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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I usually do it in Frank Costanza's voice when he is agitated.
  2. Probably no where near as bad when you were caught taking your mom's K-Y jelly off of her nightstand.
  3. I would have to watch the footage to know for sure. The production notes say a lot of filming was done in Batavia and South Dayton, NY so it is possible. I have not seen it for probably 25 years now. It does have my favorite character actor William Windom (there was but not any more......) in it. Maybe I will watch it in full this coming weekend.
  4. I don't believe so. Probably will never know until the original video can be seen. At the time a bunch of friends were under the same impression that I was. A dusk aerial shot coming from the southeast and I thought a time lapse clip of maybe 2-3 seconds of setting up for the concert. It would be one thing if it was just me. Of course groups of people have been fooled before such as those who thought the train trestle shot from Stand By Me was shot at Letchworth when in fact it was shot out west.
  5. I still think that she wants in and it is killing her that others are getting the media attention. I think that her "advisors" are telling her to wait out the Kamala-Warren phase of this cycle and to this point she is listening.
  6. Compound that with that most likely the vehicle operator was not dressed to be readily seen on a dark night.
  7. Nobody is saying that he drinks or has drank. If there is any speculation it is about the road conditions.
  8. Well, if you get out into the sticks it does appear that the Amish and Mennonites are breeding like rabbits.
  9. WHAM13 Rochester is reporting Boeheim was involved in an accident of which a vehicle operator was hit and killed from around midnight last night. An investigation is proceeding with details to follow. Boeheim is cooperating with authorities.
  10. Andrea Mitchell does not even have the good sense to be embarrassed over the obvious fawning she was doing over Hillary.
  11. Bong water in your coffee this morning?
  12. Gonna have to print lots of money. The inflation caused will make it hard for people to tell up from down. This is not a piddly auto industry bail out or farm bill at 20 billion over a few years. The nut job is talking 10's of trillions of dollars for the scope and scale she envisions whether she realizes it or not.
  13. She says that it has to get done in the next 10-12 years. Sounds like a specific goal to me.
  14. If you agree with me in that there will always be the poor then you agree there will be income inequality. Tell me how AOC's plan be implemented without hyperinflation if the government starts printing money to pay for it? A big tax hike on all paying classes would set off a revolution in a country not prone to revolution. Or is this all a pretense to have open warfare on those who own property currently?
  15. A fantasy piece. The New Testament says that the poor will always be with us. As applied to today's world there will always be those who will scheme to have more than other people. It is just human nature. Look at the Seattle company that paid all its employees the same wage a few years ago. It barely took effect when it had people either complaining or leaving the company because they saw their efforts as superior therefore worthy of greater compensation. The Green New Deal is impossible to implement per the AOC plan. A Green New Deal will not bother Putin. He will still be in power even if natural gas exports severely decline to Europe. Putin will still have a nuclear missile force to keep outsiders from pushing him out of power. Putin's biggest problem is outrunning the aging process.
  16. I would venture to guess that even card carrying Communists enjoy McDonald's french fries. Perhaps the first crack in the communist world when McDonald's food went into points east of the old Iron Curtain. Rumor was that after Soviet spies brought Andropov a McDonald's basic meal that he proposed unilateral disarmament so the McDonald's food would free flow into Moscow. Upon this revelation the borscht loving KGB staged a coup to counter Andropov's desires thus ending his rule.
  17. I can only think of the Kirk-Spock exchange when they commandeer the 1920's flivver (car) in "A Piece of the Action."
  18. I would imagine that all public places off limits to tobacco in NY will also be off limits for pot. So no restaurant, movie theater, etc. for NY citizens who wish to smoke pot. Otherwise tobacco smokers will sue.
  19. I'm thinking 9-10 wins for the season is very possible and the playoffs are 60/40 against making it. I think that the division winners will be NE, Pittsburgh, Indy, and the Chiefs. Chargers and Browns (that's right, the Browns) for the Wild Card. Buffalo, Houston, and one other team just missing in the last 2 weeks. Pittsburgh pulls another rabbit out of their hat winning the division despite the offseason drama preceding camp.
  20. I drove standard transmissions while very young off road. I had no trouble driving standard equipped cars and pickups over the years. I even drove a Corolla with 3rd gear out while driving expressway and the Thruway. The car had enough bottom end torque so once I was up to 27-28 MPH in second I would go to 4th and it would handle it at 30-35 MPH in generally flat going. I never fixed 3rd gear and drove it another 60,000 miles until it rotted out.
  21. It's a way to make people feel better about their own miserable lives.
  22. As planned for the front office or the fans? A lot of people here seem to think that getting Paradis is a slam dunk when in fact it is anything but. I would be OK with setting a firm limit on an offer for Paradis. I don't think that he is a generational talent worth paying 15M+ per year if that is where the bidding goes. People here like talking in vague statements so they can not be held to anything if a plan does not work out. So tell us what you think needs to be done complete with salary figures so we can talk again this time next year. I'll put my cards on the table and say Paradis is not worth over 15M dollars per year unless the guaranteed money was less than 45M total. I want to be protected 3 years down the road in case Paradis burns out.
  23. People who criticize the offense from last year can't see three feet ahead of themselves on a bright sunny day. As to the people saying there has to be playoffs this year maybe it happens and maybe it does not. I will be happy with improved stats in sacks and running yards allowed for our defense and maintain a top 5 rating. For the offense Allen and his receivers taking a decided move forward and hopefully a top 10 rushing attack. Special teams becomes competent. I think 2020 is the year that if no playoffs serious repercussions for management barring a disasterous string of injuries.
  24. My gut says the Bills are not trading for a receiver. Maybe look for a surprise cut during camp if another team has another prospect ready to emerge. Buffalo's leverage diminished greatly with the pending Flacco to Denver trade.
  25. It's open competition for both guard positions in my opinion. New OL coach and scheme dictates that. I think Dawkins stays put as I think that the top OT draft prospects will not be overly enticing to our FO. Our center of the future comes in rounds 2 or 3.
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