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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Don't be surprised if Trump changes tactics. Even the town know-it-all knows when it is time for a change. Trump had no track record in politics when he ran in 2016 but now he does.
  2. The Dem candidates match up against Trump better than they do against each other? Not seeing it and I am not saying Trump is a better explainer/debater. All Trump has to do is point to the economy which for most has allowed them to benefit by the stock market or career.
  3. Hillary winning the popular vote by 3M is looking more dubious by the day as we are finding there are examples with registration issues to put it politely. 1.6M more voters than there are persons legally eligible to vote in LA county in California? Probably could find 3M dubious voter registrations nation wide easily and I'll concede that the Dems are not the only ones. However, the largest issues are in Democratic strongholds. Of course they can all be and that includes ones that support Republican talking points. Poll taking abuse was already talked about over 35 years ago including the statistics course that I took while in college. Unfortunately, just about everybody with an agenda will fudge data. Be your own person and don't let polls be your compass as to buying a can of peas, a SUV, or voting for POTUS.
  4. I'd rather get political advice from Match Game's Patty Deutsch. Only after it has been mined of its famed white cheese.
  5. Too many "thanks for participating" trophies during their youth has inflated their sense of self-importance.
  6. Meh. People switch parties all the time. Her fifteen minutes of recognition (note that I did not say fame) is just about up.
  7. We do need to address what is going on in public schools as that is where the left's hopes for the future lies. That and the loony Poly-sci (political science) professors taking advantage of late teen rebellion. I always wondered how it became acceptable for these professors to hide under the banner of being scientists of any type never mind politics. A better description would be opinion diseminators.
  8. And I thought you might be talking about female pop singers from the 1980's until I opened the thread.
  9. Meh. I am waiting for when they can split one individual into two antithetical beings. "I'M CAPTAIN KIRK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  10. Swing voters that live in "the village?" (Liberal stronghold)
  11. Pelosi filled her Depends and it is a three man job to change them.
  12. Joe will be doing promo spots for Ensure during the debates. If he can muster it he will do the Popeye just having downed the spinach shutter.
  13. While we are nitpicking I don't think that AOC is Middle Eastern or African unless something has been revealed via DNA testing. I have no problem in being accurate in describing other people but lets get it right as much as possible.
  14. I think that some leftist cabal will think they have lightning in a bottle with her and will relocate her to SF or Seattle for purposes not quite clear at this time if she fails in NY.
  15. I don''t think that Gavin is saying racism does not exist but the issue is overplayed.
  16. Tiberius is strictly intellectually dishonest. He is here to push an agenda for his masters and nothing more.
  17. You can say "firing up the base" ten more times between now and noon time but the reality of it all is that it is not true. The identity politics game the Dems have been playing will work against them in 2020 as a fair number of people are going to be unhappy that their candidate will not prevail. Younger people today believe in the tank theory just like as it is applied to sports. Lose a little now to setup for what you want long term. A number of issues such as racism is somebody else's issue but not theirs.
  18. She is getting the media push plain and simple.
  19. I don't see it that way. Although the GOP has lost something in terms of unifying issues it still has the 2nd Amendment among other things to lineup behind. The Democrats used to have Big Labor to rally behind for most people. Today there are Democrats that care about civil rights but little else and others that care about abortion and little else. Heck, used to be small national defense budget was a big deal for a sizable number of Democrats but anymore a fair number receive their paycheck from a company that has national defense ties.
  20. You can kid yourself but don't kid the rest of us. Most SJW Dems just see this as another day at the office for Trump so what little emotion was run up will fade by this afternoon. Dems will get mad and stay home if they were backing Harris, Biden, Sanders as only one candidate can prevail. What I hear is some are willing to write off 2020 to set the party on the course that they desire.
  21. The Democrats are anything but united. One would argue that they keep getting weaker and weaker as some will no doubt stay home on Election Day 2020 because their candidate got kicked to the curb. The future of the Democratic Party is in doubt and that is no joke.
  22. That is what has been said. A curse! Anything is possible but if these civilizations were of any size there should be evidence of some type. What about the Altrusian's (Sleestack)?
  23. Perhaps the most critical rule in life.
  24. I think AOC is a dingbat but got to love how she is stirring things up on the Democrats. Maybe the Dems will think things through next time before they employ strategies like identity politics.
  25. I've dreamed about finding several hundred dollars in the parking lot of Batavia Downs or Del Lago but it would be my luck there would be a security cam operating there and the money would belong to a drug dealer. I turned in nearly 400 dollars that was laying in the entrance to a Wegman's about a decade ago. Stupid for somebody not to secure it better but my gut told me it belonged to someone who sorely needed it. As to the incident in question I'd let it go as your car might be easily identified as been on the scene when the money fell out.
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