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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Don't steal my schtick about lead paint and lead pipes, please.
  2. Avatar change coming in 5...........4...........3..........2..........1.............
  3. Is not your avatar a picture of your significant other? I must say you are a socially progressive fellow and he is metabolically challenged to boot. Kudo's to your enlightened thinking. Don't bother reeling off insult after insult because they are like water over a duck's back.
  4. Yugo's are supposed to have pretty good gas mileage so you should be good to go.
  5. He tasks me and I shall have him.
  6. If that is your wish. I would imagine court action would start before then but the unlimited amount of evidence should make it last until well past the 2020 election. A knock out blow to the Clinton's would be nice for around Nov 1, 2020.
  7. Who is going to try to get in the clown car this week. The mayor of Ithaca, NY?
  8. You are being intellectually dishonest per your usual practice. Confronting in a non-trial setting will just tip off those in on a political operation as to potential future charges so they can plan a counter attack. Let a sanitized DOJ, FBI, etc. gather evidence then bring formal charges in court.
  9. You'd think that she would have an independent dedicated server for such "business" and nothing else but if she is anything she is overconfident when it comes to her plans. Might be time to dust off the electric chairs which were used on the Rosenberg's if we are lucky.
  10. So they asked more than a couple guys in your trailer park this time around?
  11. Krugman has been a Democratic pawn for over 25 years now.
  12. I lack the appropriate credentials in the field of psychiatry to do so. Anybody else?
  13. 800 people here would sign a letter declaring you a leftist nut job. To add to the credibility some have backgrounds in the medical field. Most here would have at least a Bachelor's degree in some discipline.
  14. It was bad during the 1970's when I was school age. A big reason why I had no interest in sports whatsoever until college was almost done. Anyhow, lots of "important" parents having their way in terms of who played. A cousin was a pretty good football O lineman in high school but probably played 15 minutes collectively for his senior year. Sportsmanship was not emphasized with the kids so all kinds of pettiness and bickering went on. As somebody who did not play I was "told" (not that I listened) who I could associate with and be friends with which changed by the week due to that person's on-field abilities. By the time I started high school sports was definitely one thing I could live without. I do wish that I had seen the connection between being on a team and the ability to land certain girls on the other hand.
  15. From US investors. At that time he was a part of the USFL which required big money. Trump was connected to Jim Kelly so maybe Kelly even invested 10's of thousands into Trump's ventures. People lose billions quite frequently. Try buying the WSJ on a regular basis and then you would know details. The new casino in the Finger Lakes region is a financially sick operation and has been since it opened. The owner has been courting the state for relief money. The Soviets back during the 1980's did not have a billion to give a Western capitalist billionaire nor would they give it to him if they had it. Trump was the furthest thing from being a potential political figure then.
  16. IRS can only go back 7 years from today. Are you advocating that the IRS can go several decades back? If they go back for Trump then they can go back for the Clinton's, Biden, Obama, etc.. All that aside losing money does not mean a person is a tax evader. Guys like Trump pay an army of accountants so they stay within the boundaries of the tax code. If the federal govt is dumb enough to encode something then we can't be surprised if somebody takes advantage of it. Care to show where it was against federal law back in the 1980's to do business in Russia?
  17. You need to try harder than that. People either respect the office to this day or have not respected it for a very long time by and large. You remind me of the minions for the "Leader" from the "Joy of Sect" Simpson's episode.
  18. Hillary was able to hide her senility via the media shield. Is the media willing to do the same thing this time around? Will we see a virtual Biden for television at the debates and have Trump plus his supporters tagged as liars when they see the truth in person?
  19. Your leftist masters must be in a very foul mood this morning for you to be spouting nonsense. Biden can't even remember simple information at this point. Biden has been a part of the DC mess for 50 years so it will be a simple matter for Trump to drown Biden with Biden's connection to all of it.
  20. Tibs is trying to push it to 1M per share. Too bad that Tibs in reality maybe has two nickels to rub together.
  21. Just give it up already. Nobody is accepting your biased word anyhow. Tell us about the noon gruel that is served at the Soros Cubicle Farm to keep your mind compliant to your leftist masters.
  22. If you think in terms in all the devices and all off the people then not as inviolable as gravity. But as far as a run of the mill caterer then yes their device would at least be checked. Somebody working for another political organization or foreign power equipped with a non-conventional and therefore hard to detect device then there is a chance they could walk out unmolested. I just find it fairly difficult to believe that would happen given that the event was expected to be .... well...uneventful. Like I said I think that there is a fair chance material exists with the higher ups that evening and they are waiting for Hillary to start her dirt nap so they can cash in. Probably could make over 10 million dollars which is not chump change to Huma or Podesta.
  23. I think that there is a fair chance that someone such as Huma or Podesta has something that they are keeping as some sort of insurance or money maker down the road. As far as the help goes they for sure had any devices taken away before departing the premises that evening. With the Chairman Mao line now retired I guess that means China is off the list.
  24. Just download Star Trek's "Turnabout Intruder." The villain Janice Lester was Hillary years before Hillary came to be politically.
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