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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Meh. They will all be looking for new jobs after Barr reduces the DNC to ashes.
  2. If I am in a hurry I will boil some rice then stir in some BBQ sauce. Warm dinner real quick that is not bland. Kind of kicked Stove Top stuffing to the curb not that ST is that good anymore. Must have changed the recipe.
  3. For the Democrats! It's in the quote you made from me.
  4. The Democrats may not make it through the year. I see them splintering then forming coalitions that consist of various groups such as environmentalists. The party of FDR and JFK is dying and that is your REAL concern.
  5. That aside there is nothing the public gets to see in the open to substantiate any claims.............unlike Hillary's server that she wiped..........with a cloth. Painful times ahead for our friend Tibs.
  6. I honestly doubt you would face the truth. You as many other leftist would shrug your shoulders and say that it needed to be done in the name of progress if the left was caught red handed. There is no open evidence to suggest a foreign attack. Just hypothesis and hearsay. Back during the 1970's the Republicans were willing to clean house after Watergate. In the current era much fog surrounds Hillary Clinton with the Democrats unwilling to fan the fog aside to show transparency.
  7. Come on. There was information gathering and strategic dispersal before the computer age. There was also blatant story fabrication. Let's not pretend the concept is brand new. If a big left wing apparatus was found would you be so gun ho to seek retribution?
  8. Going by the conditions given by the OP it would have to be beef stew. Heavy on the onion and garlic. Braise the beef and simmer 1.5-2 hours in liquid but not boil off any broth. Gravy thick enough not to readily soak through a slice of bread. My coleslaw and potato salad draw a lot of compliments. Sweet onion is the key as it provides a natural sugary taste to the slaw and salad. Green pepper and cucumber chunks (small) in the potato salad make for a garden salad type experience.
  9. Nonsense. The Democrats are just trying to use an episode from the past to fire up their base to in turn put pressure on DC politicians. Anybody that cares one way or the other about impeachment is already up on the topic.
  10. I think that there was a bit in there about since Batman hangs around criminals (to catch them) he must be a criminal. Sounds like a certain one time candidate who was talking about if you hung around Russians you must be a Russian stooge.
  11. Could be. I have not watched it for quite a long time now. I just remember general plots at this point. IIRC the Penguin for mayor episode was considered good political satire so maybe I will Youtube it. All that aside I was more of a Frank Gorshin (The Riddler) guy.
  12. Yeah, but she still lost. You how the criminal minds work on Batman. Everything in their lives that went wrong is Batman's fault. Hell. the Joker could have made more money selling his ideas to General Dynamics than holding Gotham City hostage but he never figured that out.
  13. Yes, he put the good citizens of Gotham City wise to her scheme.
  14. I think that she is just trying to destroy the Caped Crusader....err...Trump.
  15. I don't know who needs to hear this but the former First Lady, Secretary of State, and US Senator is not above the law. There, I said it. She stole that idea from an old Batman episode where the Penguin forms his own production company. What caper could she be planning? The fouled feathered bird!
  16. Funny how many listeners of album rock stations mocked older people for being rigid in their tastes back in the day. The album rock station WCMF in Rochester, NY years ago used to be compared to a Roman Catholic Mass years ago. 10:33AM. Must be time for the Lord's prayer.....err Manfred Mann's "Blinded by the Light."
  17. Any place I go the check is still on paper and the tip gets paid with cash.
  18. It happens more frequently than most realize. Most times the damage is fairly minor and the same with any injuries so it does not make the news.
  19. Being overconfident is one matter while Hillary's character is another. That aside you just don't get it. Believe it or not a lot of Americans are not for things such as full term abortions or full abolishment of religion. I hope you are not paid based on incentives to convert people here to being leftists as you would not be able to afford a stick of gum per day.
  20. At some point you have to have a candidate that appeals to people other than leftist university types. I don't see one in the current field that strongly appeals to middle America. The Democrats have made themselves the party of identity politics. Now they have to live with it. At least until they can get a state control media which is the course that the MSM is on now. Just waiting for the next Obama to come along to get the deal done. I'm afraid when the next Obama does come along dissenting opinion will be made illegal. Then the end will be in sight for the US.
  21. Being overconfident in polling did not help the Democrats in 2016 and will again slay them in 2020 if they take them too literally. It's like asking the fan club who they are going to vote for in terms of biases.
  22. Um no........Just want to see Hillary go to Leavenworth permanently. That's a federal prison by the way. So, no admiration by me. Admiration by Big McD or whatever he changes his name to does not equal me or any other person admiring Hillary. Two different people and two different thought processes (Thankfully).
  23. If it helps you sleep at night.................But no, Hillary is guilty of a crime and many would like to see her brought to justice if you must know. You are saying that all 12 year old girls are stupid? Warren, Clinton, Gillibrand, etc. are having your walking papers away from the Democratic Party typed up as we speak for that slander. What will you ever do?
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