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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. There is a Kraft thread over on PPP if you want to look at any political angle. That aside the news is a little over 24 hours old so not enough time for the media to organize a plan unlike Smollett whose problem is over a week old now. When you play with fire you get burned. Most billionaires don't play with loose cannon sex partners. It's understood the hooker is paid well and also to keep her mouth shut. That aside most hookers know that rich guys did not get to where they are by playing by the rules. Most hookers don't want to wind up dead because of a failed power play.
  2. Most people did not read what you wrote and a fair number did not understand to boot.
  3. I know that this is not a political board so it will keep it very brief. Kraft being a one time donor to Trump means the media will bite into this like a tick bites into a dog or cat. The other owners will get tired of this in short order and put Kraft out of his misery.
  4. Plenty of call girls in Jupiter that Kraft could call for a quickie without leaving his home. So a billionaire in Jupiter can do far better than a brothel disguised as a massage parlor. Kraft also donated money on behalf of charities to spread awareness on human trafficking. This will no doubt be brought up many times going forward. Kraft is no low functioning stock pusher at Walmart who saved for several weeks to afford that encounter.
  5. Given the huge quantity of posters being indifferent to human trafficking here I would say that PPP is a beacon of enlightenment in comparison.
  6. If you are Kraft how do you look Kim Pegula in the eye at an owner's meeting after this. One report had Korean's listed among ethnicities probable at that parlor.
  7. Too much political hay to be made by groups such as MeToo for Goodell to take a "boys will be boys" approach to this. Kraft was a one time Trump supporter and we know how those guys are treated at present. Kraft might find the best way out is to sell and get out of public view.
  8. Huge egos can breed huge errors in judgement.
  9. This matter will be a huge embarrassment to the NFL and one they will want to be rid of ASAP. Kraft's day in court will be less than a slap on the wrist for him but the media attention will break him and the NFL if it is left at a fine. Letting Jr take over while Bob still owns the team will tell many who are not rabid NFL fans that the NFL does not take human trafficking seriously. From the Kraft's standpoint that punishment is far worse than the crime but the league is first and foremost about PR and revenue with no sacred cows in those objectives.
  10. Check out a main media source and you will know that formal charges will be applied on Monday. This is serious and given the subject is a billionaire every detail has been looked at by the local DA as well as the police chief. No Barney Fife and Gomer on this case. It does have football content and has been addressed here to a minor degree. A change of ownership in NE would no doubt affect the competitive balance (or lack of) in the AFCE. Decisions to retire might be the result of a bad day in court for Kraft with Bill B plus Brady being the most probable.
  11. The Kraft name is bad PR right now so you can bet that Goodell has already conference called the league's lawyers about it. Letting young Kraft take over will make the league look like it is not taking the matter seriously so look for a forced sale once Kraft has had his day in court.
  12. Kraft was at a place where the women were forced against their will to be sex workers. This is extremely bad PR for the NFL. The NFL is in the position right now that when a Pats game is broadcast this fall they don't want the Kraft name to come up at all during that broadcast. The only way to do that is force a sale of the team. What Sterling (the Clippers owner) did was bad being an Archie Bunker type bigot for a long period of time but Kraft's couple of times was worse.
  13. If his massage "therapist" was here legitimately I doubt that the Jupiter, FL DA would bother with preparing charges. As has been said the punishment for a routine solicitation bust is nothing more than a fine and an hour or two in an awareness class. Kraft and the other "big names" could stir up a big chit storm that the locals would find unpleasant over a routine prostitution pinch. It would go away before the media got wind of it. How many times anywhere do you hear of a bust for a routine offense by a big name?
  14. You want very weak law enforcement? There are many countries around the world that would oblige you. The only thing is they might not be helpful in your time of crisis.
  15. With all that said you have to wonder if he is into something really disgusting and searching what he thought were the probable avenues to find it. I'm sure he could find some leather and bondage call girl who was really hot with very little trouble using his contacts.
  16. Being that Kraft is a billionaire a few times over I think that they would know that they would have to play this extremely straight. It's not like they caught Al Bundy.
  17. I doubt it even though the media would love to use him to get to Trump. The cops said that they have video evidence that they will be expected to produce in short order. Otherwise, they would not have a basis on which to file charges.
  18. I'm not going to speculate on Bon Jovi but there were some pretty nasty rumors back in the 1980's about him. When you get the money that Kraft has you tend to feel invincible and no shame in your desires.
  19. The girls probably look 12 years old and maybe weigh 80 pounds from malnutrition. It won't get him in court but he still has to deal with the world at large. I guess no more Friday meetings with Jim Nance ahead of a Sunday national game involving the Pats.
  20. I know a few people in area law enforcement. Most escort services or parlors are very careful to avoid any woman that looks underage. If a woman is there underage she probably has been given a good quality fake ID as a cover.
  21. It's personal conduct away from the team so it would not be fair to penalize the Pats that way.
  22. By his balls? Probably would be done at the same brothel that would hook a battery charger to a guy's nads. I am sure Kraft could make a recommendation on this.
  23. I think that if Jurrah is backed into a corner he has some JR Ewing in him if you know what I mean.
  24. Apples and Oranges. Highly improbable that Kraft's bust has political undertones to it. If this was not legit the cops know full well that Kraft would go after them in terms of career as well as court
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