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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. The Chiefs don't have a lot of talent on defense but the Chargers should have been knocking Brady down to the point where maybe one gets ejected from the game for being too rough. I suppose doing that then opens its own can of worms.
  2. Goes to show that the Chiefs did not reinvent the wheel when Mahomes came aboard. They remind me of the old Coryall Chargers that could put up points but were never going to win a SB.
  3. In my mind 60 million seems rather conservative. I would say he has given up that much in the last 5 years and probably at least 100 million for the last decade. He should be pulling in 40 million per year in the last few years. Maybe St Peter will let me ask about that when I am at the Pearly Gates. Among other things.
  4. I think that the Republicans will run one insurance candidate just in case Trump is not resonating with the masses. But by and large 2024 for both parties. When is the latest that Chelsea Clinton can run for Congress once residency is addressed here in NY or as some have theorized RI. Got to get that springboard ready for 2024.
  5. Actually, you should. The owners did when they brought the cap into existence and it was not just to alleviate boredom during one offseason.
  6. It's not my theory but a theory that has been put forth by many people here over a multitude of times. Are you saying that you are unaware of any accusations made by people posting here that the Pats circumvent the cap? I am just attempting to address what has been said on the matter. Even the resident Pats fan here understands that many fans of other NFL teams and AFC teams in particular believe that the Pats circumvent the cap when it comes to Brady. That is why he does not respond to such subject matter by saying "Wut?"
  7. The point is we can never audit Brady to the point of knowing if he is getting money under the table from Kraft or not plus his salary compared to his value makes no sense. Even the Pats guy here can't give a good reason why Brady is on par salary-wise with with other QB's that at best have accomplished a fraction of what Brady has. Brady to my knowledge other than when he signed his contract has never spoken of his personal sacrifice to help the team. Are you saying that it is impossible for Kraft to pay Brady under the table? My theory is that Brady's contract started to uncouple from his open market value around his mid-30's hence my other post on the subject. If Garopollo can get 42M with really a lot yet to be proven then Brady should be worth something approaching that with the more aggressive owners in the league. Brady's 24 million is a long ways away from the top contract value of 42 million for a guy to this point has been about the potential more than the actual result. Brady and his agents are really nice guys if they were willing to forgo Tom making 40 plus million per year several years back when Tom's future was being mapped out. I wonder if any other team has had a player be so nice as to sacrifice approaching half his future earnings to help the team?
  8. More interested in the Gillibrand quote. A second shot fired across the bow of the SS Bernie. Why dredge up sexual harassment allegations against his 2016 campaign people and this unless Sanders was seriously mulling over running as a Democrat. Gillibrand strikes me more as a good party soldier than a free thinking voice.
  9. Brady is "most everybody?" Half the teams in the league would pay several million dollars above 24 million per year if Brady was sitting on an open market. I still think that the megalomaniacs would pay above 35 million per year if Brady could draw a few teams into a bidding war never mind his reputation in the playoffs being an enticement. Garopollo made over 42 million and Carr plus Cousins made in the 24 million dollar range. Stafford made similar money but he had the Lions by the short hairs in that they did not want to risk a QB search as opposed to what Stafford could deliver in the post season. Brady is severely undervalued in comparison to his QB brethren. Would you put Stafford on par with Brady when looking at their compensation?
  10. Even if you prorate Brady's contract over three years to make the 30 million bonus look dramatic that is likely many millions under his value if he hit the open market. If Brady were 36 years old in 2019 being dumped in a rebuild by his old team his achievements to age 35 would make him worth considerably more than 30 million per year depending how you structure salary and bonus. I would venture a guess that if Snyder orJones were in the market at that point that Brady at 36 would command a contract of over 40 million dollars per year. I think that Khan (Jacksonville), Ross (Miami), or the late Paul Allen would be there knocking on Brady's door if he could be had at an amount a little under 40 million. Jerry Jones dream scenario is Brady comes along at a time when the Cowboys have most of their starting 22 under easy to digest contracts for the next few years that he would even go 45 million per year on Brady if it meant 4 SB appearances. It would behoove Jurrah to also buy McDaniels or some other NE flunky to make sure Brady's transition is smooth. Just my opinion.
  11. True but the value of the contracts out there for the Bills are at market and maybe a bit higher than market for players such as Star. Would you hazard a guess as to who Pegula is paying off of the books? Brady's NFL contract is far from his value in terms of production and playoffs. Sorry that we live in an age where the rich promote cynicism among the everyday working people. Get back to me when Pegula has several players working considerably under their market value.
