I guess that I see it differently. I still think a sizable number of liberals are such based on individual rights issues such as abortion and smoking pot but really are not militant on other issues. We shall see.
Maybe that is the desired outcome in having a couple flee the country. It would be an admission of guilt to even a lot of the looney left. The Clinton jet holds how many?
You care. What's the obsession by you with dicklicking and ass play? A person might get the idea that you are looking for some action when you bring it up time after time. Don't look at me as I am not into that. By the way you know in your heart you want Hillary to be POTUS.
Nothing like obfuscating to take attention away from what I stated. Trump's foundation was never set up as a means to peddle influence from the Oval Office.
Hillary says that laws are for the little people. Just have an off shore foundation to receive contributions and the unwashed masses will be none the wiser.
Huh? Rainfall is up considerably in the Great Lakes drainage basin and all that water funnels through the Niagara River into Lake Ontario. More than the usual peeing match between the homeowners and the joint commission on lake levels at work here.
If the Clinton Foundation is so legit then why is it being run off shore? It seems to me that if somebody cared so much about the country that they lived in they would want that country to benefit from all the PR from being being the home nation for said foundation. For you facts are truly tricky things.
Too bad we won't get to see how many zeroes are after the 1 on the check for this Judge's ruling as no doubt it is for deposit only in the Cayman's.
Hillary was already running. The point of pushing the clown car onto the stage was "see how bad the alternatives are." She also evades the negative media attention from Fox News. The fly in that ointment is it was never supposed to get as far as Barr leading the counter-offensive against the leaders of the coup. Trump was to be run out of office by now so they could start pounding on Pence. That was going to be the job of the guy from Indy.
I've finally figured out your secret. You are actually here to keep us whipped into a pro-Trump frenzy by feeding us negative Trump comments. You are actually working for Trump 2020.
Turn the Republicans into an un-killable ghost? In order to demonize an idea it usually helps to tie it to a single group. So how are they going to tie Jeb in the Ozarks with his guns and religion to Charles in Boston with his trust fund and loathing of income taxes. Just easier to say Republicansbad to keep the message simple to their base. Will they ever learn?
Just like with a lawyer you need a little nasty in your representative sometimes. When I want nice guys to hang out with then I will seek out Ned Flanders.
Mock the Lord and incur his wrath. Nobody in school, church, or 4H ever touched me so I will not bear false witness. For any real victims I pray for them to heal their emotional wounds and wrath upon those who violated them.