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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. They say when a person is ultra obsessed with a person it is a sign that they actually admire that person. I think that you are infatuated with Trump due to his wealth and power. That is when you are not thinking about 12 year old girls.
  2. Interesting that you have 12 year old girls on your mind.
  3. But it's more fun to think of him henpecked by 500 Stella-series androids.
  4. You're leaving for North Korea when?
  5. Typical Big McD. Mindless insults and little else.
  6. Looks like our resident Lefties have found a little play pen to hang out in. Too bad they are treating it more like a pig pen. BTW Big McD really needs to see a doctor about whatever is growing on his feet.
  7. Stop trying to project onto others that which you may be vulnerable to yourself! Of course that is the Democratic party way so no one should be surprised.
  8. Quite simply Hillary pictured herself in some future utopia (dystopia for the rest of us) where anybody away from the coasts did not matter. Her delusions were very evident to middle America.
  9. I think that Big McD uses Pravda frequently.
  10. Tibs coming within the hour with the counter explanation that he was entrapped somehow. That he was violently pushed towards the girl by a guy wearing a MAGA hat and that the girl broke the fall. Obviously, he had to extend both arms and hands out to do this but the girl being a proud Biden supporter was only too happy to break his fall.
  11. Old age may claim Biden before 2020 unless he has a deal with the devil like Hillary does.
  12. No doubt that this will be explained as Great Britain being a willing puppet of Trump hence no need of coverage there.
  13. Maybe the Russians are way ahead of us in duplicate androids?
  14. You need to make a note to your self not to reveal stated Soros objectives to current non-believers. I fore see another whipping session at the flogging pole for you. for your error. Of course if you enjoy corporal punishment then I see many more errors coming. Enjoy.
  15. I hope that you are not paid based on the number of converts you make here because you will be living in your mom's basement for the rest of your life.
  16. Have these clowns even given serious thought to what they are saying? Warren's plan most likely is to put a lot of suffering on the backs of the little people. The elites will still have their steak, drive their 100K plus SUV's, and private jets while the farmer will have to hitch his son and daughter to the equipment if he wants to produce a crop. Only a fool (Tibs) would believe she can affect meaningful change outside the US border.
  17. It does suck a tiny bit as a middle aged man. Can't go to Darien Lake (amusement park and camping) and check out 20-30 year old women anymore. Can't keep up with the garden like I used to. Weather has been kind of poor until now and just wondering if I should just let it go for next year and maybe throw some clover seed on for green manure and nitrogen. All in all I still celebrate summer.
  18. What's not to love? Attractive women showing more skin. Grilling and cold salads. Festivals and outdoor shows.
  19. Steak is grilling as we speak. Macaroni salad made and chilling in the fridge. Chocolate pudding for dessert. Wish I had beer here but oh well. Middle age is catching up with me as I did not make any baked beans or tossed salad. Only so much room anymore.
  20. I remember that game like it was yesterday and I am a very casual MLB fan. I was watching with guys at college with some from NYC and others from Boston. Good spirited ball busting and beer drinking. I miss those days.
  21. Obviously, Dems are not burning to have Biden lead them into 2020.
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