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Posts posted by RochesterRob

  1. 1 minute ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


    If SDS wants to waste his time talking with me instead of the poster who tells others their "soul is already hanging by a thread as it dangles above the bottom depths of hell," so be it. 


    So this diary... why does it matter?

      So, when all else fails throw a big pile of crap in the air to cloud all the statements that you have made.  As to the diary that has already been explained to you.  You have obvious reading comprehension issues.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:

    @RochesterRob can't wait to talk about the diary in other threads - makes sense to have a thread on the topic he has asked about so often this morning.




    What is "the news" on this diary, though?



      Your fear betrays you.  I did not know that a couple of times constitutes often.  Sounds like you are trying to compose an obvious crap defense ahead of a conference consisting of you and SDS.

  3. 1 minute ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


    The thread is, as your boy would say, what it is.


    You can engage with the content and share this "news" I am unable to find, or continue to be your RochesterRob self. 

      Do you understand the meaning of the word "pending" which I used to indicate that more is to possibly come?  Yet, again I would point out that YOU started this thread.  You have a choice of admitting that YOU STARTED A THREAD where your belief was that information was not yet complete or a call out thread or both.  I DID NOT START A THREAD TO ASSESS THE VALIDITY OF THE DIARY!!!!!!!!!

  4. 13 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    After his pathetic rally a couple miles from his basement, has anyone seen him since? 

    He looked like a very tired, confused old man. He was given three softball questions and whiffed badly on them. In fact, his answers he gave had nothing to do with the question!


    Someone with half a brain needs to put an end to this old man's suffering. This is cruelty. 


    Trump made three huge rally stops, swore in a new supreme court justice and will do another three huge rallys today.


    Where is Biden? Is he hiding in his basement again? How many tour stops does he have planned today? Tomorrow? This week????


    He has no business being in this race. His time has come and gone, he could walk off into the sunset with all the millions he stole and live comfortably. 


    Instead, he will get crushed next tuesday. What a sad end to a sad politician. 

      The cabal controlling him does not care about his health.  Only their wealth and power.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


    No it hasn't. Please share.


    But it's made the news!

      Further, to make a thread of which you personally are uncertain of the content but yet call out a poster by citing a post from a different thread could be considered a call out thread which is against the TOS or COC.  Maybe I should be talking to SDS about this.  You need a vacation along with your socks.

  6. Just now, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


    A president's daughter having a diary is disqualifying to that president? Is there some news about this diary I may have missed? If so, please share the news.

      More news is supposedly pending which is why myself or anybody else with a brain did not jump to starting a thread over it like you did.  The diary has made the news and I thought that you might care to address it briefly.  

  7. 3 minutes ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


    I have never heard of his daughter's diary.


    Why is his daughter's diary an election issue for you?



      You're pretty stupid but I will spell it out for you.  Not only is there an ethical issue but it opens the door for other potential similar issues for potential blackmail leading to potential misconduct by Biden.  Of course you and your ilk being the slime of the Earth gravitate towards fellow slime so I should not be surprised.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Market not exactly bouncing back today. Covid Donny's unforgivable failure to even try and deal with the pandemic is a real body blow to the economy. 


    Yet another Democratic President will have to clean up the mess from a Republican President 

      What is your opinion on Biden's daughter's diary and don't use Trump as a deflection?  Your soul is already hanging by a thread as it dangles above the bottom depths of hell.  

  9. 1 minute ago, Kemp said:


    More pretending to be clever.


    Only a Trump supporter could try and claim the morality argument when their culwt leader has so many accusations against him and so much garbage out of his own mouth.


    Not a bright group.


    You can continue to change my words because you think that's displaying wit, but it’s kind of sad.

      Not pretending.  I AM clever.  Again, I would ask you about Biden's Daughter's diary and not use unproven accusations against Trump as a deflection.  You are so shook up that you can't even spell the word cult.  By the way you are being quoted word for word and if you attempt to edit it your change will be noted for all to see.  Take some time to sob into your pillow knowing you cast your vote before critical information such as the diary can be seen.  You can always redeem yourself but that will require much of you.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    That's inaccurate in terms of this conversation.


    Trump consistently does this. It's being duplicated here. Have there been any similarly titled threads about men?


    Don't know why so many of you are afraid of women.


    Repeating behavior over and over is creative?


    I make my living as a writer, since retiring from programming, but to you, repeating behavior is creative. 


    No doubting you're a Trump supporter. 

      Claiming to be a writer?  Seems kind of paultry for a person like you.  A writer is supposed to be intuitive among other things and you have me pegged as afraid of women?  I'm not all touchy feely like your hero Biden but I am quite comfortable talking to women and have no fear of accomplished women.  By the way I seldom repeat and when I do it is to make sure a point is acknowledged.  By the way what do you think of Biden's daughter's diary and its contents?  

    5 minutes ago, Kemp said:


      I have been having the same problem my entire life.


  11. 1 minute ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:

    ^ Douche plus idiot


    48 minutes ago, SoTier said:

    Now, I don't give a pile of dog poop if you want to call me names, impugn my motives, reply with memes or youtube videos or whatever, but I draw the line at smearing me by quoting me and then changing that post to fit whatever agenda you have.   Not being a snowflake, I can take care of myself in ideological tussles, but I will not have my words altered so that somebody seeing that altered post in the future might think that I actually said something I didn't.  I've had two posters do that to my quotes in the last week, both excusing themselves with "FIFY".   Well, dudes and dudettes, you best not try to "fix it" for me.  My words be mine, and don't mess with them.


    I don't care if you're supporting me or dissing me.  Changing quoted statements is against the TOS and I will PM you a warning about it once when I see that you've done that, friend or foe.  Do it again, and I will report you for it.   If other posters want to accept others changing their quotes, that's their choice.  I'm not policing PPP,  just my own posts.   I don't care if you rip what I have to say to shreds, but don't quote me and then change the wording of those quotes to pretend I said something I didn't.






      All your original statements exist for all to see.  If people could not see those then there would be concerns in terms of COC.

  12. 3 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:


    Mitch wouldn't have let a vote on a new judge. He would have used his made up rule about not confirming judges in an election year.


    Oh well. Dems poised to take the White House, Senate and House. Elections have consequences.

      Bull crap.  She could have retired midway through Obama's last term and eliminate the election year issue.  Her ego would not let her do the right thing for the lefty's of the nation.  Stop blaming Republicans and blame a self-centered liberal judge who thought she was going to live forever at an age when more and more people succumb to illness or death.  

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Logic said:

    Most replies and the whining in this thread and others are pathetic.


    The Bills are 5-2 and leading the division and people are crying because the win didn’t include enough style points.


    Toughen up. Quit being such fairweather negative Nancies. Root for your team and accept that they lead the AFC East and be happy. “But they didn’t beat the Jets by ENOUGH points!”. Wahhhhhhh. 

    Bunch of garbage and misery and pessimism. Shameful.

      People need to turn off whatever sports media source that they view and do something else with their time.  The happiest moment NFL-wise for me in the last 5 years is when I said "good bye" to ESPN.

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