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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Harris knows a thing or two about rising poles.
  2. I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Roland Emmerich is involved and the cast including Woody Harrelson could cut either way. The bar is not set too high when looking at the Charlton Heston pic from 1976. Heston was a little over the top but a fair number of actors were workman-like including Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, and Hal Holbrook. The special effects were nothing special but were not over presented in light of most of the ships and planes involved no longer existed by 1976. If CGI does not grate on you too bad then you won't mind seeing ships such as the USS Yorktown sail again and since they are going back to Dec 7, 1941 maybe we will see ships like the USS Lexington for Coral Sea action. 20th Century Fox spent liberally on Tora Tora Tora but Universal I believe was much tighter for their Midway. I don't know if the history will be set straight given what has come out in the last few decades. We shall see.
  3. If you watch the roundtable shows on TV which are inhabited by leftists plenzmd1's statement is the stock counter to Trump's interaction with Lil Kim.
  4. You've been through Wayne County, NY I take it? I would be happy with like a 100 question open book test. No reason to fail because your memory can't pull 100 pieces of information up in 90 minutes like when you were younger. Since it is open book you really don't need a proctor so it could be done online from a person's home. I would be happy if one question on the test caused a person to think about a deficiency in their operation of a vehicle.
  5. Rule breakers have to be caught to be punished and the cops can't be everywhere all the time. I doub't that I would want that many cops around or monitoring devices as that would be too much Big Brother.
  6. And if it is like I was told for NY the state starting in the 1990's for the most part there was no more soft jail time for serious DWI offenders. No more 15 months at the chronically under utilized facility in the Adirondack's. A friend who work NYSDOC often talked about somebody going to Elmira or Auburn for a few years. The same offender would be crying the first week that it was all a huge mistake that they were sent to a maximum security facility.
  7. The reduction of alcohol related automobile fatalities have much more to do with personal cost including imprisonment. These would include legal fees (fines), lost income, lawyer's fees, imprisonment, and resulting lawsuits. A dozen such incidents in each 5,000 person burg soon makes others wary about jumping behind the wheel hammered. They think about the guy who USED TO have a home, wife/ girlfriend/ family, car, and job who now lives in the crap apartment building, rides a bike when it is 0 degrees F out, wife and kids cut them out of their lives, and part time work at Walmart and Jiffy Lube. I know plenty of people who laughed at the PSA ads during the 1970's which only talked about how wrong it was but never pointed out the devastation to the offending party. The only thing that reached the laughers was seeing a real person's life in shambles.
  8. Attitude changes when the consequences are increased. I would question that knowledge is not an issue. Some people forget things and some got lucky on the test that certain topics did not turn up on their test. The bottom line is driving is getting to be more hazardous than it should be due to other drivers. Like I said earlier in this thread I could have wound up in the ER or worse last Thursday due to somebody's attitude. I don't know if the guy's grin was due to smugness or embarrassment as he went by.
  9. I think that Jimmy goes before Bill but it is somewhat surprising to see how Bill has aged physically. I don't see Bill living to 85 at this point. I still think Hillary is on a mission to get herself elected and if that does not come to be in 2020 then she lives to attempt to place Chelsea in the White House. But despite her deal with the devil I don't see her going past 85. I think for most traditional Big Labor or Big Government Democrats it is Biden that they want and maybe they would warm to Tulsi Gabbard if we are getting a true glimpse of who she is. The GOP today is not the party of Reagan. Today's GOP is about getting into the damn country club anyway possible damn the ethics. The old GOP consisted of bankers that would never approve an auto loan for more than 4 years never mind double the expected lifetime of a vehicle. It might have hurt a few people but for the vast majority it made people live within their means.
  10. They want Biden off of the stage. He is not a raging lefty and is not holding the party hostage like Hillary did. Biden is not even yesterday's news for most people under the age of 50. In the name of progress they do want a woman or a homosexual to be the next POTUS. The debates were setup in a way for Warren and Harris to take advantage due to not facing one another directly.
  11. Hillary at Papa Bush's funeral certainly was fun viewing. The big question is will Bill be deteriorated to the point where he will be wheeled in fully asleep by a health aide? If Bill does awaken does he uncontrollably lear at some younger woman not appropriately dressed for a funeral as opposed to a night club?
  12. Goggle it? You planning to pull something out of your pants that we all don't want to see?
  13. OK, so religion, politics, etc. promotes violence. What is your solution? Anarchy?
  14. I would imagine that access is restricted w/o a permit as far as Tower Rd and the general vicinity goes. Used to be you could drive after 7PM and before 6AM w/o a permit even during semester but I don' think that is the case anymore. I lived on North Campus which had virtually no restrictions.
  15. I enjoy driving sans the poor fellow motorists. I'm kind of a throwback in that I like to drive around and look at things. I want to do a day trip to Ithaca this summer including the Cornell campus since I am an alumni. The campus is far more restricted for vehicle use when a semester is going versus the summertime. I also would not mind looking up some college acquaintances between WNY and the Southern Tier. One guy I knew well freshman year has no trail whatsoever on the internet. I know where the uncle lives so I might stop there to just know if this guy is still around. If this guy wants no contact I will respect that as well. This probably should go into another thread.
  16. Nobody said that he graduated. He was one of the guys you never saw again after fall semester of your freshman year.
  17. The Earth's population grew exponentially after the start of the Industrial Revolution roughly 170 years ago. Also, the poster has no idea as to the number of deaths outside of Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa in terms of people killed in the name of religion. Anyhow since numbers were most likely never tabulated versus guessed at for the Inquisition I would bet that Mao and Stalin has the Vatican and the Spaniards beat. Like you said a jackass just regurgitating what he was told in college.
  18. The next time we will get it right. Just need to get rid of those deplorables in Middle America.
  19. I'm thinking for the Clinton's to back her there must be an astounding amount of dirt on Harris to be exploited. I still think that Hillary will be that Japanese soldier found in the jungle during the 1960's that refuses to believe the war is over.
  20. I've always thought that Cruz looked like Grandpa Munster (Al Lewis).
  21. So what you are saying is that we have 3 years after Election Day 2020 to hear from you about the vast conspiracy to derail Harris after she gets beat? "Job" security at the Soros Cubicle Farm I guess?
  22. Said the guy who was pimping Biden.
  23. Unfortunately, the media and party machines are trying to set that up while more intellectually capable candidates are already being pushed off stage such as Gabbard and Yang. Should you have not been here last night on special assignment from the cubicle farm?
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