  12. The salary cap was designed to keep the more well to do owners from in theory buying championships. While I believe that Bill B has a lot to do with the Pats success circumventing the salary cap is in poor sportsmanship. While we can't prove that Kraft is circumventing the cap we also can't prove that he is not. I don't believe that the Pats would have the same success without Brady that they would have with him. Of course if Bill B sticks around several more years with a new QB and wins then that would be a big statement as to who deserves most of the credit.
  13. Yep, it is starting to look like the early 1930's in Germany. And people laughed for many decades after here in the US as "Americans would never fall for the nonsense espoused by Hitler and others back then." I ask you who are the real fools. Overly prideful people that were pissed that they lost a world war or people who live lives of comfort with good homes plus well fed decades afterward?
  14. Any interviews I have seen regarding Reid suggests that he put Mahomes on the fast track to learning the NFL. Even so his capabilities due to lack of experience were evident last night as Brady had many more play options as suggested by Romo on the telecast. Keep grumbling about not drafting Mahomes if that makes you happy.
  15. As I recall it was a very small but vocal minority banging their fists for Mahomes leading up to the draft. And most of them were guessing based on college production and not figuring the transition to the NFL with its worts and so forth. Mahomes would not have been close to the player that he is in KC if he was in Buffalo. He would not have Andy Reid nor the receiving options that he has in KC.
  16. There is a fair amount wrong with that theory but I will let it go at that I was born before Erving made his rounds.
  17. It would help bring along the likes of some to provide enlightenment to them. Let's discuss the monsoon season in southern and southeastern Asia and how it impacts agriculture there while we are at it.
  18. Even Biden admits identity politics will be the key to Democratic success in 2020. Too bad he is a privileged old white man.
  19. The Julian Calendar became important with the rise of international trade a few hundred years ago as a way to assign when deliveries were to be made and debts collected. To go further many great societies were able to plant crops and flourish when it came to nutrition w/o a Julian Calendar. The Chinese, Japanese, Indians, native Latin American cultures to name a few.
  20. It's not so accurate to prevent a naive farmer from planting a crop that might be ruined by frost. Farmers wait as much for a warming trend in the spring as they do for an arbitrary date on the calendar to plant crops. Those who have lived in WNY and have gardened for many years would not plant sweet corn on May 10 even if that is recognized as typically the last day for a spring frost if the outdoor temperature is only 45 degrees at 1PM and had been pretty much been the trend for that spring. That gardener would make a planting decision on future predictions that temps would rise into the 60's and stay there. This for making sure the soil will warm to germinate a seed as well as support an emerged plant.
  21. The Julian Calendar is not fool proof by any means. A major reason a number of countries including the US use government subsidized crop insurance. You can still have a frost inside the federally recognized window for a given crop for a given region in terms of growing season. When everybody kicks in via being a taxpayer the cost of food production becomes minimal per household. The volatility that would result without it would result in much higher prices in a poor crop year for a given commodity. American consumers in recent generations pay on average ten percent of their earnings on food. Contrast that with lesser European nations along with other parts of the world where paying a third of your income to eat is considered normal. Some despise government intervention such as subsidized crop insurance but it does allow us to type away on a site such as this with minimal concern as to food budget. The alternative being if wheat were short in supply with the price of bread rising over 50 percent then people gather up arms to fight one another.
  22. A Julian calendar will not fully assure a planter of crops when the last frost of spring or first frost of autumn will occur. Crops were cultivated largely in a manner of by trial. That some crops were attempted and did not succeed during the warm period before the cold period so efforts were discontinued on that crop. Some spring (after the winter cold) crops such as oats, barley, and peas will take snow after emerging from the ground therefore they were prominent in Northern Europe. Winter wheat will take the interim between warm seasons with sufficient snow cover to insulate from the cold that we are seeing currently in WNY. The bottom line is while the Julian calendar came up with effective subdivisions the ancients still used solar days in a manner of speaking. That in a given region 100 solar days (rising and setting of the sun) would be the interim where crops would either not grow or go dormant (winter wheat).
  23. I still think that the identity politic game the Dems have been playing will hurt Biden with their own base. Quite a number of the current media people believe diversity is of the utmost importance. These are not the days of the alphabet networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN) ruling the broadcast medium with one mindset of pragmatic (old white man can win, younger black woman cannot) over idealism. A fair number of rainbow coalition Dems might stay home on Election Day if Joe or Hillary are crowned the nominee of the party.
  24. Slow pitch soft ball at the debates for her to make it very far.
  25. I still think that Hillary will be in the race by the time the lawn is ready to mow this spring. Hillary is waiting for enough dust to fall on her past sins so the MSM can say ancient history therefore irrelevant.
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