the Democrats divide into factions including those ages 18-30 who may say "screw being pragmatic for the benefit of the party. We are going to be around for a while so lets do a controlled burn of the old wood in the party so new ideas can finally breath free."
  23. Probably in a similar manner such as a deer meets an 18 wheeler on the highway.
  24. Trouble is most anything they do can be replicated elsewhere. The profit is only in the exclusiveness which will be impossible to maintain. Big money in pot? Don't count on it.
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